He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1725 The Path of Little Flame Monkey

"Little Flame Monkey, take it easy, your nerves are tense all the time, but you can't fight well."

Seeing Little Flame Monkey's serious expression, Xiao Zhi reminded with a smile.


Little Flame Monkey's expression was a little confused.

Because in Shinji's previous team, the former's requirement for his own Pokémon was to maintain a state of concentration at all times, and he could not relax at any time.

Xiaozhi's training method is completely different from Shinji's.

Seemingly guessing Little Flame Monkey's doubts, Xiaozhi waved his hand and said confidently:

"Don't care what that guy said, I'm stronger than Shinji, you just need to listen to me from now on!"

This confidence also successfully infected Little Flame Monkey. After nodding his head, he tried to take a long breath to relax his mind.

"Yes, keep this state, and then use the flame vortex!!"

Xiaozhi took advantage of the situation and directed.


The little flame monkey understood, took a big mouthful of air, and immediately spit out a large ball of fiery flames.

Whoosh! !

The flying flames twisted and rotated in mid-air, turning into a horizontal flame tornado, menacing.

"Sure enough...it's not just a mutated raging fire."

Seeing this scene, Xiaozhi also nodded secretly in his heart.

Since even the characteristics have been mutated, when entering the fierce fire characteristic, the power is several times higher than that of the normal fierce fire characteristic... Then the usual flame power of the little flame monkey is naturally impossible to be ordinary.

This is a normal logic.

"I was delayed by Shinji..."

The flame vortex continued to release, and the surging red light shone on Xiaozhi's face, his brows were tightly knit.

Shinji only pays attention to the mutated fierce fire characteristics of the little flame monkey, and the tactics against the little flame monkey are also very simple and rude.

Take the beating first, and then enter the extreme state of the candle in the wind... On the contrary, I forgot to cultivate the little flame monkey in normal fighting.

Even Little Flame Monkey himself is like this.

Subconsciously, I think that my normal state is a burden, and I desperately want to let myself enter the fierce state first, and then decide the victory with one fell swoop...

"The next thing is to spray flames!!"

Xiaozhi commanded loudly again, and the eyes of the little flame monkey flashed, showing a bit of the natural cunning and agility of monkey Pokémon.

Boom chi chi...!

The flames from the mouth spewed out, and this time it turned into a straight pillar of fire, attacking like a fire dragon, burning the air along the way.

This scene even caused many Pokémon around to cast amazed gazes.


In full view, after putting away the flame, the little flame monkey touched the back of his head shyly.

Xiaozhi smiled and said: "Little Flame Monkey, remember the feeling just now, you don't have to enter the fierce fire to fight."

Next, he plans to focus on the fighting of Little Flame Monkey in its normal state, such as Mutated Fire and so on. He can wait for his future strength to rise steadily before studying and mastering it.

This kind of training method is undoubtedly more suitable for the nature of the little flame monkey, which makes the latter jump in place excitedly.

Boom chi chi...!

Opening his mouth, he spit out a vortex of fiery flames again.


It's just that the flames and hot wind have completely changed the airflow direction in this area.


This made the scorpion, which was propped up by the natural wind not far away, suddenly find it difficult to control its figure in mid-air, and became staggered again.

The next moment, Scorpio suddenly fell down.


Prince Bo, who was practicing Iron Head Kungfu, shivered and raised his head subconsciously.

But this time the scorpion didn't fall in its direction, but kept spinning its body in the air, falling towards the distance.


It breathed a sigh of relief, as if it had recently become a little suspicious.

"Scorpio! Mukhawk, try to catch up with the latter!"

Noticing that his Pokémon suddenly fell into the distance, Xiaozhi immediately ordered the rescue.

Whoosh! !

The Muke bird moved extremely fast, and flew out with its wings together, and quickly flew towards the direction of the Scorpio.

It's just that the speed was still a step behind, and finally Scorpio fell with great precision to a tall figure hundreds of meters away.

Box bang!

There was a burst of collision, and the Scorpio directly hit the latter's head.

This caused a big lump to swell up on the top of the opponent's head in an instant.

After bouncing back to the ground, Scorpio took a closer look, only to see this huge figure standing up gradually.

"Bear roar...!"

With a ferocious face and bared teeth, it was obvious that he had entered a state of rage.

It's a circle bear!

There was even a young trainer standing next to the circle bear, wearing a purple sports coat...


He was resting with his circle bear at the moment, and because there were still a few scattered rocks on the vast lawn as a cover, Xiaozhi and his group didn't notice that Shinji was hundreds of meters away from them.

"Scorpio? Hmph, unlucky Pokémon."

Seeing a scorpion suddenly falling from the sky, Shinji frowned, as if remembering that he had been guarding the maze valley for a few days before, and finally subdued a scorpion king who couldn't get up or down.

Then he cast his eyes coldly, stopped talking to Scorpio, and leaned on the back of the rock to eat a fast food sandwich.

"Bear Jie...!!"

This made the circle bear's expression suddenly become fierce.

This means that this scorpio, I can ravage it at will... How dare it hit my head!


Scared by the ferocious circle bear, Scorpio began to be dazzled and tears were about to flow out.

Seeing that the circle bear is aggressive, the Muke bird chooses to fly back to shake people first.

chug chug...!

However, Shinji suddenly noticed that the ground under his feet began to move, and a gray-blue shark fin even protruded from the ground, breaking through the ground and advancing.

"This is...?"

As if he had guessed something, Shinji's eyes lit up.

The next moment, the round land shark broke through the ground and landed on the ground.


The petite body just stood in front of Scorpio, and roared like a baby dragon at the circle bear.

"It really is a round land shark!"

This scene made Shinji's eyes brighten.

Didn't expect to meet a quasi-god cub in this wild area? !

He originally planned to set aside a period of time to look for it after the Sinnoh Alliance Conference was over... He didn't expect that he jumped right in front of his eyes now?

"Little bear, don't let it go!"

Shinji's expression froze, and he immediately raised his hand, his eyes became hot.

"Bear Roar!!"

Circle Bear waved its thick bear paws, bent its body, and made a gesture to slap Yuan Lu Shark hard in the face.

"Mike Bird, use Brave Bird to attack!!"

The next moment, a voice came from a distance.

Immediately afterwards, a dark blue flying bird swooped in, and collided head-on with the bear's paw attack of the circle bear! !

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