He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1729 The Secret of the Circle Bear

But Xiaozhi's luck seems to be not very good today.

"Bear Roar!!"

Amidst the turbulent flames all over the sky, there was a burst of excited bear's roar.


As the circle bear waved its wide bear paw, the strong wind and air waves it set off even slapped away all the flame vortices around its body.

As for the circle bear that reappeared, its whole body was bathed in the glowing red light at this moment, its body muscles were highly swollen, and its eyes were bloodshot.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

There were bursts of violent roars, and the momentum was several levels higher than before...

Apparently, with just two flame moves, the circle bear "unluckily" entered the burn state, and triggered the berserk perseverance feature.

"It's difficult..."

Xiaozhi frowned secretly. If he could shoot two more flame jets, even if the opponent entered the perseverance characteristic, he could forcefully defeat him with the Sonic Fist.

But at this moment, there are also many scars on the circle bear. There are black scorched marks on many places on the brown bear fur. Obviously, the previous injuries are also accumulating.

"It's time to decide the outcome, circle the bear, use Sacrificial Charge!!"

Shinji raised his hand, and this time it was finally his turn to attack.


With a low growl from the circle bear, he raised his arms, and his whole body was instantly covered with a layer of golden-white energy flames.

chug chug! !

The next moment, the whole body rushed out like a golden light tank, with violent momentum and terrifying power, even the lawn along the way was completely cracked into a long gully trace, unstoppable!

"Fire Monkey, use digging to escape!!"

With such a posture, he was completely invincible, so Xiao Zhi immediately chose to dodge.

It is estimated that only by entering the raging fire feature can it be possible to compete with the current circle bear.

The fiery monkey didn't dare to push it too hard, and immediately planed the ground quickly, sneaking into the ground, only then dodging this aggressive impact.

However, at this moment, Shinji fully seized the initiative and attacked again:

"Use Arm Punch, attack the ground!"

The circle bear immediately dissipated the golden light from its body, white light attached to its swollen arms, and then smashed hard to the ground below.

Boom! !

The terrifying force caused the ground within a few meters of the circle bear to crack completely in an instant, shaking crazily.

This even created a "stomp" effect, forcing the Fire Monkey straight out of the ground.

"Now, use the Arm Punch!!"

The white light on the circle bear's arm has not yet dissipated, taking advantage of the situation and swung it up again, sweeping away with a heavy blow!

"Fire Monkey, use Sonic Punch!!"

But the fire monkey is not a lamb that is completely waiting to die. Its unusually flexible figure makes it step on the top of the arm hammer again, and swings a sonic punch, bombarding the face of the circle bear.

The effect is outstanding! !

But the circle bear has another arm, and the white light arm hammer on the other side has already swept across, this time the fierce fire monkey has no strength to dodge.

Whoosh! ! !

There was a sudden explosion, and the Fiery Monkey was also slammed into the air.

The next moment, the circle bear and the fire monkey retreated to both sides of the arena at the same time, obviously both of them were severely hit by the opponent's attack.


When it landed, the circle bear was even half-kneeling on the ground, needing to support the ground with its forelimbs.

The accumulated damage before, coupled with this fast punch, made his stamina unhealthy.


The same is true for the fire monkey on the other side, also half-kneeling on the ground.

Although he hadn't suffered any damage, the arm punch with the perseverance characteristic caused it to suffer a lot of damage in just one blow.


"End it, circle the bear, use the Chi bomb..."

Just when Shinji was about to take advantage of the situation to attack and decide the winner at once, Xiaozhi suddenly took out the poke ball:

"Enough of this game... Come back, Fire Monkey."

The red light of the poke ball fell, and the fire monkey was taken back.

The sudden interruption of the game made Shinji frown deeply.

Although everyone's physical strength is not good enough, his circle bear has entered the characteristic of perseverance and is in an absolute advantage.


Shinji suddenly thought of something, and his expression sank again.

Let's not talk about the preemptive move Sonic Fist that comes with Fiery Monkey, which directly becomes a magical skill in the residual blood pattern...

If everyone enters the state of candles in the wind, it seems that this is the power point of this flaming monkey?

In the last doubles match in Jiayuan City, he had already seen the fierce fire characteristic power of the little flame monkey (fire monkey).

Although his circle bear can be regarded as a mutant perseverance characteristic, but it is more reflected in "persistence" rather than "explosiveness".

As for what Xiaozhi thinks, there is not so much...

Today is just a discussion for entertainment, there is no need to let the fire monkey desperately enter the extreme fire feature.

But watching Shinji's complexion change continuously, Xiao Zhi secretly smiled in his heart.

"Sure enough, this feeling of actively shouting to stop is very refreshing...!"

They were all his opponents in the past, and during the high-intensity battle, they suddenly shouted to stop and stop for no reason.

As long as you yell to stop first, then you must be right, and others can't refute it at all... Even if they don't make sense, the other party can only hold back.

There is a feeling that those who take the initiative to stop are all seniors.

Today it's finally my turn to call it a stop!


As expected, Shinji's expression was extremely unhappy, which made him seem to have suddenly become Xiaozhi's junior.

"Come back, Circle Bear."

After taking back the circle bear who hadn't played well, Shinji planned to leave.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi interrupted loudly:

"Hey, I only said before that my Fire Monkey won and I didn't tell you... If it's a draw now, I can tell you the secret about the circle bear~!"

Shinji really wanted to leave directly.

But I have to say that the secret in Xiaozhi's mouth has a great bewitching magic power, which finally made Shinji stop.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi doesn't want to be a fool anymore, and if he continues to play tricks, it is estimated that Shinji will also enter the "fierce fire" feature.

"That's what a friend of mine told me."

So Xiaozhi waved his hand, and said slowly, Xiaoguang and Xiaogang next to him couldn't help but put up their ears curiously to listen.

"The circle bears are actually still possible to continue to evolve and acquire the same ground attributes as them."

Xiaozhi pointed to the Yuanlu Shark and Scorpio not far away.

"Can the circle bear evolve?"

Shinji was a little astonished, he had never heard that the circle bear could evolve.

But after thinking about it, the Sinnoh area is a highly researched area on the evolution of Pokémon, and many new evolutions that are unknown have been investigated.

It seems not surprising that the circle bear has a new evolutionary method...?

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