He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1730 Desire to Fly 1

The first time he knew that Quanquan Xiong could still evolve was from his best friend Xiaomao.

The latter, after researching the esoteric secrets of ground attributes left by Boss Sakagi in the Evergreen Gym, came to the possibility that the circle bear can continue to evolve, and the attributes are ground attributes.

When Xiao Mao told the information to A Yin who came to find his father, Xiao Zhi's ears were sharp and he overheard it.

Later, after Xiaozhi came to the Sinnoh area, he saw the evolution of the circle bear in the hands of Mingyao for the first time——Moon Moon Bear.

It was a huge brown bear crawling on the ground, covered with a lush mane, and it was a Pokémon that was used as a riding partner in ancient times.

However, Mingyao did not elaborate on the evolution method of Moon Moon Bear at that time.

This was when Xiaozhi chatted with Xiaomao later, and heard that the latter had made new research results.

"A special coal block with a texture like clay is needed as an evolutionary prop."

After trying to recall, Xiaozhi said.

"A special lump of coal?"

Shinji lowered his eyes, secretly remembering this information in his mind.

Although I don't know what it is, but with this description, it shouldn't be difficult to find evolutionary props.

Before leaving, Shinji did not forget to speak to Xiaozhi:

"Thank you, I owe you a favor this time."

He is a person who always pays attention to the latest research on Pokémon. For example, Shinji will read the research papers published by Dr. Yamanashi as soon as possible... Shinji has never heard of the information that the circle bear can evolve again.

This is very important and precious information!

Seeing the other party suddenly become polite, this made Xiaozhi quite uncomfortable.

Sure enough, Shinji still has to have a bad mouth to be pleasing to the eye...Politeness has become strange instead.

This is a very curious psychology, as if there is some serious illness.


After obtaining the information, Shinji did not stay any longer, and continued to move towards Nohara City.

There is not only the Nohara Gym, but also the big wetland hunting area where you can take in a wide variety of Pokémon. It is a good place for him to choose to take in new partners.

Especially after seeing Xiaozhi's lineup, Shinji did not dare to relax at all, but became even more tense.

"By the way... isn't the number of Pokémon this guy carries a bit too much?"

After knowing it, Shinji suddenly remembered something.

Originally, he wanted to turn around to confirm, but his aloof character did not allow him to look back, so he could only hasten his pace and leave this place.


As for Xiaozhi and his party, they continued to train in this empty and beautiful field.

There is still some time left for the gorgeous competition by the lakeside, so there is no need to be too anxious.

Xiaozhi also released the fire monkey again, ready for treatment.

The latter suffered a lot of damage, but after coming out, he was still beating very actively and energetic.

Especially after adapting to the new body, it seems to have the physical strength to burn and not play.


Seeing that the figure of the circle bear disappeared, he looked quite disappointed.

"Have you finally passed this hurdle..."

Seeing this, Xiaozhi finally felt relieved.

In the period of Little Flame Monkey, although he had already fought fiercely with Shinji, he could see that the former was still a little hesitant, and would be lost and confused because of his experience of being abandoned.

But after completing the evolution at this moment, the current fire monkey has no affection for Shinji.

"You can still become stronger."

Xiaozhi touched the head of the fire monkey. The latter looked fiery and excited. When he regained his strength, he couldn't wait to practice breathing fire.

Immediately afterwards, Xiaozhi came to Scorpio again, and touched the latter's gliding wings with a matte texture.

After pulling it a little, I found that the wings are quite flexible, more like a thin film.

The vulnerability to ambient airflow must be overcome.

"Anyway, let's practice wing attacks first...!"

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi had an idea.

As long as the wings are exercised more powerfully, they can naturally resist the influence of natural airflow.


Seeing that Scorpio seemed to be very interested in the sharp teeth in his backpack, Xiaozhi had no choice but to lift it in front of the latter, and then raised three fingers, agreeing:

"I'll give you the sharp teeth when you master the three flying moves."

Now that Scorpio has mastered the flying attribute move "Acrobatics", and then mastered "Wing Attack" and the third flying attribute move, he should be completely suitable for air combat.

It would be a good opportunity to choose to evolve at that time.


Scorpio became excited when he heard the words, and immediately pulled Yuanlu Shark and ran to the side, signaling the latter to be his ground commander.

I had been observing the battle before, and seeing the sudden evolution of the little flame monkey made Scorpio suddenly look forward to it.

Although the leader of the Scorpio King is a little hip...but at least on the outside, he is still very handsome!


He propped up his gliding wings and slammed them, and the Scorpio immediately soared into the sky.


But while Scorpio was envious of the Fiery Monkey, the Yuanlu Shark on the ground was also looking up with its mouth open, looking enviously at the soaring Scorpio.

Just like the baby dragon, it seems that many round land sharks had fantasies about growing wings when they were young, longing to fly to the sky.

"Don't worry, you can fly so high in the future!"

Xiaozhi walked to the side of Yuanlu Shark and said softly.

He had seen Miss Zhulan's Bite Land Shark before, and a complete Bite Land Shark could fly into the sky.

Although he is not sure about the "flying", whether he jumps into the sky with amazing jumping power and starts to glide, or whether he has the ability to fly himself.


Hearing Xiaozhi's voice, Yuanlu Shark's eyes became brighter.

Looking closely at the scorpion that was waving its wings in the air for training, it also swayed its short hands, looking forward to the day in the future when it can fly side by side with the scorpion in the air.



Aspire to the lakeside.

In the distance, beyond the jungle in front, a calm and wide lake can already be seen in the distance.

This is obviously a wild area, but at the moment, in one direction on the shore of the lake, there are man-made buildings of about several kilometers along the way.

Looking roughly, there are basically some hotels and restaurants, with a straight avenue in the middle, and various shops open on both sides.

"A lot of people..."

When Xiaozhi and his group came to the entrance of the lakeside resort, they were all amazed at the dense crowds around them.

There is an endless stream of people coming in and out of the resort, which is very prosperous.

Especially when looking all the way to the end along the straight avenue in the middle, you can see a semi-arched arena standing on the edge of a protruding lake.

That is the venue for this large and gorgeous celebration... Similarly, it is also the venue for the Mikri Cup this time.

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