He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1731 Bring Fire Home!

"Is this the place to decide the outcome..."

Standing at the entrance, looking at the magnificent competition venue at the end, Xiaoguang couldn't help clenching his fists.

The Mikri Cup is just a cutscene game, but in a few months' time, there will be a big celebration of the gorgeous competition, where the winner will be decided...!

"Xiao Guang's words, no problem!"

"That's right, after the tempering of the challenge in the gymnasium...the problem in the gorgeous competition is no longer a big problem."

Seeing Xiaoguang's nervousness, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang comforted him.

Of course, this is also true.

"Hey everyone~ You are finally here~!"

I just stood at the entrance of the resort for a while, and after a while, someone greeted me.

But it was a girl with orange-red short hair, dressed in a neutral and heroic style, with a pair of sunglasses hanging from her hair.

"Xiao Wang!! Long time no see!"

Seeing this, Xiaoguang naturally greeted him enthusiastically.

The two had made an agreement before that they would meet at the entrance of this lakeside resort if they wanted to participate in this Mikri Cup together.

Without exchanging too many pleasantries, it happened to be lunch time again. Xiao Wang waved his hand, and led a few people into the resort like an old landlord, and walked in the front leading the way quite skillfully.

"so beautiful..."

On the road of this resort, if you turn your head slightly, you can see the endless Lizhi Lake next to it.

The calm lake, the water flowing gently, is even more sparkling under the sunshine, and the scenery is extremely beautiful.

"It is indeed one of the three famous lakes... It gives people a sense of comfort."

After looking closely for a while, Xiao Gang couldn't help but admire.

Obviously, there are tourists coming and going around, quite lively and noisy... But as long as you keep staring at the water surface of the lake next to you, your heart will calm down.

It seems that the three famous lakes in the Sinnoh region may really hide some special energy.

"That's right, Lizhi Lake, Xinqi Lake, Wisdom Lake...these three lakes have incredible legends."

As a tour guide, while leading the way, Xiao Wang explained to the three with a smile:

"However, only Lizhi Lake is famous now...the other two lakes are not very popular."

When saying this, Xiao Wang also showed a rather regretful look.

Her hometown is Xuefeng City, the northernmost city in the Sinnoh region. Wisdom Lake is near Xuefeng City. It can be said that it is the lake she has seen since she was a child.

But only the locals would occasionally go around the Wisdom Lake for a few laps, and there was no exaggeration like Lizhi Lake, and even built a bustling resort on the shore abruptly.

"That's right, there is no one in the corner of Xinqi Lake!"

Hearing the words, Xiaoguang also nodded in agreement, a little bit apologetic for his hometown.

Similar to Xiaowang, Xiaoguang's hometown is Shuangye Town, and the Xinqi Lake next to her is also a big lake she has seen since she was a child.

It's just that the entrance of Xinqi Lake is full of weeds, no one cares about it, and it has gradually become a wild lake.

Although there are more people recently...

I don't know who spread the rumor that a very rare red tyrannosaurus appeared in Xinqi Lake, which attracted many interested people to find out.

But Xiaoguang, who is a local, has the most say, and it is purely a gimmick rumor.

Seeing that the two women looked rather disappointed, and felt a sense of sympathy for each other, Xiao Zhi thought about it, and still smiled and comforted:

"Then you guys have to work hard, get good results in the gorgeous competition, maybe the lake in your hometown will become famous again because of you in the future~!"

Xiaozhi has personal experience of this.

His hometown, Zhenxin Town, was originally an unknown town, until the sudden rise of Dr. Oki decades ago, which suddenly made Zhenxin Town famous in the Kanto region!

When he was a child, when he went to the Damu Institute to play with Xiaomao, he often saw media reporters interviewing the Institute in an endless stream.

In recent years, there have been many fires in Zhenxin Town.

Of course, this time it's because he and Xiaomao are the twin stars of the new town.

He won the championship in one fell swoop at the Chengdu League Conference, and even defeated Tianwang Lihua, and defeated the champion Mi Keli head-on at the Caiyou Conference next door...

Before he came to the Sinnoh area, Zhenxin Town also had an endless stream of media reporters who came to interview him.

Well, although after coming to the Sinnoh area, few people still know him...

Information isolation between regions is still very serious.

And although that guy Xiaomao has abandoned martial arts for literature now, the academic achievements he has made in a short period of time also made him very angry.

But for his interview attention, now more is concentrated on the Changqing gymnasium that Xiaomao took over...


"you're right!"

"That's right, Xiaozhi!"

Xiaozhi's casual remarks also ignited Xiaoguang and Xiaowang's fighting spirit at the same time.

That’s right, since no one cares about the lake in my hometown, let’s make myself famous enough to attract attention to Xinqi Lake (Wisdom Lake) naturally!

"this person..."

Xiaowang looked back at Xiaozhi, and there was some new meaning in his eyes.

Xiaoguang knows about Xiaozhi's identity, but to Xiaowang, he only knows that Xiaozhi is a trainer from other regions and has great power.

But from the looks of it, it seems that his eyesight is also very good.


Xiao Gang next to him didn't answer much.

Well, their Nibi Gym is not very famous...Nibi City is more famous, there should be a fossil museum, or there is Moon Mountain next to it?

"Don't belittle yourself, Teacher Gang!"

Seemingly seeing what Xiao Gang was thinking, Xiao Zhi patted his best brother on the shoulder and comforted him:

"When I first traveled, I've already heard of your Nibi Gym's name. It's Hehualan Gym and the weak... Kind Gym that has become the twin stars of Kanto!"

Finding something wrong with the context, Xiaozhi quickly changed his tone.

Xiao Gang: "..."

You might as well not be comforted!

At that time, the Nibi Gym was in a situation where both parents ran away from home willfully, and they took the lead alone... You must know that Xiaogang at that time not only had to deal with frequent challenges of the gym.

Similarly, there are many younger siblings to take care of.

In terms of combat level, it has naturally been greatly affected.

"It's not a big problem."

But soon Xiaogang dropped this idea.

After all, the current Xiaozhi is already able to defeat a powerful trainer like Master Mikri.

But for such a powerful trainer, there is only one gymnasium that needs to be challenged twice to pass! !


Thinking of this, Xiaogang happily hummed a ditty instead...


Going deep into the resort, under the guidance of Xiaowang, Xiaozhi found that several people had passed an elf center.

"Wait a minute, Xiaowang, should we go to the Elf Center for a meal first...!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help reminding him aloud.

But Xiaowang revealed a mysterious smile.

"Don't worry, I'll take you to dinner now~!"

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