He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1732 Seven Star Restaurant, Doubles Battle (Part 1)!

After a while, everyone came to a luxurious building, like a noble castle, luxurious and solemn.

Push open the door, step on the red silk carpet, and all kinds of precious paintings and decorations are hung on the surrounding walls.

But what makes Xiaozhi even more curious is that the location of the entrance hall is a spacious battle arena.

There is even a regular arena boundary drawn on the ground, as if it were a real battle facility.

At this moment, a man and a woman are already standing on one side of the arena, quietly waiting for the guests who come to the door.

"Xiaowang, is this...?"

Xiaozhi and the others couldn't help but wonder, didn't they come to eat...why did they seem to be fighting for no reason?

"That's right, money is meaningless if you want to enjoy the top food in our seven-star restaurant!"

"Only by defeating us at the same time in the doubles battle can we continue to pass!"

Xiaowang hasn't answered yet, the other couple has already taken the words and started talking.

Behind the two of them was another closed door.

From the gap on the edge, one can vaguely smell the intoxicating fragrance wafting from it, making the hungry Xiaozhi feel his mouth dry for a while.

"The two of them are well-known wealthy couples, and they opened this luxurious restaurant together."

Xiao Wang explained with a smile behind him.

This pair of rich second-generation couples are about twenty years old. The man is handsome and wealthy, and the woman is as beautiful as a flower. They are very famous couples, especially love doubles.

They used to travel around a lot, giving free pocket money to trainers who beat them.

Later, he settled down, recruited top chefs, and specially opened a seven-star restaurant in this resort.

If you want to enjoy the top delicacy, you have to beat their cooperation first!

"You are Xiao Wang who made an appointment before, so now you can fight!"

The handsome son named Qianqiu looked at Xiaowang and said.

Naturally, this restaurant is not just a random door-to-door challenge. Challengers need to make an appointment in advance... Xiao Wang, who is thoughtful, naturally calculates the time to make an appointment, which is quite reliable.

"In other words, if you win the battle, you can eat a big meal for free, right?"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up immediately, didn't expect such a good thing?

"Then I'll team up with you!"

Xiao Gang also suppressed the urge to show love to the blond lady in front...

Her fiancé was right next to her, so if she acted rashly, she should be thrown out right away?

"Then please go ahead."

Xiaowang made a gesture of invitation, and pulled Xiaoguang to the back to watch the battle.

Exactly four people, two doubles matches.

"So my opponents are you...Come out, Snorkel!!"

Qian Qiu sent out a huge monster with a backhand.


A heavy Kirby appeared in front of Xiaozhi and the two of them, and the heavy weight made the floor vibrate.

"Then my Pokémon...Gimbimon!!"

The fiancée next to her is named Qianxia, ​​and she also sent out her Pokémon.

Xiaozhi took a closer look, but saw that it was a Pokémon in the shape of a bear, with a fur color similar to that of Snorlax, but with more dark blue fur.

"this is only...?"

Xiaozhi took out the illustration book. Its appearance and name all looked like the previous form of Snorbymon?

"Didi. Gambit, also known as the little Snorby, has general attributes and is the initial form of Snorby. It is very greedy. It basically doesn't chew the food. It swallows it directly. Sometimes it hides the food in the Under body hair. Lotor~!"

Xiaozhi was secretly surprised, it turned out that the Kirby still had its initial form.

It seems that there are not only many new evolutionary types in the Sinnoh area, but also many degenerate types?

"Then the decision is up to you, Fire Monkey!!"

Without too much hesitation, Xiaozhi backhanded and released the fire monkey with superior attributes.

"And then my Pokémon, come out!!"

Xiao Gang next to him also threw a poke ball.


The red light was solid, but it was the Bronze Mirror Monster that had just been subdued not long ago, slowly floating in mid-air.

The battle begins!


"Snorby, use a megaton punch!"

At the beginning of the battle, the gigantic Kirby waved its fists of white light, and ran aggressively to attack.

"Fire Monkey, use Sonic Punch!!"

However, the Fiery Monkey took a step further, and in an instant, the fist that was also covered with white light slammed hard on the big belly of the Snorby, causing the latter to suffer a little pain and freeze.

"Sure enough, this Kirby is not very good..."

Seeing this, Xiaozhi couldn't help shaking his head.

He is the brother of Kirbymon. If it is his Kirbymon, relying on thick fat and frankness... the sonic punch is basically the same as scraping.

But it is clear that this Kirby is of mediocre quality. Although it is huge in size, it has a big belly, and it has already dealt good damage with a single speed punch.

Looking at the nimbly jumping and provocative little monkey in front of him, this aristocratic kirby also showed an angry look. It has always been pampered and pampered.


Snorkel roared, and then swung its powerful fist again and smashed it out.

"Flame Monkey, use the right move to use the shoulder throw!!"

Moves came to him, but Xiaozhi suddenly spoke.

The Fiery Monkey understood, focused his eyes, and leaned against the Kirby the moment it rushed to him.

Immediately, he raised his palm, tightly grasped the opponent's chubby wrist, and took advantage of Snorlax's terrifying momentum, throwing Snorby's entire body back!

Over the shoulder fall!

The huge difference in body shape is obviously more able to give full play to the advantages of the over-the-shoulder fall.

Of course, the premise is that this little man has a lean and strong physique.

Boom...! !

The next moment, the heavy body of Snorkel fell heavily on the ground, and a big hole was smashed in the floor.

The high weight difference, coupled with the outstanding effect... makes the damage of this over-the-shoulder blow very considerable!

"Ah dear...Gimbimon, use the rolling move!!"

Qian Xia next to him immediately attacked, and aimed at Xiao Gang next to him.

This tone made Xiaogang stunned for a moment, thinking that "dear" was referring to himself.

Seeing that the little Kirby had shrunk into a round ball and rolled towards him, he also responded unwillingly:

"Bronze mirror monster, use the top ball!"

The next moment, the Bronze Mirror Monster also spun at a high speed, and bumped into the opponent's attack.

Bang bang!

With a burst of explosions, the two rolling balls continued to collide and compete, and in the end the spinning top ball covered with metallic luster was the best, and the top of the beast flew out.

The rolling of the rock attribute can't support the steel attribute of the spinning top ball.

Seeing that he was at a disadvantage in attribute restraint, Gan Xia quickly changed his strategy and attacked again:

"Gambit, don't lose to it, use the flame fist!!"

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