He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1734 Initial Form and Evolutionary Form

The battle begins!

"Curly-eared rabbit, use the freezing light!!"

Xiaoguang took the lead in attacking Dao. Since he was facing two evolutionary types, he first chose to use long-range moves to test it out.

Facing the ice-blue electric snake flying towards it, Dong Shimao took the initiative to block it with heavy steps.


The icy light exploded on its body, turning into debris and dispersing ice mist, which did not achieve very good results.

"Is it the thick fat characteristic...?"

Xiaowang obviously knew this kind of Pokémon quite well, and recognized the characteristics of this Dongshi cat at a glance, which had the characteristic of thick fat that weakened the damage effect of ice and fire moves.

"It's our turn~! Jackrabbit, use Lightning Flash!!"

The young lady next to her, Qian Xia, immediately said loudly.

"Capuchy, we also use Bolt!"

After the long-eared rabbit evolved, its figure became more nimble and light, and it turned into a white light and collided with the equally sensitive capuchin cat.

boom...! !

Then bounce back and back at the same time, evenly matched.

At this time, Young Master Qianqiu suddenly fixed his eyes, and attacked loudly:

"Dongshi cat, use the destructive death light!!"

As the Dongshi cat opened its mouth wide, a beam of orange energy beams flew out brazenly, piercing through the air and sweeping towards it.

Xiao Guang was taken aback by the sudden big move, especially when the destructive death light shot at the rabbit head-on.

"Use bounce, dodge quickly!!"

She hastily exclaimed, and the curl-eared rabbit also tensed up, and quickly jumped up.

Simply this kind of head-on big move, going straight, without cover, is easy to dodge.

However, the rabbit had just leaped into the air, when Qian Xia suddenly raised her finger:

"It's now, jackrabbit, use the flying knee kick!!"

The next moment, the long-eared rabbit in front of him also jumped up, bent its slender and powerful lower limbs into an arc, attached a dangerous orange-red energy light, and rushed straight in the direction of the jumping-eared rabbit!

Obviously, this destructive death ray is just a cover...

The flying knee kick with high power and excellent effect on general attributes is the real deadly move!


There was nowhere to dodge in the air, and seeing the powerful flying knee kick was about to hit, the rabbit suddenly panicked.

"Don't forget me... capuchin, use surprise!!"

However, at this moment, Xiao Wang suddenly spoke.

Although it was a late attack, the curly-tailed cat's figure instantly turned into a black streamer, hitting the jackrabbit's chest with its head.

Whoosh! !

The curly-tailed cat didn't choose to fight head-on, but broke through this move at an extremely tricky angle, and knocked the long-eared rabbit back from the air.

With this move of surprise attack, if the opponent launches a frontal attack, he can take the first step.

"As expected of Xiaowang."

"Very good at doubles..."

This scene also made Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang who were watching at the side nod their heads again and again.

I have been cooperating with Xiaoguang and the rabbit to fight, very reliable.

Of course, seeing that he was saved, Xiaoguang naturally didn't let this guy go, and immediately pressed his finger down.

"Now, use the double kick!!"

The rabbit in the air swooped down and trampled on the Dongshi cat's back with its vigorous and powerful feet!

Boom! !

Boom! !

Two bursts of heavy stomping sounds came out one after another, and Dong Shi Mao, who had entered the stage of destructive death-light stiffness, was unable to dodge at all, and could only eat this move head-on.

The effect is outstanding!

"Damn it... Dongshi cat, use Taishan to suppress the top!!"

Qian Qiu blushed, commanding with a bit of shame and anger.

To be stepped on by a little one is somewhat humiliating.


The Dong Shi cat, which regained its mobility, immediately raised its forelegs, then trampled down heavily, and was about to trample the rabbit into meatloaf.


However, the rabbit's movements were flexible, and it jumped back to avoid this move.


However, this blow made the capuchin cat next to him feel terrified, and shrank its head back.

In this life, it absolutely does not want to master the move of Mount Taishan!


The disgusted expression of the capuchin cat made this noble Dongshi cat break its defenses and annoyed... Is a commoner wild cat worthy of criticizing itself? !

Before waiting for the trainer's command, the Dongshi cat opened its mouth suddenly.

Boom boom whoosh! !

In the next moment, another orange destructive beam suddenly bombarded out!

Destroy the dead light! !

This time, the destructive death light aimed directly at the Capuchin cat!

Seeing that the capuchin cat was about to jump and dodge nimbly, Qian Xia who was next to him suddenly said:

"Long-eared rabbit, use the flattering trick!!"

The long-eared rabbit understood, and suddenly clapped his palms on the spot, showing admiration and respect, and a strange energy fell into the capuchin cat.

Tout... This is a move that increases the special attack ability of the target, but at the cost of confusing the opponent.

The bluff that belongs to the special attack version.

"Leave it alone, get out of the way, Capuchin!!"

However, Xiao Wang's expression did not change, and he still issued simple instructions.

The capuchin cat leaped forward, once again nimbly dodging the dangerous destructive death light.

His face was full of charm and elegance, without the slightest movement... Apparently, the Capuchin cat didn't enter any chaotic state.


But the effect of touting the enhancement of special attack appeared, making the capuchin's body flash with a red light.

"Now, use the wave of water!!"

The capuchin cat in the air raised its palm, and instantly condensed a water energy bomb, which smashed straight at Dong Shi cat.


The wave of water exploded on Dong Shi Mao's body, and the sequelae of destroying the death light reappeared, making it difficult for Dong Shi Mao to move.

Xiaoguang also took the opportunity to hit a combined punch.

"Now, use Thunder Fist!!"

The curly-eared rabbit understood, jumped up a few vigorous steps, and then turned its body upside down. The tips of the two protruding ears were like two small fists, and there were bursts of electric arcs on them.

Zip! !

The Thunder Fist hit Dong Shi Mao head-on!

Cooperating with the remaining water flow of the wave of water flowing on the latter, a violent electric current blast occurred, blowing it out.


This caused the chubby Dongshi cat to spread its limbs outwards and fell to the ground, completely unable to fight.


"what happened...?!"

The curly-tailed cat is completely immune to touting its chaotic appearance, which surprised Qianqiu.

"My pussy-tailed cat characteristic is doing its own way, and it will not enter the chaos effect."

Xiao Wangyuan explained politely... After all, the other party is the patron of the delicious food, so he still needs to deal with it in a friendly manner.

"I do my own way, does it still have this characteristic...?"

Qian Qiu rubbed his head, his Dongshi cat was thick and fat, so he didn't understand the previous Capuchin cat's characteristic of going its own way.

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