He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1735 enjoy the food

"Honey, leave it to me to help you avenge!"

Although she was the only one left on the field, Qian Xia seemed very confident, patted her chest and said.

Then his eyes were fixed, and he took the initiative to launch an attack:

"Jack-eared rabbit, use the flying knee to kick!!"

The long-eared rabbit jumped high, bent its knees again, and assumed the posture of flying knee kicks.

Qianxia is going to use this big fighting attribute move directly, no matter who hits anyone on the opponent, the fighting big move with outstanding effect may win or lose at once!

"Capuchin cat, use the wave of water!"

However, the curly-tailed cat directly condensed a water bomb, and then did not hit the jackrabbit that swooped in, but just hit the ground in front of the two of them.

Boom...! !

The wave of water exploded, and the messy water splashed all over the ground, forming a mist that completely enveloped the two figures on their side.


This also made the long-eared rabbit, who was maintaining the flying knee kick, suddenly realize that the two targets below had lost track, and his expression was instantly confused.

Especially the swooping trajectory became chaotic.

In the end, like a headless chicken, it plunged into the water mist.

Boom boom boom!

No specific scene could be seen, but a violent explosion could be heard.

But the sound is not like the movement of a flying knee kick hitting a specific Pokémon, it is more like a strong knee elbow hitting the rock on the ground, and the sound of the wall board bursting...

As the water mist fell, the curly-tailed cat and the curly-eared rabbit were located on the edge of the field respectively, and nothing happened.


But the long-eared rabbit in the center fell to the ground at this moment, hugging his swollen knee, whining repeatedly.

The flying knee kick is a powerful move, but it also comes with a huge risk...

Once the move misses the opponent, it will cause huge counter-injury damage.

The defeat has been decided, but noticed that Qianxia on the opposite side didn't seem to intend to take back the Pokémon, so the battle was terminated early.

Xiaoguang and Xiaowang looked at each other, and issued a command at the same time:

"It's time to decide the outcome, capuchin rabbit, use the freezing light!!"

"Puffy cat, use 100,000 volts!!"

The next moment, the two Pokémon leaped high at the same time, and shot out a golden electric snake from the mouth of one side, and an ice-blue electric snake from the other side, twisting and twisting, and flying out.

Finally, they gathered together and hit the jackrabbit hard!

Boom boom boom! !

The ice light and one hundred thousand volts erupted, triggering a huge energy explosion again.

Of course, as the smoke dissipated, the long-eared rabbit finally fell to the ground, completely losing its ability to fight.

There was no danger, although the opponent hit a few combined punches, but they were all resolved by the two skillfully.


"If it's you, you are eligible to enjoy our food!"

"Then, please enter and enjoy~!"

After the battle, the rich second-generation couple showed no signs of admitting defeat, and politely extended their hands to invite a few people to enter.

It can only be said that the world of the rich second generation is not something they can understand.

Obviously there are sufficient resources, but whether it is the strength of the Pokémon or the command level of the trainer, they can barely reach the passing line.

After that, I am not keen on becoming stronger, but I am obsessed with challenging various trainers.

It's purely for fun.

And the closed door behind the two finally opened...

The interior is actually a spacious banquet hall, with round dining tables scattered in it, and all kinds of rich delicacies and delicious tableware have been placed on them.

At this moment, there are already many diners eating and enjoying the food inside.


This scene made the four of them subconsciously swallow their saliva, only to feel the aroma.

When passing by this couple, Xiaozhi tried to turn his head, and couldn't help asking:

"If I challenge you again tonight, will dinner be free too...?"

Well, after all, the Mikoli Cup is held tomorrow, and they will stay here for two days, so this question has to be asked in advance.

Qianxia \u0026 Qianqiu: "?"

It's almost worth it once for free...and it's still noon, are you already thinking about dinner? !

"Hehe, the second time, you have to pay."

Qianxia could only reply with a dry smile.

Although they are too hip in their trainer career, they play purely as a hobby.

But opening this restaurant is not purely a prodigal game.

The first time is naturally to beat them and give away food for free...but if you want to continue to enjoy the food the second time and the third time, you have to pay.

Alternative marketing methods and gimmicks, in fact, this seven-star restaurant has been in a healthy and profitable state.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi and the others naturally didn't stay too long. They were already hungry, so they found a table nearby and sat down.

After a while, several maids pushed delicacies made by top chefs and served them one by one...



"Hey, hey, hey...!"

At the dining table, Xiao Zhi was feasting.

It's an adequate buffet, constantly being replenished with new items.


Even Pikachu was helping to destroy the food, his head buried in the plate.

It has been losing weight recently, trying to get its strength back to its peak state one day earlier.

But occasionally, you still have to have a full meal, and give yourself a high-carb, high-energy indulgence feast.

This can make the body function believe that it is not actually losing weight, so that it can instinctively increase the metabolic level and make the body lose weight faster.

After eating, they all became Xiao Guang and the three of them watched the battle between Xiao Zhi and Pikachu.

There were even many other passers-by and diners around, who also cast puzzled looks.

Especially this out-of-town electric mouse, has he been hungry for a few days...?

However, the wine was full, and the few people also chatted leisurely at the dining table.

The buffet in this seven-star restaurant even includes afternoon tea service.

If you have a thicker skin, you can even sit until dinner, or even supper time...

"After dinner, we're going to sign up for Mikoli cups, Xiaoguang."

Xiao Wang took a sip of tea, smiled and said to Xiao Guang.

Don't look at the neutral and extroverted dress, but Xiao Wang's manners at the table are very elegant.

"I know... let's just win and lose!"

Xiaoguang also clenched his fist slightly.

Although the two cooperated very tacitly before...but she doesn't plan to show mercy in the next Mikoli Cup.

"I can't ask for more."

Xiaowang naturally agreed, and then looked at Xiaozhi and the two.

"Speaking of which, are you two going to participate in this Mikoli Cup? This time is a very special and gorgeous competition~"

Xiao Gang naturally shook his head immediately.

For the grand contest, all he has to do is sit in the first row, quietly watching and admiring.

"Well... For me, forget it."

After thinking for a while, Xiaozhi finally shook his head, the gorgeous contest didn't appeal to him at all.

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