He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1736 Former and Current Champions

Seeing Xiaowang suddenly invite Xiaozhi to participate in the Mikoli Cup, Xiaoguang hastily tugged on the latter's sleeve under the dining table.

Inviting a monster to blow herself up was something she didn't expect.


Xiaowang just returned her with a bewildered expression.

In his eyes, Xiaozhi is a powerful trainer.

In a head-to-head battle, she might not be Xiaozhi's opponent... But if it was put in the gorgeous contest, using the rules of the competition system, she felt that she might still be able to fight Xiaozhi.

"Speaking of the Mikri Cup... I would rather fight Master Mikri again."

The blank dinner plates in front of him had gradually piled up, Xiao Zhi lay on the chair, stroking his belly and said leisurely.

"Master Mikri, what an incredible character...!"

Xiao Wang also showed an expression of approval.

Mikri is the man all coordination trainers look up to.

Then she suddenly noticed "fight again" in Xiaozhi's words.

"Wait a minute, Xiaozhi, have you ever fought Master Mikri before?"

Xiaozhi coughed, as if he had been waiting for Xiaowang to ask this question for a long time.

"That's right, Xiaozhi fought Master Mikri once before, and won!"

"And it's a formal battle, and there are countless spectators watching the battle!"

However, before Xiao Zhi could elaborate, Xiao Guang and Xiao Gang next to him had already helped to reply.

The tone of pride and reluctance, as if the three of them are called Xiaozhi at the moment.

It's not a big problem, it's all about showing off... It's a very comfortable feeling to show off Xiaozhi's experience.


Xiaowang's eyes widened immediately, and he looked at Xiaozhi in surprise.

It seems that this guy is much stronger than she imagined... You must know that Master Mikri is not just a master-level coordination trainer in the gorgeous competition.

At the same time, in the Pokémon battle, he is also an amazing regional champion trainer, a man standing at the top!

"Haha, I was lucky enough to win once before."

Seeing that the words were all said by the friends, Xiaozhi could only smile and humbly say.

This changed Xiaowang's view of Xiaozhi greatly, and he took Xiaoguang to search for information beside him.

Since it is a formal battle, it is natural to search for information on the Internet.

This investigation directly frightened Xiaowang, as if he really almost invited a monster to fry fish just now.

No matter how perfect the competition system of the gorgeous competition is, it can't stop the huge disparity in strength.

Other people's Pokémon can't fight directly after touching it. This has nothing to do with the gorgeous contest!


"Bah, blah, blah...!"

The new food has been served on the table, and Xiaozhi entered the second round of turmoil.

His metabolic level doesn't need any cheat meals, it's enough to fill each meal to the full, anyway, it can be completely digested.

"Mr. Mikri..."

But Xiaozhi is also thinking about the game with Mi Keli at the moment.

In that battle, he faced the opponent's trump card Menus, and in the end he was able to win by relying on the powerful combat power of Diablo Rogia.

Even later, when he faced Mr. Zhanshen Dai, he used two extremely powerful Dragon God Pillars and Electric God Pillars.

If you just use normal Pokémon, the outcome is really hard to say.

"It seems that in the recent decisive battle, I was a little dependent on the power of the legendary Pokémon...?"

Xiaozhi murmured.

Next time you use other Pokémon, try to fight against top powerhouses like Mikri and Mr. Jindai.

But speaking of it, in the Fangyuan area, Xiaozhi still thinks that the strongest trainer should be the former league champion—Mr. Dawu.

The only time he fought against Dawu was in the cave of Wudou Town.

At that time, the Bi Diao he sent even used the ability of mega evolution, but he still couldn't take advantage of Dawu, and finally lost.

Although the strength at that time can't be compared with the present...

But in that fight, Dawu also didn't use his full strength.

At least he didn't see the opponent's trump card, the main golden monster, which is also a Pokémon that can complete mega evolution, and it is estimated to have extremely amazing destructive power.

However, this free existence, after completely breaking the disaster prophecy in the Fangyuan area, is probably now completely free to wander around the world, right?

Meet again, I don't know when it will be...


"Hey, do you want to see Mr. Dawu? He seems to be in the Fangyuan area now..."

Hearing Xiaozhi's muttering, Xiaowang suddenly raised his head and reminded.

When she was inquiring about the information of Mi Keli and Xiaozhi before, she also saw a piece of news.

And the time, just happened a month ago.

"Mr. Mikri, the current regional champion of the Fangyuan Alliance, chose to resign, and once again handed over the throne of champion to the former regional champion of the alliance, Dawu!"

The headline article written by this little editor seems to have a rigid word count requirement, and the title is deliberately written so that the word count is confusing.

"What do you mean? Now Mr. Dawu is the champion?"

Xiaozhi raised his eyebrows, and almost sprayed out the food in his mouth, which he didn't expect.

He remembered that it was less than 3 years since Dawu handed over the title of champion to Mikoli, right?

Why is this position like a rubber ball, and now it is kicked back to Mr. Dawu?

"Hehe... This is the idea of ​​the champion, it is really hard for normal people to understand."

Xiao Gang also shook his head with a smile, quite emotionally.

Obviously it was the championship position that was regarded as a treasure by others, but was shunned by the two of them like a hot potato.


After reading the news in its entirety, Xiaozhi could only smile awkwardly, and a scene probably appeared in his mind.

It is estimated that after seeing that Dawu was free to dig rocks as a mountain climber after resigning from office, Mi Keli was also very envious, and backhanded his position back.

No wonder there is suddenly time to hold a Mikri Cup in the Sinnoh area... Even I can attend in person.

With the heavy burden removed, the current Mikri would directly become an unemployed person.

If it is the status of the league champion, it is estimated that there will be no time to come here at all.

He could already imagine Mr. Dawu's sad face at the moment.


Of course, after all, Dawu is not like Mikoli, who is free and unrestrained...

Behind him, there is a huge family.

While receiving family benefits, it is natural to work for the Zvoki Company.

After ending the meteorite disaster that spanned thousands of years, the current Zvokki Company can finally develop with all its strength.

Even Team Lava and Team Ocean, which have been making troubles, have all died down. Zvoki is now in an excellent period of development...

At this time, there is an urgent need for Dawu to take over the position of the league champion again and establish a strong sign for the family outside.

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