He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1737 Three Holy Mushrooms, Yaknom

Xiao Zhi knows nothing about these business strategies.

Perhaps Miss Plantina can understand what Dawu is thinking at this moment.

"That is to say, if we go back to the Fangyuan area now, we might be able to directly challenge Mr. Dawu..."

Xiaozhi touched his chin, which was still very tempting.

At the beginning, his shiny metal monster... Now it has evolved into a giant metal monster, and it is also a super-rare Pokémon presented to him by Mr. Dawu!

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi now desperately wants to fight a big master, so as to vent his newly ignited fighting spirit.

Just right, I'm a bit stuffed after eating, and I urgently need to find someone to vent my energy.

And speaking of this moment, the master at this lakeside resort...

"Mr. Mikri!"

Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, since this one is no longer the champion and has nothing to do, it shouldn't be a big problem to challenge him by himself, right?

Tomorrow is the official day for the gorgeous competition of the Mikri Cup.

Mr. Mikri should be in this resort now, right?

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi simply wiped the corners of his mouth, took a deep breath while sitting on the seat, and then slowly closed his eyes.


The next moment, activate the power of your own waveguide, and spread your own waveguide like water ripples towards the surroundings.


With this appearance, Xiaoguang and Xiaogang understood that they were going to use the power of waveguide to find Master Mikri.

But Xiao Wang touched his head in doubt.

Do you close your eyes and rest your mind after a meal... how about keeping in good health?

But what made her strange was that she seemed to be seen through by some kind of gaze before, which made her shoulders tremble subconsciously.



Xiaozhi's waveguide perception is slowly spreading around the seven-star restaurant.

Now his waveguide perception range is about 500 meters. If he bites his teeth, he can still rush to 800 meters...

However, the image behind will also become very blurred.

It's not a big problem, he just wants to know where Mikri is now, and he doesn't need to know what the latter is doing specifically, and the exact image of the scene around him.

Buzz buzz...!

The power of the waveguide kept rippling and rippling outwards, like a breeze sweeping the foreheads of the surrounding tourists, causing many people to raise their heads curiously and look around.

This lakeside resort is built on a straight shore outside Lizhi Lake, the whole journey is about 1, 2 kilometers.

The Seven Star Restaurant is probably located in the center of the resort, and if it extends 800 meters from the left and right, it can basically cover all the locations.

Of course, it is inevitable that Xiaozhi's waveguide power also extends to the nearby Lizhi Lake...


In the depths of Lizhi Lake, another small world of another dimension is connected.

It looks like a cave at the bottom of a lake... but in fact, this cave doesn't exist in the real lake ecology.

Such extra-dimensional caves exist in the three lakes in the Sinnoh region.

The God of the Lake in the cave of Lizhi Lake is a Pokémon named Aknom, which is a symbol of will.


Yaknom, who was dozing leisurely in the cave of another dimension, suddenly felt a peeping gaze, and raised his head subconsciously.

It's just that there is an empty and spacious cave around, and there are no people.

call out...!

Yaknom levitated curiously, and flew around to check, as if intending to find the source of the previous peeping gaze in this damp cave.

Yaknom has the shape of a goblin, with a light blue body and two slender tails at the back, which end in the shape of a small fan.

The small flat head is covered with beige forked skin, yellow eyes, and a strange red gemstone inlaid on the forehead like a bee queen.


After searching for a while but failing to find the source, Yaknom simply flew out of this damp cave.

There is no lake or water outside, but an illusory tunnel connecting the real world.

Drilling out of the tunnel, Yaknom officially came to Lizhi Lake.

In the past, it often drilled out of Lizhi Lake to look at other creatures on the shore. Humans called it the existence of the gods in the lake.

However, it has rarely come out in recent years, and has always been dozing off in its spacious cave in another world.


Sure enough, as soon as he came out, the feeling of scouting and scanning became clearer.

This made Yaknom, who was already good at superpower moves and telepathic communication, trigger his own thought power fluctuations with his backhand, and looked back at the source of the peep.


In the Seven Star Restaurant.


Xiaozhi suddenly opened his eyes and shook his head.

"What's wrong?"

"Have you found Master Mikri?"

Xiaogang and Xiaoguang asked curiously...especially the latter, she also wanted to follow to see the legendary Master Mikri.

However, Xiaozhi's expression is quite weird, and it's not the first time he has used the waveguide perception that he is good at.

But it was the first time he encountered a target and directly tracked him back, and forcibly erected a pair of big eyes with yellow pupils in his brain!

"By the way, is there any special Pokémon in Lizhi Lake? I seem to have seen an incredible existence just now."

This made Xiaozhi couldn't help asking.

"You mean the Three Holy Mushrooms, Aknom?"

Compared with Xiaoguang who is quite obscure about the local legends, Xiaowang is very familiar with the myths and legends of the Sinnoh region.

What made her confused was that Xiaozhi didn't go out at all...

How is it possible to see what Yaknom?

"Is it Aknom? Is it a light blue, small human-sized Pokémon?"

Xiaozhi tried to dictate what he saw.

At the beginning, the perception was still very vague. The latter seemed to suddenly appear in the Lizhi Lake, and he was taken aback.

"Um...according to the descriptions of previous witnesses, it's almost like this."

Xiaowang nodded, seeing Xiaoguang Xiaoguang's expression of taking it for granted, she vaguely guessed something.

Xiaozhi, what kind of incredible superpower is this?

However, Yaknom is just a legend, and no one has confirmed that it really exists under the Lake of Lizhi.

"That seems to be the real Aknom!"

Xiaozhi was quite firm in his detection just now, and simply closed his eyes again, trying to perceive Yaknom again.

The legendary Pokémon in the Sinnoh area, this is a rare existence!

Maybe you can try remote telepathy!

However, the latter is six to seven hundred meters away from him, and the telepathy at this distance is estimated to be only the current sound of "rustling".

He is not a super dream boss, with such an exaggerated strength of thought.


But this time, Xiaozhi was surprised that he didn't feel the existence of Aknom any more.

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