He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1743 Performing sequentially

"Did the fluorescent fish evolve last time?"

Xiaozhi sat up slightly and looked towards the field... Last time in the gorgeous competition, Xiaowang used a fluorescent fish.

But this time the neon fish is much bigger. The wings and fins have also become wider and more beautiful...

Especially at this moment, the pool stage can fully display the beauty of neon fish.

Soon, Xiao Wang began to command.

"Neon fish, use the water ring!!"

At the beginning, the neon fish flapped its wings and fins, and the surface of its lovely body began to linger with water.

"And then there's the tail of the water!!"

Immediately afterwards, the elongated oval tail like Ran Weng swayed slightly, stirring the water flow, forming a waterspout soaring into the sky.

Delicate and lovely appearance, but showing impressive strength.

Apparently, Xiaowang didn't lighten up his Pokémon's strength training.

"This combo punch...?"

However, Xiaozhi and Xiaozhi felt a little familiar with this performance routine. Mikri on the stage also saw something, and the corners of his mouth raised.

"The last is the mysterious guardian trick!!"

As expected, in the end, the whole body of the neon fish was covered with a strange light green light, and suddenly jumped out of the water lightly, showing the most graceful posture without any concealment.

The thin water mist formed after the waterspout fell in the air also formed a perfect green leaf background, which completely set off the posture of the neon fish.

This is a perfect re-enactment of the moves shown by Mikoli's Menus yesterday!

Because the neon fish doesn't know how to use the tornado...but the rotating tail of the water also has a similar effect.

Clap clap! !

A wonderful performance immediately made the whole venue cheer, obviously this is the most exciting performance so far.

There is no fancy display, just a few skills, but it perfectly shows the magnificence of the neon fish.

"What a wonderful young man..."

Even Mikri couldn't help applauding slowly in his position.

I didn't expect that I just took a look at it yesterday, and it can be reproduced perfectly today. This little girl's comprehension level of the gorgeous competition is obviously extremely high.

As for copying and imitating... Mikri has nothing against it.

Seeing other Pokémon using the same move, but showing a stage effect that is not used for Menus... This is also the charm of the gorgeous contest.

At the end of the performance, Xiao Wang bowed to the bottom of the stage, and bowed in the direction of Mikri from a distance to express his thanks.

"Steady, Xiaowang, you're still so dominant..."

Xiao Gang nodded and commented, in the field of gorgeous competition, it is obvious that Xiao Wang is Xiao Guang's most formidable opponent.

Even with Xiaozhi and Plantina's dual skills, Xiaoguang has to work harder so as not to be overtaken by the latter.

"But this time there's that person, Lucia, isn't it...?"

Xiaogang turned his head. Although the contestant named Lucia hadn't appeared on the stage yet, he could already see a lot of fanatical fans behind him raising signs and shouting. It seemed that he was also an important guest.

The fans are making a fuss, it looks like a player who belongs to the style of idol idols.


on the stage.

The first round of review of the Gorgeous Contest is still in full swing.

"Wow, it's Shui Eevee!"

Seeing Shui Ibrahimovic who fell into the water with a "plop" this time, Xiao Zhi was quite pleasantly surprised.

Immediately afterwards, the Water Eevee completely melted into the water, and then jumped out of the water, using water guns and freezing light moves alternately, which was quite dazzling.

Since the winning ribbons this time are universal, there are many trainers from the Kanto and Johto regions.

Mizueb, White Sea Lion, Goldfish King... These hometown Pokémon appear frequently, and Xiaozhi watches them with gusto.

Since this is a pool stage, the contestants naturally did not forcefully choose a land Pokémon like they did in their exhibition competition, which are basically water-type and ice-type, which can perfectly adapt to this pool stage.

"Lamp monster, use discharge!!"

Especially the electric light monster used by one of the contestants, which burst out a powerful electric fire on the water surface, scattered in all directions, and gave off a dazzling light...

It can be said that the lamp monster with water + electricity attributes has an absolute advantage on this stage!

The powerful electric shock made many coordination trainers in the lounge watching the live broadcast turn cold.


There is a high probability that the performance of this lamp monster will pass the first round of review. Now let's see which unlucky guy will bump into this lamp monster...


After more than a dozen contestants finished their performances, it was finally Xiaoguang's turn to take the stage.

Still wearing the pink princess dress prepared by her mother, Caizi, Xiaogang took a few deep breaths before completely calming down.

After all, it was the first time to perform in front of Master Mikri, and Xiao Guang was quite nervous.

"Get ready to perform, Queen Bee!!!"

However, Xiaoguang took a different approach this time. He did not choose to let Prince Bo perform on stage, but chose to let Queen Bee complete the first round of performance.

After all, this stage is not only suitable for water-type Pokémon...

It is also a favorable stage for flying Pokémon.

"Not bad tactics, Xiaoguang!"

Noticing the movement of the audience around him, Xiaozhi nodded secretly.

Even though every show is a wonderful and gorgeous performance, it is all water-type moves after all, which is somewhat boring after watching for a long time... Now the sudden appearance of Queen Bee has made many audiences brighten up, and they all raised their spirits.

"Queen Bee, use the silver whirlwind!!"

As the Queen Bee flapped her wings, the silvery white whirlwind with powdery luster instantly spread to the audience, extremely gorgeous and beautiful.


Immediately afterwards, the silver whirlwind fell into the water, and the impressive force was also stirring the water, forming a rolling vortex.

"And then the missile needle!!"

Then, in the spurting explosion that the queen bee condensed and flew out, it turned into a thin mist and scattered in all directions.

Coupled with the faint silver whirlwind luster remaining around it, it reveals the aloof and elegant Queen Bee, but also possesses the oppressive charm of Queen Bee's power.

"Nice show..."

After the performance, Mikri began to comment slowly and sharply.

It seems that Xiaoguang and Xiaowang before are both great potential coordination trainers...

Sure enough, the person who stayed next to Xiaozhi couldn't be mediocre.

In other words, there is also that little brother Hei, what is the origin of it?

"Well, the eyes are somewhat similar to my ancient coelacanth..."

Mikoli murmured secretly in his heart.

There was such a professional celebrity commenting, and the Minister of the Gorgeous Contest next to him, and the local Miss Joy just watched quietly without making too many comments.

The highlight of the Mikri Cup has to rely on Mikri to drain the flow, and it is most important to let him say a few more words by himself.

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