He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1744 Lucia, the mega Tanabata blue bird!

The presentation of the gorgeous contest came to the end.

There are quite a few players participating in the Mikri Cup, and their levels are even more uneven. It is unavoidably tiring to see the end.

"Ahhh, Master Rukia!!"

"Finally it's your turn to perform!!"

As soon as the last contestant came on the stage, it seemed to ignite the entire venue. There were bursts of cheers and applause, and even Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang sitting in the front row were startled.

What kind of star is this?

Looking at the stage, she saw a girl with blue hair walking to the center, somewhat similar to Mikri, with her hair tied up and bent.

The pretty facial features put on a natural and generous smiling face, and the well-proportioned figure is wearing a blue vest and wavy skirt.

Under the feet is a pair of blue short boots, and there are white cotton-like accessories on the wrists and ankles, as if the idol is very playful and fashionable.

"Rukia? Who is this person?"

Xiaozhi rubbed his head, but he didn't remember this person at all.

It looks like I should be 1 or 2 years older than myself...

"I haven't even heard of Lord Lucia's name, I won't allow such a thing to happen!"

An idiot audience next to him heard Xiaozhi's voice, and immediately angrily gave them a popular science.

"Miss Lucia is the niece of Mikri-sama, and she was also the winner of the large-scale celebration of the gorgeous competition in the Hoyuan area more than a year ago. She is a top coordination trainer!!"

Xiaozhi blinked, did Mikoli have any relatives?

That's right, the hair is all the same color... so this fancy color, isn't it dyed the day after tomorrow?

The winners of large-scale celebrations are rounded up to the winners of the Alliance Conference.

So such a high popularity is normal.

"Over a year ago...?"

Xiao Gang noticed this point in time.

They traveled in the Yoshien area half a year ago, and Lucia won the championship half a year earlier than them, and the time was just staggered.

"Not only that, after winning the championship, Lucia is still actively promoting the popularity of the gorgeous competition in the Kanto region, she is by no means a simple star...!"

Hearing the words of his hometown, Xiaozhi couldn't help but glance at the green-haired woman on the stage.

But they have already won the big festival, why should they continue to participate in this Mikri Cup...?

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang straightened their minds, cheered up and looked forward.


"Come out, little Qingqing~!!"

On the stage, Lucia threw her own elf ball, and even had a very cute and playful name.


When the red light fell, it turned out to be a sky blue blue bird with a slender neck, its body and wings covered with thick white cotton.

Tanabata blue bird!


As soon as he appeared on the stage, he bowed lightly to the audience seats, showing an elegant and generous temperament.

"That thing is..."

"Well, it seems to be a mega stone."

But sitting in the first row, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang's eyes are more focused on the decorative ribbon on the neck of this Tanabata blue bird, on which is tied a small round bead, which is a rare mega stone!

That's right, there already existed locally-excavated mega stones in the Fangyuan area, and it's not so uncommon for this woman to own them.

"Then little Qingqing, let's mega evolve!!"

Lucia was also unambiguous, as soon as she came up, she posed as an idol, and lightly touched the accessories on her hair with her fingertips.

That tiara also contained a keystone.


The mega stone on the neck of the Tanabata blue bird and the accessory keystone burst out with dazzling light at the same time and connected together.


With the energy egg cocoon cracking, the Tanabata blue bird also showed a new posture in front of everyone!

I saw it flapping its wings, its skin color turned light blue like the sky, and its tail became even more slender.

The white cotton that was originally covering her body has now become thicker and even a little bloated.

But it feels more lovely and elegant.

"mega Tanabata Blue Bird..."

Xiaozhi watched it with great interest. The Tanabata blue bird that had completed the mega evolution at this moment also gained the attribute of a fairy.

The cute and charming fairy atmosphere is obviously very suitable for the stage of the gorgeous contest...

With this aura alone, Lucia won the grand ceremony, and she doesn't seem to have any relatives.

"Little Qingqing, use Fairy Wind~!!"

Following Lucia's command, the mega Tanabata blue bird flapped its cotton wings, and the pink air flow instantly spread across the audience.

With a faint pink radiance and a refreshing touch of soft wind, many viewers began to blur their eyes.

"And then there's the enchanting sound~!!"

Immediately afterwards, the mega Tanabata blue bird sang softly in the pink light. The melodious singing voice has its own charm effect, which continuously superimposes and increases the massage effect of the fairy wind.

"Little Qingqing, the last is the power of the moon~!"

In the end, a pink energy bomb condensed and exploded in the air.

The impressive demonic energy was quantified into a strong wind, covering everything before it, and immediately made the audience wake up from the feast like a dream.

Their eyes were also fully focused on Lucia and Tanabata Blue Bird in the center of the stage, who were the only stars in focus at the moment.

Clap clap! !

Clap clap! !

As Lucia and Mega Tanabata Blue Bird nodded lightly, the whole venue erupted into thunderous cheers, which could be heard endlessly.

Even Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang couldn't help applauding.

I have to say, in terms of ornamental and gorgeous level... Undoubtedly, Lucia is currently the highest among all coordination trainers.

It's hard to say about the battle.

But in the gorgeous contest, the current Xiao Guang and Xiao Wang are still overwhelmed by the former.

"Now, this Mikoli Cup is worth seeing...!"

Xiaozhi also cheered up completely, he likes to see this kind of fish frying contestants the most!


After the first round of review performances, the eight contestants who quickly entered the second round of the competition were all released.

"They're all in...!"

Xiaozhi scanned eight portraits, Xiaoguang, Xiaowang, and the popular idol Lucia all passed the first round with ease.

But he is still very strange... I feel that it is unnecessary for Lucia to participate in this Mikri Cup.

Could it be that he was forcibly pulled over by his relative Mi Keli?

"Uh, if you don't participate in the beauty contest... what else can she do?"

At this time, Xiao Gang next to him suddenly raised a question.

After realizing it, Xiaozhi suddenly raised his head.

That's right, if you don't participate in the Mikoli Cup, what else can you participate in?

Unlike the league conference, even if they win the conference, the players can continue to challenge the more powerful league kings and champions.

But coordination trainers are different. If they have already won the big celebration, it seems that there are no other competitions to participate in?

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