He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1746 Back on track

Although in the end, Mikri did not announce how the master-level gorgeous competition will be held.

There is not even a specific statement about the winner of the Advanced Gorgeous Contest...

But sometimes, selling something off will undoubtedly arouse discussions and speculation among the people who eat melons.

It's not just Xiaozhi and Xiaogang. In fact, many people who pay attention to the gorgeous competition are also a little strange about the long-standing competition system.

This kind of innovation is very bold and thorough, but it has to be said that it does sound a lot more reasonable.

At least for the powerful coordinators who have already won the big ceremony, a stage to continue to compete and improve.

Next, it is estimated that many seasoned and experienced coordination trainers may come out again because of this innovation.

After all, the magnificent competition has a history of more than ten years, but it has accumulated a large number of top coordination trainers, and it is worrying that there is no more advanced stage to show them!

"Now, Xiaoguang has a lot more opponents...!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help sighing.

After all, in the previous large-scale celebrations, the opponents were basically the coordination trainers of the last few sessions, and there were basically no senior players over 20 years old.

But in the next 20, 30-year-old coordinators, it is estimated that they will re-engage.

Just like the league conference, although the age of the contestants is not high...

But the age of the alliance kings, some are even old people who are over sixty years old!

"In other words, maybe my mother will become my opponent...?!"

In the lounge, Xiao Guang stood up abruptly after realizing it.

Her mother, Ayako, also participated in many gorgeous competitions when she was young, and even won the championship with a trophy in her hand at a large celebration.

But then Ayako didn't have a stage to continue to advance, and she retired soon after, got married and had children.

However, now that there is a new stage, and I have grown up, I have no burden, and I don’t need to take care of others...


Thinking of this, Xiaoguang began to rub his head and hair constantly, and the originally neatly combed hair became frizzy and split.

In her mind, she could already imagine how their mother and son would compete on the same stage in the future!

"Aunt Ayako... This scene is pretty good~!"

Xiaowang next to him saw Xiaoguang's thoughts, and just teased him beside him.

When Xiaoguang called home before, Xiaowang passed by, and got to know Caizi by the way.

However, because of Mikri's sudden speech, her heart gradually became hotter.

This means that she can make greater progress in this field!

For a coordinator like Xiao Wang who is eager to challenge powerful enemies, the innovation of the gorgeous contest is undoubtedly a great thing!

"Are we going to officially change the name of this big celebration...Super Gorgeous Contest.


Xiao Wang rubbed his chin and read it silently.

In the live broadcast, Mikoli mentioned that their current session will be the first session of the pilot reform, which immediately filled everyone with a sense of tension.

However, she quickly regained her composure and helped Xiaoguang comb her frizzy and messy hair.

The focus now is on the Mikri Cup in front of him.

The apex is a gorgeous competition at the master level... I will work harder to become stronger in the future!



On the stage ahead, Mikri returned to the judges' seat, and the Mikri Cup continued to take place.

The eight contestants who were arranged in order also appeared on the stage one after another, and launched a wonderful water duel.

It's just that the first few games were the top 8 games, and the fighting intensity was limited, but it didn't turn the audience's attention from Mikri's amazing words back to the game.

"Prince Bo, use the pecking drill!!"

On the stage, Xiaoguang commanded loudly, and Prince Bo in front of him even leaped vertically, his body spinning horizontally at high speed.


The bird's beak in front protrudes, and the whole body turns into a sharp and dangerous spinning top, rushing out.

Xiaoguang's opponent in the top eight is a female coordinator who uses the lotus hat boy. The grass attribute of the lotus hat boy undoubtedly has a good advantage in this kind of water stage.

"Lotus hat boy, use the sun flames to block it!!"

As the hot sun fell, the lotus hat boy opened his mouth, and a beam of golden-white hot light flew out brazenly, facing the oncoming rotating pecking drill and slammed into it fiercely.

Whoop whoop...!

However, the extremely sharp trick of pecking and drilling is to tear the sun's flames from the middle and penetrate them all the way.

In the end, the white light bird's beak ruthlessly pierced the lotus hat boy's chest, and sent him flying.

The effect is outstanding!

After completing the pecking drill move, Prince Bo stopped his spinning posture and landed steadily.

And the boy in the lotus hat in front of him flew upside down, his eyes dizzy.

Even on the electronic screen, the opposing coordinator still has a certain amount of stamina.

"Well done, Prince Bo~!"

Seeing the victory, Xiaoguang immediately beamed with joy, and waved to Prince Bo from a distance behind.


Prince Bo stroked the bird's beak with his wings quite proudly.

It's not just cultivating the iron head these days...

In order to beat the back of the Warhammer Dragon's rock-hard body, Prince Bo had to peck wildly every day with all his strength.

This has also led to its current "pecking" move, which has evolved into a more powerful and sharp "pecking drill", which can completely penetrate and break rocks!

This kind of power is definitely not something that a boy with a lotus hat can block!


After Xiaoguang successfully entered Mikoli's semifinals, it was Xiaowang's turn to enter the quarterfinals.

Only this time, her luck was a bit unlucky. uu Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Xiao Wang from Xuefeng City... Let's fight with all our strength~!"

On the opposite side of Xiao Wang, Lucia, who was dressed in a fancy dress, greeted her from a distance, with a rather outgoing and friendly personality.

But Xiaowang didn't dare to be careless, after all, the other party was already a master who won the grand ceremony a year ago.

Not to mention that there is Master Mikri as a relative, who can discuss and give advice anytime and anywhere...

Anyway, if you want to win the championship, you have to face this opponent no matter what!

"Come out, Neon Fish!!"

Xiaowang sent out the neon fish used in the first round of review again, fell into the water and wandered happily, the cute fish-shaped posture made Lucia's eyes burst into love, and she couldn't help covering her cheeks and shouting:

"It's really cute! Neon fish~!"


It wasn't until she heard Mikoli's cough next to her that Lucia suppressed her emotions, and her expression returned to seriousness.

This also made Mi Keli sigh helplessly, holding his forehead.

His niece is good at everything, but her personality is a bit bluff...

Especially when encountering some beautiful Pokémon or something beautiful, they will even lose their minds on the spot and become a nympho...

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