He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1747 Xiao Wang vs Lucia!

"Please, Xiao Qingqing~!"

On the other hand, Lucia also sent out the Tanabata blue bird used in the first round of review, but did not replace it.

"mega evolution..."

Looking at the gemstone on the neck of the other party, Xiao Wang's expression became very serious.

As a native of the Sinnoh area, she didn't know much about mega evolution before, and it was the first time she even saw mega evolution in person today.

"Then mega evolve, Xiao Qingqing~!"

However, Lucia was also unequivocal, as soon as she appeared on the stage, she directly started the mega evolution!


With a burst of colorful energy light scattering down, the Tanabata blue bird is covered with denser white cotton, showing a new attitude of the mega Tanabata blue bird.

This gorgeous process of evolution alone has already lowered Xiao Wang's character's health bar a bit.

"Is it a mega evolution from the beginning...?"

Off the stage, Xiaozhi watched with gusto.

In normal battles, mega evolution consumes a lot of stamina, so it is generally used as the final trump card instead of directly mega evolution.

But the Magnificent Contest is different. The competition itself has a time limit, and it is undoubtedly the best choice to start the mega evolution directly, without any burden.

Facing the condescending mega Tanabata blue bird, Xiao Wang dared not be careless.

"Dragon and goblin attributes..."

The combination of these two attributes can be regarded as unique.

"Little Qingqing, use high-speed stars~!!"

At the beginning of the battle, Lucia took the lead in attacking.

I saw the mega Tanabata blue bird flapping its wings, and seven or eight pink five-pointed energy stars flew out in an instant.

After spinning a circle in the air, as if they had built-in locks with precision, they all flew towards the neon fish on the water!

"Elf skin...?"

Xiaozhi had fought with the mega Tanabata blue bird once before, knowing this characteristic, it can transform all moves with normal attributes into fairy attributes...

Even the power will increase accordingly.

"Neon fish, dive underwater!"

Xiao Wang didn't choose to be the enemy, and immediately commanded the dive to dodge.

Boom! !

Although the high-speed star of the fairy attribute was empty, it burst open on the water surface and turned into a pink shining light, which was extremely gorgeous... This made Xiaowang's blood bar lose points again.

And Lucia didn't show mercy at all, and attacked again:

"Xiao Qingqing, use the wave of the dragon~!"

The mega Tanabata blue bird opened its beak, and the next moment, the rather violent dragon energy turned into a dragon-shaped shock wave, swooping down and shooting towards the water.

Boom boom boom! !

good strength,

Even the stage pool was directly pierced with a vacuum gap and hole, extending all the way to the bottom of the pool.

But Xiao Wang also did not choose to sit still, and suddenly attacked:

"Jump out, use the Aurora Beam!!"

However, the neon fish suddenly jumped out of the water from another direction of the pool, and the cold energy condensed in the small mouth.

Her neon fish has the water-absorbing characteristic, which can completely absorb the opponent's water-attribute moves, so as to improve her special attack... It can be said that she has a huge advantage on the stage of the Mikri Cup.

But for the Tanabata blue bird in front of me, this feature is basically equal to a whiteboard.


The ice-blue halo of cold air flew towards the mega Tanabata blue bird in the air one after another, carrying a gorgeous and dreamy light along the way.

Ice attribute moves can also have a good effect on the Tanabata blue bird!

"It's useless~ Xiao Qingqing, use Fairy Wind~!"

However, Lucia just shook her fingers and said briskly.

As the Tanabata blue bird flapped its wings, pink air waves burst out, completely sweeping away the laser beam.

"Then it's the giant sound move!!"

Before waiting for Xiaowang's command, Lucia changed her tactics instantly and attacked for the second time.


The Tanabata blue bird even raised its head, opened its beak, and burst out a violent and violent cry from it.

The high-pitched sound even turned into real wind pressure, with a strong pink light, raging and spreading to the audience, pressing down the entire stage pool.

It was the characteristics of the goblin skin that was at work again, transforming the giant sound move with normal attributes into a goblin move.

Even the giant fairy voice bombarded the neon fish head-on, causing a lot of damage.

"So strong..."

In the lounge, Xiaoguang stared wide-eyed, watching the live broadcast simultaneously, and couldn't help but exclaim in his mouth.

Whether it is Xiao Wang or Lucia, they are my next opponents... Now I have to watch their battle seriously!



Seeing that his health bar was less than 1/3, sweat dripped down on Xiaowang's forehead.

As expected of a top coordinator, it gave her a strong sense of oppression.

Whether it is the level of a coordinator or the combat power as a trainer, they are all outstanding...

"Fight it...Neon fish, use the water tail!!"

Seeing that there was not much time left, Xiao Wang gritted his teeth and immediately launched an active attack.

Being completely underwater, no trace of the neon fish can be caught.

Whoosh! !

The next moment, the calm water surface suddenly began to stir and tumbling, and a huge vortex of water flow suddenly condensed on the water surface directly below the Qixi blue bird, rising into the sky.

It was Xiao Wang who used the water tail move completely as a tornado in the first round of review.


The Tanabata blue bird immediately flapped its wings and sideways avoided the vortex of the water tail.

However, after the mega evolution, the speed of the Tanabata blue bird has not actually increased. The thick cotton covering the body is a burden to the movement, and it is wiped away by the sudden burst of water.

And the neon fish is not just stirring the tornado underwater, uuReading Book www.uukanshu.com I don't know when, the body even dives into the waterspout.

Following the rush of the water, they came to the sky level with the Tanabata blue bird.

"Now, use the aurora beam!!"

Xiao Wang let out a loud shout, and chose this extremely effective move.

The water flow broke open, and the neon fish revealed its concealed posture, and the icy energy in its mouth, which was ready to be released, turned into a gorgeous aurora halo and flew out, directly hitting the Tanabata blue bird at the same height!

Undoubtedly, Xiaowang's tactics were very bold, causing the entire venue to exclaim.

However, at the next moment, Lucia pointed her finger forward and said in a low voice:

"It's useless...Xiao Qingqing, use the destructive death light!!"

The mega Tanabata blue bird aimed at the neon fish with the same height, opened its beak, and the violent energy in its mouth instantly turned into a destructive beam and bombarded out!

The orange destructive death light turned into pink halfway, forming a beautiful and dangerous beam of terror!

The destructive death light added by the goblin skin was unrivaled in power. It completely broke through the aurora beam like a catastrophe, and finally hit and bombarded the neon fish hard.


Above the stage, the position of the neon fish suddenly sparked a violent explosion of energy!

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