He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1748 Xiaoguang vs Lucia! (superior)


The destructive death light energy of the goblin attribute erupted, and a figure fell vertically from the smoke in mid-air powerlessly, and fell into the pool with a "plop".

Everyone's eyes fell again and focused on the water.


The previously beautiful neon fish, with its belly up, fainted on the water.

The black and blue body was covered with scars, obviously this blow to the fairy skin and destroying death light was very powerful.

The victory and defeat have been divided.

"Thank you, Neon Fish..."

Xiaowang could only take the neon fish back with regret, and looked at the glamorous Lucia opposite.

There is still a gap between the two. Even if she uses her ace capuchin, she may not be able to win.

Next, the Gorgeous Contest will be divided into grades, and there should be more and more players similar to Lucia... and even more powerful ones.

With a stern face, Xiao Wang left the stage slowly.

Now her opponent is not only Xiaoguang, but also more sophisticated seniors, those are the real enemies!


On the other side, the Tanabata blue bird chirped loudly, exited the mega-evolved posture, and gracefully landed beside Lucia, welcoming the cheers of everyone in the audience.

"Very strong... No wonder there are so many fans."

Since Xiaozhi is sitting in the first row, he can see it more clearly. It can be said that Lucia is very similar to Mikri, even more exaggerated.

And Lucia on the stage also noticed Xiaozhi sitting at the front...

Pikachu on the shoulder.

The cute appearance of the electric mouse once again made Lucia look like she was in love, and she was about to jump off the stage and hug Pikachu intimately.


It wasn't until she heard Mikri's cough that Lucia reluctantly took a last look at Pikachu, and took the Tanabata Blue Bird off the stage.


But this expression fell on Xiaozhi's side, and that idiotic expression seemed to be completely thrown at him.

This made Xiaozhi rub his chin in confusion, when did he become so attractive?


The quarter-finals are over, and the semi-finals of the semi-finals will soon be ushered in.

Mikri will be held for two days, and the final will also be held tomorrow morning.


Under the spotlight, Xiaoguang stepped onto the pool stage again, with a nervous expression on his face.

Because the opponent in front of her was Lucia who had previously wiped out Xiao Wang.

"There's a good show to watch!"

Xiaogang hugged his chest and said, with a regretful expression on his face... If only Lucia was a few years older, she would definitely be a great beauty.

What a pity!

"Xiaoguang's words are a bit mysterious..."

Just watching, Xiaozhi couldn't help becoming a little nervous.

Xiaoguang and Xiaowang are evenly matched, and there is not much difference between them. Normally speaking, they are unlikely to be Lucia's opponents.

According to the strength of the trainer's pure combat and the power of mega evolution, Xiao Zhi can give Lucia a half-step king evaluation...

"Damn, there really isn't a clear level, how strange!!"

Xiaozhi couldn't help cursing in a low voice, and used to take it for granted that "house master" and "king of heaven" were used as benchmarks to evaluate the level of trainers.

Now that the coordinators of the gorgeous competition have different levels, it seems very strange to talk about the "half-step king level" of the trainers.

"Come out, little Qingqing~!"

On the stage, Lucia took the lead in dispatching her partner, who was still the Tanabata blue bird.

"Get ready to fight, Prince Bo!!"

Xiaoguang took a deep breath, and also sent out her trump card, Prince Bo.

"Mega evolution, Xiaoqingqing~!"

Before Prince Bo could stand firm and see the target clearly, the Qixi blue bird burst out with bright light and completed the mega evolution... The gorgeous evolution process made Xiaoguang start to reduce the blood bar value.

"Little Qingqing~ use high-speed stars!!"

At the beginning of the game, Lucia still chose this move, using the fairy skin to turn the high-speed star into a pink star, and then flew out after a circle.

But Xiaoguang has a way to respond, and said:

"Prince Bo, use random strike!!"

Prince Bo understood, his body remained motionless, but his head moved forward at high speed like lightning.

The bird's beak on the mouth is even more shining, and it precisely pecks and bursts several high-number stars that hit one after another!

The movement was so fast that there were even afterimages of several heads of Prince Bo...!

In the practice of beating the back of the Hammer Dragon, "pecking the drill" is the practice of Prince Bo's strength, and "random strike" is the practice of speed.

It pecked at multiple targets at the same time, as if there were five or six Bo princes serving together in an instant, and the pecking frequency made Zhanmailong feel comfortable.

Bang poof..!

The high-speed stars exploded, forming a beautiful pink light and falling down.

It was originally a move of the Tanabata blue bird, but now it seems to be embellishing Prince Bo... This time, it was Lucia who started to draw blood.

"Prince Bo, use the wave of water!!"

Prince Bo even condensed a water bullet with his backhand and threw it into the air.

"Xiao Qingqing, use the wave of the dragon!!"

The wave of the dragon spewed out by the mega Tanabata blue bird swoops down. Although it is also a wave move, its power is not as good. Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, I saw that Longzhi Bo broke the water bomb with a powerful momentum, and continued to attack Prince Bo.

"Use metal claws to block it!!"

Seeing that he couldn't dodge, Xiaoguang could only choose to block it head-on.

Prince Bo immediately lowered his waist, raised his two steel wings, and stood in front of him.

Boom boom boom! !

The dragon-shaped shock wave hit the metal claws head-on, and the powerful force forced Prince Bo back again and again, and the last move exploded violently.


The smoke dissipated, but Prince Bo was still standing on the stage, but there were more scars on his wings... Obviously, the damage caused by this dragon wave was not light.

"Did you actually block it...Then try this move, use the power of the moon!!" Lucia continued to attack without stopping, ready to release this big move of the fairy attribute.

However, at this time, Xiaoguang's eyes were fixed, and he suddenly said loudly:

"Prince Bo, now, use the water jet!!"

In an instant, Prince Bo's body was covered with a water coat, and his body flew out like a water arrow, rushing into the latter's chest before the Qixi blue bird could fully condense the pink energy bomb!

Gua Sha hurts.

But the jet of water also successfully wetted the white cotton on the chest and neck of the Tanabata blue bird.

"That's it, and then the wave of water!!"

Unforgiving of power, Xiaoguang attacked again.

Prince Bo, who retreated by the reaction force, opened his mouth, and a water bomb took shape instantly and was thrown out.

Boom...! !

Before the wave of water hit the target, it burst open in mid-air, and in an instant a large pool of messy water fell on the body of the Qixi Blue Bird.


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