He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1749 Xiaoguang vs Lucia! (Down)

When everyone looked at the mega Tanabata blue bird again, they found that the latter's appearance had changed drastically.

It was covered by a large puddle of water. At this moment, the white cotton on the surface of the body absorbed a lot of water, and it all started to wilt and stick together into a ball, dripping wetly.

This also makes the originally noble and elegant Tanabata blue bird, like a drowned chicken, become very unsightly.

In particular, the cotton is completely shrunk, exposing the original body of the Tanabata blue bird, which also has the meaning of a bald bird...

"Ahhh!! Little Qingqing!!"

Seeing her Tanabata blue bird suddenly changed greatly, Lucia suddenly exclaimed, very anxious.

Although I have seen the appearance of the Tanabata blue bird when I usually take a bath...But when performing on the public stage, I have never shown such a posture!

"Sure enough, it works!"

Compared to Lucia's panic, Xiao Guang's eyes brightened.

When she was watching on TV last time, she found that the Tanabata blue bird was wiped by the water tail of Xiao Wang's neon fish, and the cotton began to shrink and wilt when it touched the water...

Taking advantage of the Tanabata blue bird using the power of the moon, a move that requires a little energy gathering, Xiaoguang immediately chose a strong attack.

"Now, Prince Bo, use the freezing light!!"

Now is the perfect timing, Xiaoguang naturally chose this outstanding ice attribute move.

"Little Qingqing, get out of here~!!"

Lucia hurriedly shouted and dodged.

The mega Tanabata blue bird hurriedly flapped its wings, trying to dodge the incoming ice light pulse.

It's just that the Qixi blue bird's flying movements are very clumsy at this moment. After all, the flight was originally assisted by fluffy cotton... Now it is purely its own fleshy wings that are exerting force.

Even the cotton that has absorbed moisture becomes heavy, and instead becomes a burden that hinders its own movement.

Sizzling! !

The next moment, the twisted and twisted frozen light bombarded Tanabata blue bird head-on, causing amazing damage!

The effect is outstanding!

"Good job Xiaoguang, it is really possible to win!"

Xiao Wang in the waiting room couldn't help but exclaimed, she didn't even notice that the opponent had this weakness in the last match.


"Don't give it a chance, the last blow, use the freezing light!!"

Seeing the blue bird falling on the stage on Qixi Festival, Xiaoguang was full of fighting spirit and attacked again.

However, after the initial shock and panic, Lucia finally regained her composure, and suddenly said:

"Little Qingqing, use hot air!!"

Standing on the stage, this time the Tanabata blue bird fluttered its wings again and again, and a heat wave was blown between the wings, which quickly evaporated all the moisture in the cotton.

After a while, the cotton on the wings became fluffy again and returned to its original state.

Whoosh! !

Even the scalding hot wind raged across the audience, completely melting the incoming frozen light, making it difficult for Prince Bo to open his eyes.


When Prince Bo turned his head again, he saw that the mega Tanabata blue bird had recovered its noble and beautiful posture, spread its wings and flew in the air again, looking down on everyone.

"As expected of the Tanabata blue bird!! So elegant!!"

"What happened before, I lost my memory!!"

"I unilaterally declare that the first minute does not count."

This gesture immediately caused shouts from the stage. Obviously, some fans couldn't accept the gesture of the drowned Tanabata blue bird just now.

And Lucia's fingers also pressed down, and there was a bit more danger in her eyes.

"End the battle, use the destructive death light!!"

I saw the Tanabata blue bird's head pointing down, and a pink beam of destruction suddenly flew down from its mouth!

With an unstoppable momentum, he couldn't be stopped by anything at all... Even Prince Bo froze in place for a moment, unable to dodge.

Boom boom boom! !

The next moment, the goblin skin-destructive death light completely engulfed Prince Bo's figure, and made a deafening explosion! !

When the smoke dissipated, the stage was blasted into a big hole, and the surrounding water was tumbling.


Prince Bo also fell in the pit of the ruins, with heavy scars on his body.

The victory and defeat have been divided.

"Prince Bo...you have performed very well."

This also made Xiaoguang's face darken, and he bowed his head and silently took back Prince Bo.

Didn't expect that even so, she couldn't defeat this woman...

"It seems that I still need to work harder!"

Xiaoguang clenched his fists tightly, and swore firmly in his heart.

Having won consecutive gorgeous ribbons before, she is in a state of overflowing confidence... The current reform of the gorgeous competition has undoubtedly poured a basin of cold water on her.

Especially after the battle with the old player Lucia who was the first batch to come down to fry fish, it made her see the gap between her and the top coordination trainers.

Now she is not qualified to swell!

Off the stage, warm cheers and applause sounded at the same time, almost breaking the ceiling of the roof.

Xiao Guang could only watch Lucia's back silently, secretly remembering this woman before leaving.


"It's still a bit close..."

As a judge, Mikri shook his head regretfully.

Xiaoguang's tactics are undoubtedly very good. According to this idea, it is really possible to defeat Lucia and Tanabata Blue Bird.

But it's just an ordinary water-attribute move to cover the cotton, the effect is still a bit worse, and it can be evaporated and recovered with hot air.

"If it's a water-immersing move, Xiaoguang might really win this match."

Mikri couldn't help thinking secretly.

As an expert in water attributes, he naturally knew that there was a move called "Water Soaking", which was to forcefully change the opponent's attribute to "water attribute".

In this case, even high-intensity hot air drying and burning cannot dispel the moisture in the cotton.

"Well, it seems that Lucia will have to train more in the future... It's not far away."

Looking at Lucia on the stage, greeted by the cheers of the audience with the Tanabata blue bird, who repeatedly posed in various idol shapes, Mikri shook his head helplessly.

His niece still has a long way to go before becoming a real strong... But now it seems that fame is ahead?

Faced with such a situation, they would make a fuss and be caught by Xiaoguang.

There are four grades for the next gorgeous competition reform...Of course, Mikri doesn't plan to participate in these.

He is the promoter of the gorgeous competition, at most he will show his face in the exhibition competition, and then go to participate in the competition to be promoted, which is a bit of a bully.

In terms of league championships, Mikri is only at the level of a goalkeeper... but in the field of gorgeous competitions, he is the strongest master!

Lucia is naturally considered by him as his successor, representing his honor.

Mi Keli hopes that his niece will win the first grandmaster-level gorgeous competition in the future!


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