He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1750 Smiling Expression

On the second day, in the final of the Mikri Cup, Lucia faced the trainer who used the lamp monster.

The powerful electric power of the lamp monster is difficult for other water-type Pokémon to parry, and it can be said that it has taken advantage of the attributes.

Don't look at the Tanabata blue bird with wings...but after it completed mega evolution, it has excellent resistance to electric attributes.

"Lamp monster, use the water cannon!!"

This trainer intends to imitate Xiaoguang's tactics and completely wet the Tanabata blue bird's body to take the lead.

"Little Qingqing, destroy the death light~!!"

However, Lucia didn't give the chance at all, the pink destructive death light that fell from the bombardment was powerful, and forcefully pushed back the water cannon move, and finally exploded completely on the lamp monster's body.

Boom boom boom! !

After the huge smoke and dust explosion, the lamp monster also turned over in the water, and passed out on the water surface with its belly up.

There were not too many twists and turns, and Lucia easily won the Mikri Cup this time.

"Thank you everyone~! In the future, please support me and Xiaoqingqing~!"

On the awards stage, Lucia held the ribbon in one hand, shouted her acceptance speech, and greeted the shouts of the audience without any shyness.

The light shone on Lucia's face, which made Xiaowang and Xiaowang in the audience look at each other, with a sense of sympathy, and finally they could only look enviously at the winner on the stage.

Looking at this posture, Lucia is bound to participate in the next Super Gorgeous Contest...

It is the opponent they must overcome!

"Xiao Guang, next time we must win!"

"That's right! You have to train harder!"

Xiaoguang and Xiaowang looked at each other, cheering each other up, as if they had reached a united front.

And at another place in the auditorium, a boy with short brown hair was also looking in the direction of Xiao Guang and the others... It was Jian Wu who no one cared about.

"Damn it, you didn't even give me a role... Anyway, I also made it to the semi-finals!!"

He said with gritted teeth.

In the end, after glaring at Lucia on the stage with hatred, she could only leave the stage alone.

As long as he wins the Super Gorgeous Contest, he will naturally be a big star who attracts everyone's attention!


"Then let me give you a final preview... The first super gorgeous contest will be held in 2 months, and the venue will still be here~!"

When the Mikoli Cup came to an end, Mikoli stepped onto the stage again and said.

In terms of time, it was actually a large-scale celebration before the reform... It was originally scheduled to be held at this lakeside resort.

At that time, this venue will naturally no longer be a pool stage.

There is a high probability that the pool will be filled and turned into a formal celebration stage.

"And the threshold for this first Super Gorgeous Contest is five gorgeous ribbons~!"

Hearing these words, Xiaoguang and Xiaowang nodded subconsciously.

The problem is not big, there is no change from the previous rules, it is simply a name change.

At this time, Mikri suddenly added another sentence.

"As the first Super Gorgeous Contest, the five gorgeous ribbons this time will no longer have a time limit...that is to say, as long as they are officially registered and legally obtained by the coordinating trainer, they can be used!"

"Even the ribbons from 10 years ago can be included in the threshold of five!"

Mikoli's hot patch immediately caused a burst of exclamation in the entire venue.

Even the faces of Xiao Wang and Xiao Wang changed a bit, and they were greatly astonished.

"What happened?"

As a layman, Xiaozhi doesn't know what's wrong...Is there any problem with this hotfix?

"Generally speaking, the threshold of five ribbons required for the previous large-scale celebration can only be the ribbons obtained by the coordinator within one year...the ribbons obtained one year ago will not be counted."

Xiao Gang has studied the beauty contest, and explained with a frown.

Although the gorgeous competition has been reformed, but if you want to participate in the super, or even advanced gorgeous competition... Those old coordinators will eventually have to climb up step by step.

After all, the previous ribbons are gone.

But now they are all available, that is to say, the old coordinators have the qualifications to participate in the Super Gorgeous Competition from the very beginning.

You can even participate directly in the first Super Gorgeous Contest two months later.

"It seems that you want to call back more masters as soon as possible...?"

Xiao Wang stroked his chin and secretly guessed.

Mikri specifically mentioned the "first session"...there is a high probability that it is only a special case of the first session, and there will still be a ribbon time limit.

But like this, she and Xiaoguang may encounter powerful opponents at any time, and there are a lot of them.

"That is to say... now mom can also directly participate in the Super Gorgeous Contest?!"

Xiaoguang's face instantly turned a little blue.

She knew that the number of ribbons in the family exceeded 5 early on.

Maybe the mother who is watching the live broadcast is already excitedly preparing to book a plane ticket here? !


Just thinking of this, Xiaoguang's illustrated book vibrated, as if someone had sent a text message... Now the illustrated book has a built-in mobile phone communication function.

Xiaoguang opened it and saw that it was a message from her mother.

There is no content, just a kind smile expression.

But it was this ordinary symbol that made Xiaoguang tremble for no reason, and his shoulders trembled.

mom what does that mean? !

The kind smiling face gradually turned into a devilish smile in her eyes, with a hint of provocation that made people shudder.

"Mother-child fight...it seems very exciting~!"

As a melon-eating crowd, Xiao Zhi was amused to watch it by the side.

It seems that the upcoming gorgeous competition can also be watched frequently, and there may be some inspiration for the battle.


Xiaoguang's home in Shuangye Town.

Caizi is watching the live broadcast of the Mikri Cup, and she is naturally aware of the changes in the gorgeous competition.

As a former top coordinator, the official of the Gorgeous Contest even notified her of related matters in advance.

"I don't know if Xiaoguang has any problems~"

Caizi sighed, quite worried.


The capuchin cat lying on the sofa next to him also let out a low cry, looking rather lazy.

Caizi would be interested in making a comeback again...but she doesn't plan to participate in this first round, because it will inevitably cause a difference in ranking with Xiaoguang.

It's still kind of weird.

"I don't know if my encouraging smile can help Xiao Guang~"

Caizi worried, she didn't realize that "smiling face" is already synonymous with ridicule among the young people nowadays...


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