He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1751 The Great Wetland and the Bug King!

The day after the Mikoli Cup officially ended, Xiaozhi and his team were ready to continue on the road.

"By the way, did I forget something...?"

Leaving the resort, staying on the shore of Lizhi Lake, staring back at the lake, Xiaozhi couldn't help muttering.

By the way, the gymnasium owner of Jiayuan City!

Didn't you say you came to this resort to prepare for the grand contest?

As a result, they spent three days in this lakeside resort, but they didn't see this Gym Master.

Seeing the successive battles in the Mikoli Cup, Xiaozhi was eager to fight someone.

Even last night, using the power of Bird, it was discovered again that Mikri sneaked out of the hotel and came to the uninhabited forest.

However, Xiaozhi found that there was another waveguide beside him, so he didn't bother any more... It seemed to be Lucia's waveguide.

It seems that this pair of uncles and nephews are secretly making a fuss?

As for Xiao Wang, he left in a hurry after watching the final, determined to practice harder.

"Xiaozhi, let's hurry to Nohara City!!"

After passing the Mikoli Cup, Xiaoguang also became more motivated at this moment, and instead became the urging person in the group.

After all, he may have to fight his mother directly... Xiaoguang doesn't want to lose face in front of Caizi!

Prince Bo now has the guidance of his predecessor, the Hammer Dragon, and is constantly growing in physical melee combat.

After fully mastering the iron head move, you can ask Plantina to release her powerful emperor Nabo to learn the true secrets of this race.

"The rabbit with curled ears is also ready to evolve...!"

After fighting against the long-eared rabbit in the Seven Stars restaurant, the latter's tall figure and flexible movements can undoubtedly give full play to the advantages of the long-eared rabbit.

And Queen Bee and Patch Leeds...

"Would you like to try to tame a new Pokémon?"

On the way to Nohara City, Xiaogang tried to suggest.

Through the map, we can know that there is a vast wetland in front of us, all the way to the edge of Nohara City.

Wetland fields, swamps, and jungles are mixed together, coupled with humid climate and water content... This also makes this large wetland a paradise for many wild Pokémon, inhabiting a variety of Pokémon.

Even for this reason, Nohara City specially built this large wetland into a hunting park.

This is similar to the hunting zone in Kanto's hometown, where special hunting balls are used to capture and subdue.

"Among them, water-type, grass-type, insect-type, and poison-type Pokémon are particularly numerous, and it is a good place to tame them."

Hearing Xiao Gang's introduction, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Guang looked at each other.

"A new Pokémon..."

This time, Xiaozhi doesn't have much desire to subdue him. After all, he has enough Pokémon now, and he is not in a hurry to add new players.

He even wanted to see how many Pokémon he had never seen in this big wetland!

"It's time for me to tame a new Pokémon!"

But Xiaoguang is in high spirits, she only has four elves on her body now.

In order to deal with more powerful opponents in the future, the new Pokémon partner is the strength she must rely on.

"I already have water-type and insect-type Pokémon...Do you want to take in a new grass-type Pokémon?!"

Thinking of this, Xiaoguang's eyes suddenly became hot.

The poison attribute was subconsciously swept by her.

Even before he reached the Great Wetland, he began to scan the surrounding bushes and grass to see if he could find a favorite grass-type Pokémon.



When Xiaozhi and his party came to the entrance of the Great Wetland, looking from a distance, there was only a muddy land that looked flat in front of them.

The black silt and weeds that are visible to the naked eye look very easy to sink into.

In the distance, towering shrubs and grass obscured the view.

To get to Nohara City, it is the fastest way to go straight through this large wetland.

There is also a wooden house built at the entrance to prevent access to the wetland, which seems to be the ticket gate and the place to receive hunting balls.

However, to Xiaozhi's surprise, a lot of people had unexpectedly gathered outside the wooden house, crowds of people seemed to be rushing in to catch Pokémon first.

"Are people in the Sinnoh region so enthusiastic about subjugation...?"

Xiaozhi was a little surprised, now he is not an ignorant rookie.

Don't look at the fact that it doesn't cost much to bring it into the hunting area, and you can get 30 hunting balls for nothing. Passionately capture...

But those green hunting balls were actually processed in a dark box.

Just like the claw machine, the catch mechanism of the hunting ball will become loose at the moment it is about to be conquered, greatly reducing the catch rate.

Don't look at 30 Pokémon... But there are only a handful of people who can catch all 5 Pokémon.

This reminded Xiaozhi of his 60 Kentaro, no, it was 59 Kentaro plus 1 exploding buffalo.

Probably because I smelled the grass fragrance from the backyard of Zhenxin Town from myself, no one would resist...

"Hey brother, what are you all doing in a hurry?"

Xiao Gang couldn't help but walked up, patted a little brother on the shoulder and asked.

"It's so dark... you must be an outsider, right?"

The passer-by stared at Xiaogang and turned his head, but he was very kind and quickly explained:

"It is said that a rare insect king dragon king scorpion appeared in this big wetland recently! It is extremely powerful, if it can be subdued, it may even be able to defeat the champion of the king of heaven!"

Hearing that Xiaozhi and the others looked at each other, especially Xiaozhi, he became very interested.

He knew about the Dragon King Scorpion. The silver-haired woman criminal before——Hunter J had one in her hand. It had a ferocious and domineering appearance, and had hard and sharp claws, capable of unleashing a powerful attack.

If it was a powerful Pokémon, Xiaozhi couldn't bear it.

"But isn't the Dragon King Scorpion a poison + evil attribute, why is it called the insect king...?"

Hearing Xiaozhi's muttering, Xiaogang could only try to forcefully answer:

"The previous form of the Dragon King Scorpion—the Pincertail Scorpion still has the insect attribute. If it is called the Insect King, it is not a big problem."

After all, the bug king is much better than the poison king or the evil king.

Not only that, it seems that these people didn't just want to subdue that insect king, Xiaozhi even heard the words "Alliance King".

After asking again, I knew that this worm king was very famous, and even attracted an alliance king to find out.

"Insect attribute king, Ah Liu...?"

Even Xiaoguang, a local, doesn't know much about this person.

It seems to be a newly promoted heavenly king, whose name is not as loud as the other heavenly kings.

But to become the king of the alliance, the strength will naturally not be weak, which makes Xiaozhi's interest even higher.

Whether it's the insect king or A Liu, he wants to meet him.

After finding out that Aliu seemed to be already inside the Great Wetland, the few people did not delay and followed the large army into the hunting zone.


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