He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1752 Separate Actions

Soon, the three of Xiaozhi put on clumsy waders and entered the big wetland hunting zone.

Since a large part of the area is swampy mud, normal clothes will get dirty quickly after wearing them in. Tourists who go in will basically change into this kind of suspender leather pants, which can almost cover the whole body without soiling the clothes.

Even everyone who came in had their elf balls restricted.

Except for one Pokémon and 30 hunting balls, everything else needs to be temporarily registered and kept... This is much stricter than the hunting zone in my hometown of Kanto.

According to this configuration, it is extremely difficult to tame five of them.

"Pikachu, try to find that bug king!"

Xiaozhi took the lead and walked in the front, naturally carrying Pikachu on his shoulders.

And Xiaoguang chose her queen bee, who can still fly freely in this terrain.

As for the water-type Prince Bo... still prefer to stay in a clean pond environment.

Because the appearance of the Dragon King Scorpion is too fierce, Xiaoguang does not have much desire to subdue it, but scans around, planning to find a grass-type Pokémon as a partner.

"Queen Bee, help me search everywhere~!"


The queen bee let out a low cry, raised her altitude, and scanned her surroundings with her red eyes.

Xiaogang's partner naturally chose the bad frog, which seems to be very adaptable to such an environment, and can walk in the mud very smoothly.


Walking on the bank of a pond, the rather muddy ground sinks a few centimeters every time you step on it.

Because they were wearing water trousers and leather shoes, their movements looked very clumsy.

Xiaozhi also completely entered the adventure mode, looking around with bright eyes.

"Is it a big-tailed raccoon...?"

But I saw a chubby big-tailed civet lying on a water inlet, using the branches and roots collected from around to build a wooden nest on the water.

Don't panic when you see humans approaching, just lie there lazily.

The big-tailed raccoon belongs to the Pokémon that can be seen everywhere in the Sinnoh area. It can be tamed outside, and there is no need to come to the hunting area to catch it.

bang bang!

Even hunting balls thrown by others bounce off immediately after shaking.

The acceptance rate was so impressive that the big-tailed civet didn't even bother to resist.

Xiaozhi also saw a few wild ferrets using water jets to jump out of the water and then fall down, splashing a messy water splash, which is quite powerful.

This small pond, which is not too deep, seems to be inhabited by many Pokémon.

"Grass-type Pokémon..."

But Xiaoguang was still thinking about his goal, and after a while, he saw a figure beside a dwarf bush.

With a small human body, the whole body is green, holding a two-color rose, and his face is like wearing a mask, standing there quite cold and aloof.

"It's Roseredo!"

Xiaoguang's eyes brightened. She had seen this Pokémon before in EMI Gymnasium. It was a very elegant Pokémon, and she could just try to tame it!

"Queen Bee, use the Missile Needle!!"

The queen bee landed next to Xiaoguang, and when the insect's tentacles were lifted, it immediately shot out several energy spikes.


Roseredo also raised her rose-shaped arms, and flew out countless green light blades without showing any weakness, and bombarded them with the missile needles.

Magic Leaf!

Evenly matched moves, neither side has gained an advantage.

However, before waiting for Xiaoguang's command, this Roseredo suddenly raised its arms high.


All of a sudden, the surrounding grass blades began to stir without wind, surrounding Roseredo, and the momentum gradually became fierce.

With the footsteps on the ground, this Luosreiduo rushed towards the Queen Bee with the grass leaves all over the sky!

Fallen flowers!

"Queen Bee, use the defense command!!"

Hearing Xiaoguang's command, the queen bee floated in the air, and dozens of small bee larvae suddenly flew out of the hive at the bottom like a skirt.

Arranged in a regular formation, forming an energy barrier defense.


The next moment, Luoying Bunfeng collided with this defensive command barrier, but this Rosereiduo was bounced away.

"What a strong defense..."

Xiaozhi couldn't help admiring, using the larvae that have been living in his body to form an impenetrable barrier, this form of ability is also very rare.

This is a bit like marsupials, Pokémon and even other hatchlings.

"Ah, Roseredo!!"

However, Xiaoguang's expression changed instantly from the complacent look at the beginning, because the roselet was bounced far away by his impact force, landed in the tall and dense bushes in front of him, and lost his trace.

"Wait for me...Queen Bee, help me find it!"


After the little light above made a hasty call to Xiaozhi and the two, he immediately rushed into the bushes and grass with the Queen Bee.

The blade of grass, which is nearly a person's height, completely conceals the figure.

"Wait a minute, Xiaoguang..."

Xiaozhi just wanted to catch up, but it seems that there is no big problem if he goes alone.

After all, Missy's soul is spying on her at the same time, so it's not a big problem.


But at this time, Xiao Gang's bad frog seemed to notice something, and pulled Xiao Gang's trouser legs.

"What's the matter, bad frog?"

Xiaogang asked suspiciously, the bad frog always had that gloomy expression, and he didn't know what it meant.

However, after being silent for a while, the bad frog took the initiative to walk slowly in one direction.

Seeing this, the two looked at each other, left a direction mark for Xiaoguang, and followed behind the bad frog.

Looks like you found something?



Following the bad frog all the way, the two came to a remote corner of the wetland.

It is even blocked by weeds and bushes, and most people can't find this path at all.

Looking around, Xiaozhi discovered that they had been taken to an abandoned swamp by the bad frog.

Surrounded by potholes of different sizes, which are filled with dirty yellow muddy water... and the gaps between each small pothole and swamp are vaguely connected into solid roads that fork.

Although it is just muddy ground, it will not collapse if you barely step on it, and you can pass through the gaps.

Plop plop...!

In the surrounding swamp water, bubbles floated from time to time, forming a faint purple gas that floated out.

"Is it swamp gas...be careful."

Xiao Gang reminded that if you accidentally fall into the swamp here, not only will you sink, but you will also be attacked by poisonous methane.

Although it looks like a very dangerous area, it has also become a paradise for ground-type and poison-type Pokémon.

For example, the destination of the bad frog is a wild bad frog in a swamp not far away...


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