He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1753 Confrontation


Xiao Gang's bad frog walked to the bank of the swamp, looked at the wild bad frog, hunched over and blew the poison sac.


In the muddy water, the wild bad frog also had similar movements and expressions, looking at each other with a gloomy face.

The next two bad frogs didn't do anything, they just looked at each other tightly.

"What's the matter, what's the matter, is this going to grab the site?!"

Xiaozhi boldly guessed.

Xiaogang has excellent eyesight, and he quickly came up with the answer:

"Uh, it's more like showing love...?"

It is not easy to distinguish male and female individuals of bad frogs, but this is obviously an act of showing love... After all, if it is like a same-sex competition, it has already raised its poisonous stinger.

The bad frog is not a Pokémon that lives in groups, everyone is bad, and they will fight when they meet.

Well, even the bad frog's gesture of love is very bad...

After watching for a long time, there was no scene that could not be played, so Xiaozhi could only look around.

"Wow, gas bombs!!"

He saw a hometown gas bomb on the nearby swamp puddle, floating on the water, its face spewing poisonous gas.

Not only that, but there are also manatee beasts rolling in the muddy water, stirring the sticky sand, without being affected by the methane at all.

There was also a soul ecstasy eye on the shore. After seeing Xiaozhi approaching, he quickly hid behind a rock in shock, poked his head out, and carefully observed it with gem-like eyes.

"Is this Pokémon...?"

Ash also saw a drab Pokémon that resembled a hippopotamus.

Soaked in the swamp muddy water, like a crocodile, only the top of the head and eyes are exposed.

"Didi. Sand hippopotamus, ground attribute, the body will secrete sand grains instead of sweat, rely on the sand on the body to prevent bacterial invasion, and even spray sand from the nose when emotional."

As the illustrated book was introducing, this sand hippo also raised its head very cooperatively, and spit out two streams of quicksand from its two big and round nostrils.

"It's so interesting...!"

Xiaozhi was aroused by these wild swamp Pokémon, and ran around with Pikachu, causing the nearby swamp area to jump around.

It seems that each of these potholes represents a territory, each of which lives in a kind of Pokémon, and does not invade each other.

Regardless of the dangerous environment, these wild Pokémon are not aggressive.

Most of them are in the swamp and muddy water, staring blankly at Xiaozhi's running around on the bank, as if wondering "What is this two-legged monkey doing...?"


But after all, it is a poisonous gas environment, and there will always be Pokémon with vicious temperaments.

Xiaozhi is still strolling around in this area, after all, there are no other tourists crowded here.

Hurry up...!

The next moment, a figure suddenly emerged from the muddy water of the swamp, and crawled onto Xiaozhi's muddy ground.


The small purple scorpion waved its two short pincers and let out a cry of demonstration.

"Didi. Pintail scorpions are poisonous and insect-like. They often hide in the sand to ambush their prey. They use the claws on their tails to release toxins to kill their prey. It is said that they can survive for a year even if they don't eat."

Hearing the introduction of the illustrated book, Xiao Zhi suddenly became interested.

He came into the Great Wetland just to meet the worm king... Unexpectedly, he met a baby worm first.

This pincer-tailed scorpion is the degenerative nature of the Dragon King scorpion, right?

In other words, maybe the bug king lived nearby?

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi waved his hand and said eagerly:

"Quick, go and call your parents over."


This contemptuous gesture immediately enraged the irritable scorpion, raised its two pincers and attacked Xiaozhi.

chug chug! !

Several spikes of white light flew forward in unison, which was exactly the move of the Hida needle.


However, Pikachu jumped high, and a handsome steel tail slashed vertically in the air, directly smashing all the moves.


Even when he was about to land, he stepped on his own tail with his back foot, took advantage of his strength to jump up again, and landed on Xiaozhi's shoulder again.

In terms of abusing food and being handsome, the current Pikachu has undoubtedly been able to do it easily, and it has completely become the instinct of the body.


This also made the pincer-tailed scorpion even more furious, the teeth around its mouth were stained with purple light, and it was about to rush over!

Venomous fangs.

"In that case, Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts...well, use one thousand volts!"

The level of this pincer-tailed scorpion is not high, so it doesn't need to use any strong moves.


Pikachu nodded, this time he didn't even take off the jump, and simply stood on Xiaozhi's shoulder, his cheeks condensed with lightning, spreading and flying out.

A thousand volts!


The meandering electric current broke through the venomous fangs of the pincertail scorpion, knocking it flying and falling into the water.

Of course, the current also fell on Xiaozhi.

It's just that the 1,000-volt electricity and scraping are no doubt, Xiaozhi only feels a little itchy shoulders.


However, the disgraced scorpion scorpion didn't just admit it, but cursed at the shore.

Pintail scorpion used "Let's Talk Hard"... but it didn't work.

Immediately afterwards, the wild scorpion began to crawl towards the swamp in one direction, aggressively.

Looking at this posture, it is estimated that he really wants to seek revenge from his parents...

"Good opportunity, let's follow, Pikachu!"

Xiaozhi immediately let go of his feet and followed... There is no need to call the parents over, I will go directly to the lair with you!

He glanced back in Xiaogang's direction.


The two bad frogs over there were still silently staring at each other, which made Xiao Gang just wait by the side with a face full of pain.

It's not a big problem, Mr. Gang is an old man, so act quickly for the time being!


But after running for a while, the old lair of this pincer-tailed scorpion seemed a little far away.

Xiaozhi also didn't know if the other party's parent was the insect king, or just an ordinary dragon king scorpion.

Boom boom boom...!

It's just that when turning over a ramp, Xiaozhi suddenly heard a burst of explosion... It sounds like someone is fighting?

Cautiously sticking his head out on the high slope, looking at the swamp on the other side, Xiao Zhi suddenly saw two figures who were tensely confronting each other.

One of them, whom I had never seen before, was a man with short green hair in his early 20s.

He has a lean and lean figure, wearing orange trousers and a black sleeveless sports vest.

Since I didn't wear a special wet suit, the trousers were covered with mud up to the knees.

But Xiaozhi is very familiar with the person opposite!

What I saw was a woman with short silver hair, wearing a black and purple leather coat and sunglasses, with a majestic aura.

He even stepped on the back of a tyrannosaurus, looking down at the green-haired man.

"Hunter j?!"

Xiaozhi was startled, it was the thief hunter j.

And in the middle of the confrontation between the two is a dragon king scorpion, which is about 1/3 bigger than the dragon king scorpion that Xiaozhi has seen before.


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