He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1754 King of Worms, Ah Liu

At this moment, the large dragon king scorpion fell to the ground.

However, no scars can be seen on the surface, more like the effect of anesthesia?

Xiaozhi took a deep breath, adjusted his hat, then lowered his body, intending to watch the show first.


Pikachu also landed on the back of this ramp. He obviously didn't have the habits and thick body hair of a small Snorkel, but he took out a grapefruit fruit from somewhere on his body.

Watching a show while chewing the pulp... This is the ultimate enjoyment.

But at the end of the eyes of one person and one mouse, there is still a swamp.

The two stood on the muddy soil, surrounded by muddy potholes.

But it seems that because of the tense confrontation between the two, there are no wild Pokémon in these potholes.

"Heracross, use the missile needle!!"

The green-haired man was using a strong Heracross, and when he lowered his head, several white light spikes shot out from the tip of the big horn in an instant.

This power is much stronger than that of the Pincertail scorpion, like a dense rocket launcher.

"Hmph... Tyrannosaurus, use the dragon claw!"

Hunter J's expression was cold, and he commanded with a cold snort.

The Violent Wyvern beside him fluttered its wings, its forelimb claws were covered with blue light dragon claws, and slashed fiercely at the attacking missile needle.

Boom boom boom! !

The moves exploded one after another, arousing strong movements.

"Heracross, use Super Horn Strike!!"

The green-haired man attacked again.

Heracross shook his wings and dashed out horizontally. The single horn on his forehead shone with a sharp white light, breaking through the air and moving forward.

Hunter J was slightly forced back by this momentum, but he still said:

"Tyrannosaurus, use Flame Fang!"

This sturdy tyrannosaurus did not have the slightest timidity, opened its mouth wide, flames flowed between the teeth, and finally bit hard at the attacking million horns.

Boom boom boom! !

The moves collided, but it was obvious that Heracross's strength was superior, and even against the unfavorable situation, the million horns shattered the flame teeth abruptly, hit the tyrannosaur's neck, and flew it into the air.

"What a powerful force... This guy is not a simple character."

The eyes of Xiaozhi who was watching by the side widened. He is the old brother Heracross. It is obvious that this one is quite powerful.

"Wait a minute, worm attribute... this person can't be the worm attribute king, Ah Liu?"

Xiaozhi suddenly remembered something.

He hadn't seen A Liu's portrait before, and he didn't know what the other person looked like.

In the distance, the two people who were still facing each other were also talking.

Although it was a distance away, Xiaozhi could still hear it with his sharp ears.

"As expected of the king of the alliance... His strength should not be underestimated."

The corner of Hunter J's mouth was raised slightly, and he clapped his palms, with a tone of admiration... But he didn't have the slightest fear of the king of heaven, but his expression was very calm.

Xiaozhi guessed right, this green-haired man is the worm-type king of the Sinnoh Alliance who has only taken over in recent years—Aliu.

However, the worm attribute is already at a disadvantage among the 18 attributes, plus it is a new king... the name is not very famous.

"Who the hell are you? Illegal poachers?"

Ah Liu's expression looked a little nervous instead.

He doesn't know much about mysterious poachers like hunter j...but this method, and this cold demeanor, are definitely not simple poachers!


This made Aliu couldn't help cursing in a low voice.

This time, he came to the Great Wetland specially in order to subdue the recently famous insect king, Dragon King Scorpion.

Even the king of heaven has to follow the rules, and now he only has one Heracross on his body, and has no other combat power.

And the woman in front of her, who landed directly from the air while riding a tyrannosaurus, must have other Pokémon on her body.

Ah Liu's gaze swept across the Dragon King Scorpion in front of him...

"Sure enough, a very good individual."

He thought to himself, when A Liu found the target, he saw the woman using the special device on her wrist to shoot an illegal anesthesia needle at the Dragon King Scorpion, so he rushed up to stop it, and this was the scene before him.



Just when the two were stiff, there was a sudden movement from one side, which made them subconsciously turn their heads.

However, on the muddy ground of the swamp, the pincer-tailed scorpion completely ignored the two of them, and rushed directly to the sleeping Dragon King Scorpion in the center.

"Hmph, Tyrannosaurus... use big characters to explode!"

Hunter J treated the worthless Pokémon as he would a wild dog on the side of the road, and issued commands directly and coldly.

Boom! !

This tyrannosaurus was also bred to be very cruel by Hunter J. It opened its mouth wide, gathered a huge character of flames, and blasted out!

The big characters burst into flames!


Before the flame arrived, the scalding heat wave had already struck, which made the scorpion scorpion stunned for a while, watching the huge flame approaching stupidly, completely frightened.

"Heracross, hurry up and block it with a million horns!!"

Ah Liu hurriedly exclaimed, it's okay for the flame to fall!

Such a level gap, coupled with attribute restraint... is no longer a problem of inability to fight, it is entirely possible for the scorpion to lose its life.


Heracross let out a low cry, and rushed out with the horn of white light, one step ahead of him, blocking the big character explosion.


The next moment, flames swept through and exploded, and the spreading hot wind still blasted the Pincertail scorpion into the mud...but obviously the damage was not high.

As the smoke spread, Heracross still stood upright on the shore of the swamp.

It's just that the million horns didn't fully work. It almost withstood most of the power of the big-character explosion. At this moment, the dark blue carapace body is covered with scorched marks.

The effect is outstanding!


Noticing the contemptuous smile on the corner of Hunter J's mouth again, Ah Liu came to his senses.

This woman's goal at the beginning was not the pincer-tailed scorpion at all, but her own Heracross.

"It's now, Alidos, use mental force!"

At this time, Hunter J spoke again, which surprised Ah Liu.

What, are there other Pokémon here?


The next moment, he saw a colorful grimacing spider jumping out of a nearby quagmire, apparently it had ambushed here early.

The spider's eyes glowed with blue light, and then the restraining power fell on Hera's body completely.

The effect is outstanding!

Hunter j is completely in the rhythm of wild fighting, without any rules, seamlessly attacking:

"It's over, Tyrannosaurus, use big characters to explode!"

The tyrannical dragon in the air once again condensed a huge character of flames, swooping down and flying down!

And being firmly bound by the powerful thought power, Heracross was too tired to break free, and it was difficult to dodge...

Boom boom boom! !

The big characters burst into flames, and suddenly exploded on Heracross' body!


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