He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1755 Almost died suddenly

The flames spread.


Along with the flames, there was also Heracross, who just fell forward and fell to the ground, completely unable to fight.

After eating two big moves in succession - big character explosion, even the Pokémon of the king of heaven can't hold it anymore.

"Heavenly King? Hehe..."

The successful Hunter J made no secret of his contempt.

In terms of head-on combat, she is still inferior to the king of the alliance... But this kind of wild battle without rules, even a sneak attack and group fight.

She even felt that another Heavenly King would not be a big problem.

"From now on, just stay there honestly, I can pretend that I didn't see you... don't come here to die."

After issuing the final threat, Hunter J turned his eyes to his prey.

"Damn... come back."

A Liu gritted his teeth, and took back his Heracross with a face of shame and anger.

Without Pokémon, he really can't do anything except stand there in a daze...

"Alidos, use spinning silk."

Hunter J began to command, and even released two more Alidos from the palm of his hand, opened his mouth, and spit out spider silk to wrap around the Dragon King Scorpion.

Since this is a muddy area, her logistical transportation cannot enter, and she cannot use the statue's black technology to recover...

Can only use anesthesia + three Alidos moved out.

However, the violent explosion just now seemed to have awakened the insect king dragon king scorpion, and its sleeping figure suddenly exploded.


The Dragon King Scorpion raised its body and made a deafening explosion, showing the aura that belonged exclusively to the Insect King.

The strong and ferocious scorpion claws completely tore apart the spider silk on the body, and the sharp claws were covered with a rich purple light, and they flew out fiercely in a cross-cutting posture!

Cross Poison Blade! !

However, the move did not attack anyone, but directly attacked the ground in front of him.

Whoosh boom boom!

The cross poison blade exploded suddenly, splashing countless mud, sand and dirty water, which made the tyrannosaurus immediately block Hunter J.

When the movement ended, the dragon king scorpion had completely disappeared...

Obviously he chose to run away directly.

Although he is the insect king of the Great Wetland...but he still has to run.


"This beast...!"

The prey in hand escaped, which made the hunter j curse, the boots were already partly stained with mud, which made her face even colder.

Recently, the news of the existence of the insect king in the Great Wetland has also caused some lawbreakers to directly entrust the target to Hunter J, asking the latter to help capture it.

Thinking of this, Hunter J re-boarded on the back of Tyrannosaurus, and noticed Aliu next to him when he took off.

As if venting anger, murderous aura appeared in her eyes, and she simply said:

"If it wasn't for your blocking, it would be over now...Hmph, Tyrannosaurus, use the destructive death light!!"

She was totally planning to send Ah Liu to see God.


This brutal Tyrannosaurus didn't show mercy at all. It opened its mouth, and a beam of orange-yellow destructive beams instantly formed, blasting towards Ah Liu.

Even if he was the king of heaven, A Liu was stunned by this kind of direct killing with a knife, somewhat stunned by Hunter J's actions.

And the light that destroys the death light in front of his eyes is also gradually amplifying, and the skin of his face can feel the coercive air current...

"Pikachu, use one hundred thousand volts!!"

Just when A Liu thought that he was going to die suddenly in this branch dungeon in a daze today, a low shout suddenly came from his ear.


Immediately afterwards, an electric mouse from outside came running and came behind Ah Liu.

He even stepped on Ah Liu's shoulder, jumped up, and met the destructive death light that came and fell.

Electricity burst out from the cheek, and a twisted and winding electric light also slanted out from Pikachu's body.

Boom! !

One hundred thousand volts collided with the destructive death light in the air, turning into an energy explosion and bursting violently, and the moves canceled each other out.

Aliu, who survived the catastrophe, was stunned for a long time before he realized it. At this time, Xiaozhi had already walked beside him.

Being interrupted again, Hunter J's expression became more and more icy... But after seeing Xiaozhi's appearance, he took off his sunglasses in a little surprise.

"Oh...is it you again, a rare human with superpowers."

Well, Hunter J felt quite sorry for an outdated high-value product that jumped in front of him on his own initiative.

If only there was a market for human goods now...


A Liu was also staring at Xiaozhi in a daze. The latter looked very young, but he seemed to know this vicious person?

You must know that he almost really ascended to heaven just now!

The power of this electric mouse from other places is also very strong, with only one hundred thousand volts, it can block the opponent's destruction and death.

But when it comes to superpowers, Aliu himself actually has superpowers - he has special powers that can communicate with insect-type Pokémon.

There is nothing to say about the rather earthy power.

"This woman is dangerous, be careful...!"

However, as the king of the alliance, and a few years older than Xiaozhi, A Liu still instinctively protected Xiaozhi behind him.

"Are you sure...?"

Xiaozhi just pointed forward with his finger and asked again.

A Liu turned his head, but saw that the three dangerous Alidos were already encircling them. With bent legs and colorful grimace patterns, the appearance of Alidos was still very intimidating.

As for the hunter j in the air, he had already driven the tyrannosaurus towards the direction where the dragon king scorpion was escaping.


Seeing the eager Alidos approaching, it was obvious that his own superpowers were also unable to communicate, A Liu could only stagger his body angrily, and let Xiaozhi walk to the front.

Damn, if it weren't for the fact that there are no Pokémon now... I'm so aggrieved!

"Did it run away again?"

Xiaozhi also noticed Sky Hunter J's departure, and it seemed that the other party knew that he was not easy to deal with, leaving three Alidos behind and left.

Whoosh! !

The next moment, some of the three Alidos released poisonous needles, and some released signal beams to attack.

"Pikachu, use Lightning Flash!!"

However, Pikachu's movement was faster, and he came out with lightning, knocking the two Alidos over one after another.

Buzz buzz...!

However, the eyes of the third Alidos glowed with blue light, directly restraining Pikachu in mid-air.

Strong mind!

Seeing this, Xiaozhi just commanded unhurriedly:

"Then maintain this action and directly use one hundred thousand volts!!"

Pikachu in mid-air simply relaxed his body and concentrated on pulling his own electricity.

Boom! !

The next moment, golden lightning shot up into the sky, directly turning the three Alidos into charcoal, their legs curled up, and they fell on the spot.


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