He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1756 Shinji and Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus

Seeing this out-of-town electric mouse deal with the three Alidos neatly, A Liu, who was watching, was secretly amazed.

Whether it is the battle of Pokémon or the command of the trainer, it is impeccable.

When did the Sinnoh region have a trainer of this level?

No, with an outlander electric mouse...so outlander?

But without the follow-up battle, Aliu couldn't judge Xiaozhi's actual strength, but he was obviously not a simple person.

"Thanks for the help...!"

After the battle was over, Aliu breathed a sigh of relief, and thanked him forward.

Otherwise, it is really possible to hang up inexplicably today.

"It's easy to say..."

Xiaozhi responded with a smile, his eyes were also drifting to the sky, the figure of Hunter J had gradually disappeared.

This large wetland covers an extremely wide area, and it is a bit difficult to find a person.

Hunter J obviously didn't want to fight with him, so he left three cannon fodder spiders and ran away.

Shaking his head, Xiao Zhi could only give up for the time being, this fox-like woman was too vigilant, it was difficult to get close to sneak attack.

It wasn't until Ah Liu's life was in danger that he had to forcefully rescue him.

The worm king also ran away... Xiao Zhi just hoped that it would not fall into the hands of anyone again.

No, this is a hunting zone, it doesn't seem to be a big problem to be caught by others?

"Hello, I'm Tian... My name is Aliu."

A Liu introduced himself, originally he wanted to say that he was the king of the alliance, but when he thought that his performance seemed to be a little hip, he subconsciously bypassed his name in embarrassment.

"I know, Heavenly King Aliu, an expert who is good at insect attributes! I am a trainer from the Kanto region, Xiaozhi!"

Xiaozhi didn't notice Ah Liu's expression, and directly named the latter, and introduced himself with a smile.

"Hehe... The Kanto region is really far away."

Ah Liu rubbed the back of his head, the boy in front of him had a pure face, he really couldn't tell if he was acting weird...?

However, he obviously didn't know Xiaozhi either, and he only regarded him as a powerful trainer from other places.

"Wait a moment..."

At this time, Ah Liu seemed to sense something, and walked to a nearby quagmire, ignoring the mud, and carefully penetrated into it with his palm.

Immediately afterwards, he carried out the pincer-tailed scorpion that was hit and sent flying.


The latter has been whistling in a low voice, and the two pincers are also shaking, as if to express something.

Although his expression was fierce, he didn't attack Ah Liu.

"Do you want to help your boss...?"

However, A Liu fully understood the meaning of the pincer-tailed scorpion, and slowly placed it on the muddy ground.

This surprised Xiaozhi secretly.

Although this guy's strength is a bit stretched, but it seems that he also has superpowers?

He thought that this pincer-tailed scorpion was related to that dragon king scorpion... so they were the boss and his subordinates?

"Let's go, I'll help you find the location of that Dragon King Scorpion."

Seeing A Liu's distress, Xiao Zhi said.

There is no Pokémon on Aliu now, and it will take a long way to turn back... It is better to rely on Pikachu to open the way.


Pikachu also patted his chest confidently, and pointed to his nose, expressing that he had remembered the smell of the dragon king scorpion before.

Alyu had already seen Pikachu's power, and soon agreed.


This pincer-tailed scorpion was beaten up by Pikachu before, and it is not in a good mood now, but worried about the safety of its boss, it still followed behind the two obediently.

It was frightened out of the shadow by the big character explosion flame of the tyrannosaurus.

They just searched for several hours, and the two of them walked for an unknown amount of time, but they still didn't find any trace of the Dragon King Scorpion and Hunter J.

The big wetland is too big, and I only found a small part of the area in one afternoon.


Pikachu rubbed his nose in shame.

The air is so humid here, it's a bit stuffy...

Xiaozhi could only spread his hands, hoping that the Dragon King Scorpion would not be captured by some villain.



Just as Xiaozhi and the two were searching everywhere, Hunter J was also driving the Tyrannosaurus, looking down from the sky.

The Dragon King Scorpion is not considered a rotten street item, and with the addition of special individuals... the rewards for customers are still extremely high.

"Tsk, did you hide in this bush?"

It's just that there is a tall and dense bushes and grass on the edge of the swamp, which stretches for several kilometers all the way. Looking down from the sky, it is all green, and there is no target at all.


After thinking for a while, Hunter j cursed in a low voice, ready to give up the mission.

She just took advantage of the Heavenly King who only had one Pokémon with him.

If Aliu turns back now and takes all the Pokémon with him... In this environment, the advantage of insect-type Pokémon is too great.

Not to mention that there is a dangerous Xiaozhi helping him.

"Let's go, Violent Dragon..."

Thinking of this, she no longer missed it, called out in a low voice, and flew towards the periphery of the Great Wetland.

Since you can't make any money from this sum, let's double up next time.

"Team Galaxy...? If that's the case, let's cooperate first."

Hunter j thought of the mission request sent by the Galaxy team before, the goal is to capture the legendary Pokémon - the Gods of the Lake... Only a top hunter like her has the ability to capture such an existence.

The reward is far more than that of the Bug King Dragon King Scorpion this time.

Let's focus on that from now on.

If the target is the Gods of the Lake, you need to prepare well in advance.


At the same time that Hunter J left the Great Wetland, on the ground, a figure who was conquering and exploring alone in the Great Wetland also slowly raised his head, watching the Tyrannosaurus leave.

"The Tyrannosaurus... Are there any quasi-gods from the Yoshien area in the Great Wetland?"

Shinji's expression was a little astonished, and he didn't lower his head again until the Tyrannosaurus flew away.

Due to the large body of the Tyrannosaurus, he didn't see a person standing on it.

"Stormosaurus, biting the land shark... Tsk tsk."

This made Shinji's gaze become a little hotter.

When the trip to the Sinnoh region is over this time, he plans to pack up quasi-supernatural powers such as biting land sharks and giant gold monsters.

Since you want to choose a target with outstanding aptitude, quasi-god is naturally the best choice!

"But now... the insect king, the dragon king scorpion!"

Shinji put his hands in his pockets and stared straight ahead.

He is a native of the Sinnoh region, and Pokémon like the Dragon King Scorpion are already on his list.

Originally, he planned to subdue a few scorpions with higher individual values, such as scorpion tails or dragon king scorpions, but after hearing that a dragon king scorpion at the level of a bug king appeared in the wetland, Shinji became very interested.


Beside him is a huge dinosaur Pokémon, its body is covered with hard gray armor, and its back is full of ferocious spikes.

Especially at the tip of the nose, there is also a sharp-edged organ that looks like a drill bit...

Ironclad Tyrannosaurus!


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