Just as Shinji passed by a bush, he suddenly heard a sound of movement from the side.


The Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus beside him immediately became alert, and took the lead in walking to Shinji's front, ready to go.

Although it hasn't been long since the armored tyrannosaurus was subdued, it is clear that Shinji's training has reached a considerable scale... At least he is more obedient to orders than the circle bear.

The next moment, they saw a purple-red dragon king scorpion jumping out of the grass, just in time to face the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, both of them were slightly taken aback.

"This size...is this the bug king?"

Shinji raised his eyebrows, the dragon king scorpion in front of him was obviously 1/3 bigger than the normal dragon king scorpion, and his aura was even more fierce.

Didn't expect to be so lucky today, to bump into it so easily?

"Get ready for battle, Panzer Rex! Use Rock Blast!!"

Shinji doesn't care about the cause and effect, since he hits it, he will fight directly.

The Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus in front of him also looked very aggressive. He raised his arms, condensed several rocks and threw them fiercely!


The dragon king scorpion was startled, what the hell, why did it attack when it met? !

But its movements were also unambiguous. The claws made a cross, covered with purple light, and flew out a cross with a purple light blade...

Cross Poison Blade! !

Boom boom boom! !

The power is not bad, and several rocks in a row burst and exploded in succession.


Shinji nodded. At this moment, his gaze was like a scanning machine, constantly testing the strength of the Dragon King Scorpion.

"Tyrannosaurus, use the rock seal!"

This time, the armored tyrannosaurus condensed and dropped several huge rocks from the air, and they all smashed around the dragon king scorpion, restricting the latter's movements.


This also made the Dragon King Scorpion completely angry.

Now everyone is jumping up to take the initiative to attack... The insect king doesn't show his power, does he really regard him as a Yuan mage? !

Boom boom whoosh! !

Opening his mouth, a beam of destructive death light suddenly bombarded out, directly attacking the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus!

However, Shinji's expression remained unchanged, and he calmly commanded:

"Tyrannosaurus, use the power of the earth!"

Most of the battles of wild Pokémon have no brains, especially when they are in a state of anger, they cannot fully exert their own power...

So see what an angry ring bear in the jungle, Bankeras.

As long as you don't be intimidated by the opponent's ferocious appearance, it is actually the best time to subdue him.

Dragon King Scorpion is powerful, but in the eyes of Shinji, fighting is just a joke.

The Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus let out a low growl, and slammed its fist hard on the ground in front of it.


The next moment, the ground under Dragon King Scorpion's feet collapsed suddenly, forming a pothole, and the rock with sharp and thorny edges hit its body fiercely.

The effect is outstanding!

Not only that, the collapse of the ground also destroyed the center of gravity of Dragon King Scorpion's body. When its head tilted, the destructive death light passed over the head of the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus and missed.

No hit is no hit, but the destruction and death light has been shot out.

Shinji glanced coldly, and said offensively:

"Now, use the straight drill!!"

While the opponent was in a state of rigidity, the Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus began to turn the sharp horns on its face, spinning at a high speed as if powered by electricity, making bursts of explosive noises.

Shout! !

The Dragon King Scorpion couldn't dodge or defend at all. It stood there like a wooden man, and it went straight and slammed into its chest, causing extremely astonishing damage!

The effect is outstanding!

Straight Drilling is a terrifying move, and it is very easy to hit the vitals.

But the shortcomings are also obvious. Let the thick body of the armored Tyrannosaurus run up and bump into others...it is too bulky, and it is easy to be dodged.


After being hit hard, the Dragon King Scorpion was already showing signs of fatigue, its two flamboyant pincers shrugged off, and its body trembled one after another.

"Don't let it rest... Ironclad Tyrannosaurus, use the power of the earth!!"

But Shinji's fighting is merciless, rushing to attack.

The Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus punched the ground, and the ground under the Dragon King Scorpion collapsed again, and the stone pillar protruded and bombarded.

Boom...! !

Even the bottom of the collapse seemed to have turned into some kind of crater, and violent fire energy spewed outwards and upwards, bombarding the Dragon King Scorpion all at once.

The effect is outstanding! !

Shinji's battles are very simple and violent, as long as he can restrain his attributes, he will never change his moves... A skill will kill you!


After being subjected to several powerful moves with outstanding effects in a row, Dragon King Scorpion finally couldn't bear the pressure anymore, and its huge figure collapsed on the spot, losing consciousness.

Seeing this, Shinji threw the hunting ball backhand.

Bang... bang!

Bang... bang!

However, there is obviously a problem with this hunting ball. Generally, when the opponent is already down and unable to fight, three poke balls can almost subdue it.

But Shinji threw a total of 13 hunting balls before finally stopping the movement.


He probably didn't even realize that the existence of Hunter J's competition with the Alliance King fell into his hands so easily.

Stepping forward to pick up the hunting ball, Shinji immediately took out the illustrated book to check it in his muscle memory, and then the corners of his mouth could not help but slowly raised.


This time, I finally caught a target whose aptitude exceeded expectations!

Thinking back to the Pokémon I carried on my body...Zezki Beast, Charmander, Iron Armored Tyrannosaurus, Crow Head, and Circle Bear.

In addition to this insect king and dragon king scorpion now!

Now his team has taken shape, full of individuals with high potential.

Wait for the next high-intensity training, each evolution, to reach the peak state...

At this moment, Shinji has a normal expression on his face... For him, as long as he is not gloomy, it means that he is already in a very happy mood.

"Let's go, Ironclad Tyrannosaurus."

So Shinji put his hands in his trouser pockets and walked towards the nearest exit of the Great Wetland.

There is no need to continue watching the other useless guys in this hunting zone...



the other end.

At dusk, Xiaozhi and his party meet at the southern exit of the Great Wetland... outside is Nohara City.

Even everyone's luggage and Pokémon were sent over, and then they could enter the city directly without turning back to pick up their luggage.

"Unfortunately, no Pokémon was tamed in the end."

Xiaozhi sighed regretfully, he didn't see any favorite target, he didn't throw the ball randomly.

As for the Heavenly King Aliu... After knowing that the hunter J Fei had left the wetland, he also took his Pokémon and left.

The next step seems to be to hunt Hunter J and complete revenge.

As for the younger brother, the Pincer-tailed Scorpion, he also took the initiative to join Ah Liu's team, and wanted to avenge his boss.

Of course, they didn't know that the insect king was cut off by Shinji in the end.


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