"How about Mr. Gang, have you subdued that bad frog?"

I had nothing to gain, just in time to see the two little friends coming out, so Xiao Zhi curiously greeted them.


However, Xiao Gang's expression was a little gloomy, obviously he didn't have any good gains.

Before separating from Xiaozhi, his bad frog and the wild female bad frog stared at each other in silence and then kept staring at each other like this.

Except for eye contact, there is no communication at all.

Boom boom boom! !

Booming sounds came from the swamp area next door, as if there was some big movement, Xiao Gang was itchy to hear it, and wanted to find out.

Just when he was about to speak out and interrupt the weird stalemate between the two bad frogs

"Quack?" "Quack?"

The two bad frogs turned their heads and aimed at Xiao Gang at the same time.

The next situation turned into a strange three people staring at each other, and it was so frozen until dusk.


At this moment, Xiaogang's bad frog is following him, silently blowing the poisonous sac on his face, expressionless.

It's just that if you are a trainer who is familiar with bad frogs, you should be able to see that the lower limbs of the bad frogs are somewhat weak.

All it takes is a sliding shovel with the least power, and it will be easily shoveled down.

At the time of parting, Xiaogang did not tame the bad female frog, but her bad frog left precious seeds.

At that time, Xiaogang put his fingers together, wanting to poke the bad frog's anus.

This time, it's finally his turn to use the poison attack, right?

It's just that the two frogs were lying together like an arhat on top of each other, making it difficult to strike, so Xiao Gang finally put away his poison attack.

"Um, that seems outrageous."

The corner of Xiaozhi's mouth twitched, this description sounded very curious.

Then he turned his head to look at Xiaoguang again.

At this moment, the latter was taking off the large wet suit, and the thick muddy water flowed in from it, causing the whole suit to be completely attached to Xiao Guang's body surface, and it was difficult to separate.

Xiaozhi hurried up to help, even with the protection of the outer clothes, the clothes Xiaoguang was wearing were completely soaked in muddy water.

It was wet, and even the hair was covered with a lot of mud and tangled up.

Obviously, this girl who was acting alone was completely subdued by her superiors.

"Xiaoguang, do you have any good harvest?"

This made Xiaozhi couldn't help asking curiously. Although the latter's face was dirty, there was a big smile on the corner of his mouth.

"I only managed to tame one Pokémon~!"

Xiaoguang proudly took out a green hunting ball. This Pokémon ran a long distance, and she almost fell into the quagmire in the middle.

Fortunately, with the help of the flying queen bee, the problem is not big.

Then, under the surprised gazes of the two of Xiaozhi, Xiaoguang gently threw the hunting ball out.


A red light flashed, but it was a small fox-shaped Pokémon that appeared in everyone's eyes.

It has light yellow fur, two slender ears erected, the ends of its limbs and the pupils of its eyes are a deep dark brown.

The most special thing about the whole body is that there are some upturned and bent green leaves growing all over the body, especially the two ears and the wide tail, which have transformed into a shape similar to green residual leaves at the rear half.


Xiaozhi blurted out, his eyes startled.

Didn't he go to chase that Roseredo before? He didn't expect to subdue the rarer Ye Yibo, even though they are all of grass attribute.

"Yebu, say hello to them~!"

Xiaoguang wiped off the dirt on his face, and said quite proudly.


This Yeeb raised its head slightly, looked at the two of them calmly with amber eyes, and let out a low cry, it seemed to be a very calm and docile Pokémon.

Xiao Guang was also lucky enough to meet this Ye Yibo by chance.

In an environment full of muddy swamps, the beautiful and elegant Yeib is lying on a mossy rock on the shore.

Xiao Guang fell in love with her temperament without being stained by mud.

Next, she is going to give Ye Yibo a special training. The gym in Nohara City is a water attribute gym with restraint attributes, which is the perfect time for Ye Yibo to appear on stage!

"Yeeb, it's really strange."

Xiao Gang secretly marveled beside him.

After all, according to the evolution method found in the Sinnoh region, Yeib could only complete evolution when the Eevee came into contact with a unique stone called moss rock.

Does it mean that there are mossy rocks in the wetland?

"It's not a big problem."

Xiaozhi next to him nodded, he had seen the special mossy rock in EMI Forest with his own eyes.

Surrounded by moss, it lingers with a strong plant atmosphere.

After walking around the wetland today, he saw a lot of wet places covered with moss. The terrain is quite similar. It is not surprising that there is a special mossy rock of the same style as the EMI Forest.

"Let's go, let's go to the elf center in Nohara City!"

After the excitement of subduing Ye Yibo passed, Xiaoguang noticed his slovenly appearance, blushed, and hurriedly walked in the front.

Now it's time to head to the Pokemon Center and take a hot bath!

Xiaozhi and the two naturally followed behind, with a lot of mud on their bodies and heads.

Nohara City is on the edge of this huge wetland, with the sea on the other side.

It can be said that the whole city has plenty of water, and even the soil on the roads and streets is soft when stepped on.

The air is humid, and the interior of the city is not like the modern cities in the past, with high-rise buildings built.

Instead, you can see lush shrubs and trees growing everywhere, as well as buildings and houses scattered around. It is a small city that coexists harmoniously with nature.

Most of the outsiders come here to visit and browse the surrounding wetland environment.

There are even huge observation towers and observation decks built in Nohara City, where you can see the diverse environments and wild Pokémon in the wetland at any time.

But now the focus of Xiaozhi and his party is on the elf center, and they have no time to enjoy the unique wetland city scenery around them, and walk straight towards the goal.

Due to the resounding reputation of the insect king recently, many trainers gathered in Nohara City, which was much more lively than before.

Many people even tried to track down the bug king dragon king scorpion from a distance on the watchtower.

It's just that I didn't see any abnormality. Now many trainers think that the insect king is purely a gimmick made by local businesses, and many people can still hear cursing in the lobby of the elf center.

But these had nothing to do with the three of Xiaozhi, they happened to have a room, and they all put down their luggage and took a shower to relax.

(I feel that Xiaoyao has an ice cloth in the animation, and it is reasonable for Xiaoguang to also have a leaf cloth from this era.)

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