He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1759 Nohara Gymnasium, vs Jixian!

The second day in Nohara City.

After a night's rest, the three people who walked out of the elf center again were all radiant.

After a long day of walking in the muddy wetlands, taking a hot bath to rest at night is definitely the top relaxation enjoyment!

And today they did not go to the most famous watchtower in Nohara City.

After all, I have walked around the Great Wetland myself, so what's the point of just looking around from a distance?

Originally, today's original plan was to play in the city for a day, but after the reform of the Gorgeous Contest, Xiaoguang is now more and more eager to improve himself and become stronger, so he hastily dragged Xiaozhi to open Xiaozao Special.

We just have a new partner——Ye Yibu, so hurry up and get used to it so that we can challenge Nohara Gymnasium.

"The owner of the Nohara Gym is Mr. Jixian, who seems to be a professional wrestler."

Xiaozhi looked at the information in the illustrated book in his hand, especially the photo of Ji Xian, who was a rough and strong man with thick muscles and limbs.

It seems to be somewhat similar to Ah Si of Zhanlan Gym.

As for the Pokémon, they are all water-type Pokémon, and they are all quite common spirits in the Sinnoh area. There is nothing special about them.

"I prefer to enjoy the atmosphere of fierce battles, so don't take it too seriously~!"

In particular, the illustration book also found a section of Ji Xian's interview, which was quite casual, and Xiaozhi secretly memorized it.

Well, don't take Gym Leaders too seriously.

Although the body is rough, but in the video, it is a carefree and happy comedy. From the perspective of people, the difficulty of this gymnasium battle should not be high.

Even the newly subdued Yeib can still appear on the stage.

Xiaoguang has already taken out the illustration book and checked the moves Ye Yibo has mastered.

"Flying Leaf Quick Knife, Sword Dance, Leaf Blade Slash"

Yeeb is a relatively rare physical attack existence among grass-type Pokémon, especially the moves of this Yeeb seem very violent.

"The level is not low, and there is no need to cultivate it from scratch."

Xiaozhi commented from the side, it seems that he has lived alone in the wetland for a while, and he is not the kind of Yeeb who has just completed his evolution.

Immediately, he backhand released his forest turtle and stood at one end of the training ground.

"Attack over here, Xiaoguang, and try Yeib's power next."

Coincidentally, he also needs to adjust the state of the forest turtle, and he can also appear in the Nohara Gym inspection battle.

The last time he was defeated by Mikri's ancient coelacanth, it still exposed a lot of problems with the forest turtle.

Xiaoguang nodded, raised his hand and pointed:

"Yebu, use Leaf Blade Slash!!"

Ye Yibu understood, and immediately jumped up, and the leaf-like tail instantly extended and turned into a green light blade, which slashed down heavily.

"Block it, use the shrink shell!"

Xiaozhi chose a defensive strategy, but the wood turtle obviously couldn't completely retract its head into the body like the Squirrel, and still stand in place.

However, on the surface of the body, there was a red light of defense improvement.

Bang bang! !

The leaf blade fell on the forest turtle's head, and the impressive force caused the latter to leap forward.

The flexible movements combined with strong strength made Xiaoguang very happy.

But the forest turtle quickly recovered, its eyes were dignified and firm, and it immediately adjusted its figure and prepared for the next move

The training lasted until the afternoon, and the few people who replenished their condition came to the Nohara Gym this time.

From the outside, the Nohara Gymnasium is a normal gymnasium building, and there is nothing unusual about it.

However, when entering the interior, you can find that the battle field of the gymnasium is somewhat similar to the previous Mikri Cup stage.

In the middle is a wide pool, on which there are randomly scattered stone pillars protruding from the water to support Pokémon who cannot swim.

"This is the arena again!"

Xiaozhi's eyes suddenly became fiery. Last time the forest turtle was placed in such an environment, this time he must overcome it!

However, he still suppressed the flames of war for the time being. Today's first battle is Xiaoguang.

At this moment, a figure was already standing at the other end of the pool, with its back facing them.

Then he suddenly turned around, raised his arms and shouted, the voice echoed loudly in the indoor venue:

"Boys and girls, I've been waiting for you for a long time! The arena is calling us!!"

This fiery aura made the three of Xiaozhi stunned for a moment. This should be the owner Ji Xian, right?

But Ji Xian was naked on the upper body, revealing his strong and thick arms and chest and abdominal muscles, and on the lower body was wearing a pair of black and blue leggings and a pair of brown leather boots.

There is still a mask on the round head just to hide the loneliness.

There are only a few striped masks, which almost expose the entire head. It looks like a strong man with a cropped hair and a beard around his cheeks.

"My uncle is Ji Xian, the owner of the gymnasium with water attributes, you all feel free to come here!!"

Although Ji Xian was the owner of the water attribute hall, his tone was as hot as a flame, and he shouted loudly that he would fight as soon as he met.

"I'm Xiaoguang from Shuangye Town, and I'm here to challenge the Nohara Gym!"

Xiaoguang took a deep breath, restrained his emotions, and slowly stood on the other side of the pool to answer.

In order not to lose face in front of her mother in the future, she will go all out to become stronger now.

"Good eyes, then I accept your challenge!"

Ji Xian raised his arms high, as enthusiastic as if he was fighting in a ring.

Seeing this, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang naturally went to the sidelines to watch the competition, waiting closely for the start of the competition.

A referee man came over quickly beside him, his figure was much thinner, but he was also wearing a mask that "covers his loneliness".

"Then the challenge rule of the Nohara Gymnasium is 2v2. If both elves lose their fighting ability, the winner will be determined!"

The referee spoke.

Generally speaking, gym battles are 3v3, not to mention that Nohara Gym is still a late-stage gym.

But Ji Xian is very casual about the battle, just fight enthusiastically, and the number should be less.

"Then it's my first battle!"

With a loud cry, Ji Xian threw out an elf ball first.


A red light flashed, it was a blue-green nudibranch, its slug-like body landed on the water, its legs wriggling.

The color ratio of the blue body and the green back belongs to the manatee on the east side of Tianguan Mountain.

"Please, Yeeb!!"

Seeing this, Xiaoguang did not hesitate at all, and decisively dispatched Ye Yibu, who had just been recruited into the team.

Manatee is a Pokémon with water + ground attributes. It is very difficult to match attributes, but the grass attribute is a huge weakness.


When the red light fell, Ye Yibu slowly landed on a stone platform, looking at the opposite side calmly.

When the red light fell, Ye Yibu slowly landed on a stone platform, looking at the opposite side calmly

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