He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1763 Melee Combat

Ice water jet, Xiaoguang first saw the tactic on Xiaozhi's swimming ring Itachi.

It has both the power of simple combat and the gorgeousness of the gorgeous contest. Prince Bo, who controls the water jet, naturally copied this move.

However, Xiaoguang has only tried to use the "frozen light" to complete the jet of ice water, and this is the first time for Frozen Fang.

Looking at the mid-air, Prince Bo's whole body has turned into a slender ice pick, especially the sharp spikes in front of him, Xiaoguang couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

The move was successful!

"Hey, hey!? What kind of move is this?!"

Ji Xian was taken aback by this bold combination of moves, and was a little too late to direct the snorkeling Itachi to dodge.

However, without Youyouzi, the speed of the snorkeling Itachi couldn't avoid this blow at all.

Whoosh! !

The next moment, the jet of ice water hit the snorkeling itachi's chest head-on, and the ice chips burst completely in an instant, making a loud noise.

The strong impact force even knocked the snorkeling ferret out of the water, and retreated a long distance close to the water surface.

Freezing gives the water jet a substantial form, and its attack power is even better.

Especially the sharp ice pick at the front end, like a javelin spear, the damage is very exaggerated.


But the ice shards fell all over his body, and Prince Bo fell to the ground again, exuding a cold air.

This move also hurts him to a certain extent, but compared with the other party, it is obvious that the damage he has suffered is negligible.

And when the smoke cleared, everyone's eyes fell on the edge of the arena.


The haughty snorkeling ferret from before had already collapsed in the corner of the wall and lost consciousness.

"Snorkeling Itachi can't fight, Prince Bo won, so this Nohara Gym Challenge will be won by Xiaoguang from Futaba Town!!"

The masked referee immediately pronounced the verdict loudly.

Hearing that the battle was over, Xiao Guang breathed a sigh of relief, and his lower limbs became a little weak.


Prince Bo even sat upside down on the stone platform, panting continuously.

Its physical strength is also close to the limit.

If it hadn't been forcibly supporting and maintaining a standing image in front of this snorkeling weasel, it would have lost its strength and sat down a long time ago.

"Did you lose?"

Ji Xian's head sank, and he took back the snorkeling ferret, but this time he didn't take any of them?

However, his expression quickly became excited again, and it was not affected by the ending of the game in the slightest.

"Well, even though the result is like this, the battle with you is really exciting!!"

Ji Xian said carelessly, this kind of fierce fighting atmosphere is definitely the best enjoyment for him!

Whether it's in Pokémon battles or live wrestling, it can make his blood boil!

Well, it would be nice to have another live wrestling at this time!

After the match, Xiaoguang released both Ye Yibo and Prince Bo to stand on either side of him.

Prince Bo is still playing very well, she is the trump card in her current team and even her strength is still growing rapidly, the future can be expected!

And Ye Yibu also showed a good fighting power. Although she just joined the team, she is almost the 2nd one in her team.

Obtaining the victory in the original gymnasium gave Xiaoguang a lot of confidence.

"Nice expression, girl!"

Seeing the expression on Xiaoguang's face, Ji Xian walked over with a smile and praised.

Then he spread out his palm and handed out a circular badge with a circular arc in the middle, dividing the badge into two patterns: a pool and a quagmire.

"This is the wetland badge that proves the victory over Nohara Gym!"

Ji Xian explained with a smile.

The emblems of the Sinnoh area are all named after the famous terrain near the gymnasium, such as the forest emblem and the ruins emblem.

The most famous place near the Nohara Gymnasium is naturally the Great Wetland in the north.

"Wetland Badge!"

Xiao Guang took the badge with a ruddy complexion, looked it over carefully, and put it in the badge box.

At this moment, there are four badges neatly arranged in the box, and there are four other gaps before she is qualified to challenge the Sinnoh Alliance Conference, only half the way is left!

Seeing that Xiaoguang had completed the task, Xiaozhi finally leaned over and looked directly at Ji Xian.

Sure enough, watching the battle as a spectator is the most itchy, and he also wants to fight urgently.

Seeing Xiaozhi approaching, Ji Xian cast his eyes curiously.

Although it is very common for trainers to travel together, in general, only one person should challenge the gymnasium

It is very rare to have a pair of partners who both challenge gyms.

If you travel like this, won't you fight yourself halfway?

"Is it my turn? I'm Xiaozhi from Zhenxin Town! I'm also here to challenge the Nohara Gym!"

And Xiaozhi pointed to Jixian's muscles, and then imitated the opponent's signature gesture of raising his hands and shaking his arms, indicating that it was his turn to challenge next.

The other party didn't seem to know about gym surveillance, so Xiao Zhi simply didn't mention it.

Needless to say, this action is quite handsome.


But seeing this action, Ji Xian was stunned for a moment, and then looked Xiaozhi up and down.

Not tall, wearing clothes, can't see much muscle on the body

"Young man, I admire you very much!!"

However, at the next moment, Ji Xian let out a high-pitched laugh, and then also raised his arms and shouted, as if there were countless audiences watching the battle and applauding.

"Then our battle will begin immediately!!"

Ji Xian was even in a hurry. After adjusting his mask, he returned to the arena again.

Xiaozhi: "???"

This time it's his turn to be confused, Ji Xian's two Pokémon can't fight, right? Have you prepared other combat power?

And why this time, Mr. Jixian did not go to the end of the trainer's command, but stood directly on a stone platform in the center of the arena like a Pokémon.

Xiaozhi shook his head, and vaguely recalled that before entering the gymnasium, the notice board at the door not only had Pokémon battle

Similarly, there are challenges in the arena of real wrestling and gladiatorial combat!

Mr. Ji Xian will not be wrong about his meaning, right? !

"Wait a minute, I mean Pokémon Battle!"

Xiaozhi quickly opened his palm, wanting to straighten the plot again.

"Young man! It's rare that someone dares to challenge my wrestling skills! This uncle is already hungry and thirsty! Hurry up and have a big fight!!"

However, Ji Xian in the center of the pool changed several bodybuilding moves in succession, his voice like a bell echoed in the arena, completely overshadowing Xiao Zhi's voice.


Seeing that everyone's eyes were on him, Xiao Zhi could only swallow his saliva, walked into the center of the arena bravely, and stood on a stone pillar next to Ji Xian.

"Haha, my uncle is coming in!"

Seeing that the target had already stepped onto the ring, Ji Xian didn't show any mercy, lowered his figure, and charged forward with open arms!

The thick body is pushed flat like a hill.

Huge disparity in body and weight, this is going to knock Xiaozhi out!

"The winner has already been divided."

This made the masked referee next to him couldn't help but close his eyes.

While slowly raising one of his hands, he was ready to predict in advance and call out the result of Xiaozhi's inability to fight.

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