He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1764 Lost Consciousness


As expected, there was a sound of falling into the water at the next moment after there was a sound of collision.

"Have you been knocked into the water by Mr. Ji Xian?"

The mask referee sighed helplessly.

Doing that arm-raising action in front of Mr. Jixian is undoubtedly a challenge to him in the field of wrestling.


It's just that when he looked at smoking a cigarette, he rubbed his eyes vigorously, the scene in front of him was a bit unbelievable.

On the stone platform, Xiaozhi was still standing there, nothing unusual.

"Wait a minute, what was the sound of falling into the water just now?!"

The masked referee quickly looked around, and it took him a long time to see air bubbles emerging from the surface of a pool, followed by a figure slowly emerging from the water.

But Ji Xian's strong body was floating upside down on the surface of the pool at this moment, like a dead fish with its belly upturned.

The eye parts that can be seen under the hollow mask have also shown the appearance of ring eyes.

Floating there motionless, it was obvious that he had completely lost consciousness.


This made the masked referee dumbfounded, and stood there in a daze, his head blank.

How could Mr. Ji Xian fly out?

Could it be that he used too much force and accidentally fell down and became dizzy?

"Damn it, why did I close my eyes just now!!"

Anyway, no matter what happened, missing that scene made the referee start beating his chest.

Of course, this scene was perfectly captured by Xiao Gang and Xiao Guang.

At this moment, Xiaoguang stood on the spot like a log, his eyes widened.

Prince Bo beside him even had white pupils and a big beak, apparently too surprised to open his mouth.

Everything that happened before was completed in an instant.

Ji Xian tried to defeat Xiao Zhi with a frontal push.

The latter stood in place, raised his hands, and Xiaoguang was not very good at explaining exactly what happened between them.


In short, in the next blink of an eye, the tall and strong Mr. Jixian was thrown out by Xiaozhi and fell into the water.


But Xiao Gang's expression was much calmer, as if he had expected it long ago.

But the brows on the dark face were still twitching.

It's been a long time since Xiaozhi fought in person, and he almost forgot about Xiaozhi's own strength.

If the Pokémon battle allows the trainer to go up and fight, and the Pokémon will command behind, maybe the current Xiaozhi has gone further.

"Are you all right, Mr. Jixian?!"

However, after the incident, Xiao Zhi, with a bit of innocence and concern, hurried forward and carefully salvaged the fainted Ji Xian.

But looking at the latter's dizzy appearance, it is estimated that he will not wake up today.

"It's not a big problem, it's just a loss of consciousness"

After the mask referee came up to check, he breathed a sigh of relief.

He is not only the referee of Pokémon battles, but also the referee in the wrestling ring, with a keen judgment on the type of injury.

Hitting the target's head hard, the violent vibration spreads to the brain, which is prone to concussion and dizziness

Just lie down for a few days and you'll be fine.

It's just that Mr. Ji Xian usually kills his opponent with one move, why was he killed in a second today?

"Should it really have fallen by itself?"

He could only comfort himself in this way, he hit his head on the stone platform with too much force.

"It's fine"

Hearing the referee's voice, Xiaozhi also secretly heaved a sigh of relief.

Did he use too much force just now? He was afraid that he would directly cover Mr. Ji Xian with a white cloth with one move.

"Next time, don't use the power of waveguide."

The scared Xiao Zhi thought to himself.

Thinking that Ali's Lucario could use the power of waveguide to enhance his close combat ability, Xiaozhi had an idea and tried to add the power of waveguide to his actions.

In the future, if it is a hand-to-hand fight, it is better to greet with ordinary fists, it is simpler

Ji Xian fell to the ground, but there was no way to continue fighting.

Seeing that the latter was still breathing, Xiaozhi and the others also breathed a sigh of relief, and prepared to leave the Nohara Gym.

"Wait a minute, this is your proof of defeating the Nohara Gym, the badge of the wetland!"

However, before leaving, the mask referee still handed Xiaozhi a wetland badge.

Even if you wrestle by yourself, you are considered defeated.

Seeing Xiaozhi's inexplicable appearance, he could only explain:

"The rule of our Nohara Gym is that if you can defeat Mr. Jixian in the Pokémon fighting wrestling ring, you can also get a badge!"

After receiving the badge, Xiaozhi frowned.

Badges are used to participate in the alliance conference, and the conference does not require the trainer to have any fighting and wrestling ability.

This kind of badge giving is completely illegal and private rules.

Although Mr. Jixian's battle is indeed very passionate, it is not as casual as he said

But if it is this kind of behavior, Xiaozhi feels that he still needs to write it in a small notebook.

However, what Xiaogang said to him when he walked out of the gymnasium made Xiaozhi take back this idea.

"Well, I investigated the Nohara Gym just now, so it turns out that this is a very famous gym in the local area."

Xiao Gang narrowed his eyes and said slowly.

As the owner of the gym, not only the owner himself can get salary from the alliance, but also the gym itself has a good profit.

Don't look at Ji Xian's carelessness, but he donated all the proceeds from the gymnasium to the wetland in Nohara City for free to maintain the local ecological environment.

"And there is no mayor in Nohara City. Mr. Ji Xian is equivalent to the mayor. He is responsible for the operation and management of the entire city."

Xiao Gang continued.

This also makes Ji Xian and Nohara Gymnasium have a very high appeal in the local area.

If such a person is fired, it might cause some big trouble.

As the owner of the gymnasium, Xiaogang still understands this aspect.

A qualified gymnasium owner is not only responsible for accepting the challenge of the trainer, issuing badges and even shouldering the responsibility of leading the upward development of the entire city.

In this regard, he is actually an unqualified museum owner.

After all, he needs to carry a lot of burdens in the family, and he has no time to manage the whole Nibi City.

In comparison, Xiao Mao, who has just taken over the Evergreen Gym, will undoubtedly do a better job.

It is said that the city that was ruled by the Rockets and looked very quiet is now in full swing.

"Is there still such a saying?"

Xiaozhi listened in a daze, he didn't understand these things, but Mr. Ji Xian seemed to be a very good person indeed.

And with the latter's casual personality, it doesn't matter if he gets fired, right?

After thinking about it, Xiaozhi still decided to erase the record of the other party's behavior of illegally giving badges.

Well, after all, apart from myself, there should be no one else who can stop Mr. Ji Xian's wrestling punch, right?

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