He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1765 Heading to Shenhe Town

After leaving the Nohara Gym, they returned to the Elf Center.

After a rest, sitting in the lobby, Xiaozhi and the others discussed which city to go to next.

"The owner of Curtain City doesn't know if he is in the nearest gym, but it is Binhai City in the east."

Xiao Gang looked at the map and said.

However, Road No. 222 to the east of Nohara City seems to be under construction for the time being and cannot directly lead to Binhai City.

"Let's go to Shenhe Town next!"

Xiaoguang suddenly stood up and suggested, grabbing a leaflet in his hand.

Next week, Shenhe Town will hold a gorgeous contest, which happens to be her destination.

"Shenhe Town? I remember Miss Zhulan's destination is there, right?"

Xiaozhi remembered something and recalled.

The league champion of the Sinnoh area traveled with them for a while, and then separated when they passed through Tianguan Mountain.

At that time, the latter's goal was this Shenhe town surrounded by mountains, right?

"Shenhezhen, there is a big news recently~!"

Miss Joy, who was passing by, heard the conversation of several people, and couldn't help but interrupted with a smile.

"Oh! Ms. Joey from Nohara City! In this beautiful city rich in water, Ms. Joey is also very watery~!!"

Before Xiaozhi had time to ask about the big news, Xiao Gang jumped up as if he had been injected with chicken blood, half-kneeled on the ground, and gently took the latter's palm.


At the same moment, the elf ball on Xiaogang's waist bounced off automatically.

But the bad frog appeared behind Xiao Gang, and on one raised arm, a sharp poisonous attack was ready to attack Xiao Gang's backyard.

However, Xiao Gang seemed to have expected it, and turned his head.

His squinting eyes stared directly at the latter, shining with a calm light.


This expression froze the bad frog's poison attack, unable to move.

"What's wrong?!"

"Mr. Gang, why did the big snake stare?!"

Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang stared blankly, as usual, the poisonous attack of the bad frog had already been stabbed up.

Although he is exercising anti-toxin every day, Xiaogang is estimated to be paralyzed for more than ten minutes. Why is the bad frog froze today? !


Xiao Gang just twitched the corner of his mouth, ready to continue to focus on Miss Joy in front of him.

However, a group of new trainers flooded into the Elf Center, which made Ms. Joy shyly dodge and run back to the front desk to work.

This made Xiaogang lower his head in disappointment, and helplessly take back the bad frog.

In the big wetland, Xiao Gang saw with his own eyes the bad frog and the female bad frog stacked on top of each other.


Xiaogang even recorded this scene on his mobile phone backhanded.

This also makes every time the bad frog wants to do something, Xiaogang will shake the phone.

The handle was completely grasped by Xiaogang, and now the bad frog also has a weakness, unable to hit the silky, poisonous blow that hits the rear court.

But after some farce, everyone still knew the "big news" that Miss Joy said.

"Shenhe Town will hold a mysterious white jade orb exhibition! The legendary mysterious treasure related to Palkia, the god of space!"

Similar to the EMI Museum last time, this time Shenhe Town also organized a treasure exhibition.

The time coincided with the gorgeous competition in Shenhe Town, and it seemed that it was going to attract a lot of attention.

"Shenhe Town, a small town carrying the past, preserves the ancient history and way of life of the Sinnoh region, and it is also the hometown of the league champion Zhulan."

Xiaoguang looked at the information found in the illustrated book and read.

Unlike Zhenxin Town, Zhenxin Town is famous because of Dr. Oki and the twin stars Xiaozhi and Xiaomao.

Now in the Kanto area, and even the Johto area, it is a very famous town.

But although Shenhe Town is the hometown of Zhulan, the champion of the league, it is still a very quiet town and not well-known.

Even Xiao Guang, a local, needs to consult the illustrated book to know this place.

"E Xiaoguang, I feel like no matter where you are, you need to look up the illustrated book."

Xiaozhi couldn't help complaining.

What this local person knows is almost the same as that of a foreigner!

"No problem~!"

Xiaoguang just waved his hands, stuck out his tongue and said.

Shenhe Town is surrounded by towering mountains, backed by Tianguan Mountain, and has a natural barrier with the outside world, and it is difficult for outsiders to enter.

But recently, even the Gorgeous Contest has been held. It seems that they want to increase the popularity of the town!

"Then it's decided, let's go to Shenhe Town!"

So Xiao Zhi slapped the table and made a decision.

I happened to go to see the treasure of the God of Space last time, the Vajra Orb of the God of Time, and I don’t know what happened.

Maybe Miss Zhulan is also in that town?

"This time, we can try to invite a battle!"

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi's eyes suddenly became hot.

Although Aliu, the king of the alliance who met in the Great Wetland last time, was somewhat stretched, but he had seen Zhulan and Shinji fight with his own eyes.

The strength of the biting land shark is very strong, even if he uses all his strength, he may not be able to win the opponent.

"Is the next trip Shenhe Town?"

After confirming his destination, Xiao Gang looked at the map again.

The nearest road is to turn back from the Great Wetland, and return to Curtain City from the shore of Lizhi Lake

"Ah, are you going to the Great Wetland again?!"

Hearing this, Xiaoguang couldn't help complaining.

Although I was very excited when I caught Ye Yibu yesterday, but now I think about it, there is only one word.



Ye Yibu, who was dozing next to him, also cast a dissatisfied gaze and let out a low cry.

It has lived in the Great Wetland for a long time. As a clean Yeib, now he has no nostalgia for his hometown.

Ye Yibu had thought of going outside for a long time.

"It's not a big problem, we can take the cable car around."

Xiao Gang said with a smile, there is no need to walk it all over again, which made Xiao Guang and Ye Yibo feel relieved at the same time.

It didn't take long to subdue them, but the tacit understanding between the two was very good.

"Yeb? I want one too."

Looking at the elegant and lazy Ye Yibu, Xiaozhi next to him couldn't help but said.

The most famous Eevee evolutions in the Sinnoh region are Yeeb and Ice Ive. Now that Yeeb has seen it, he seems to see another Ive.

After completing the task in Nohara City, there is nothing urgent for Xiaozhi and his party.

It is rare to come to a city with such a special terrain. In the afternoon, a few people came to the very famous observation tower in Nohara City.

Standing at a high point, using a high-precision telescope that can project and look into the distance, you can almost see the whole picture of the Great Wetland

Of course, the terrain covered by dense bushes and trees is still difficult to see through.

However, it is very interesting to be able to see wild Pokémon playing and moving freely in the wetland from a bird's-eye view.

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