After taking the cable car around the Great Wetland, they soon returned to the shore of Lizhi Lake.

Although Xiaozhi really wanted to walk the Great Wetland again, to see if he could tame some rare Pokémon.

However, the two little friends were not interested, and Xiaozhi didn't force them to walk again.

They didn't stay long at the lakeside resort either. After all, the gorgeous contest didn't wait for anyone, and there was still a long way to Shenhe Town from here.

"Hey, why are you back again?"

However, when passing by Curtain City, several people took a rest in Leisi's cultivation cabin.

After some explanation, Reiss nodded.

"Shenhe town is surrounded by mountains. If you want to enter that town, there is only a very narrow mountain road."

Lei Si, a local, obviously knows better than Xiaoguang, and he already knows a lot about this town.

"The town famous for producing the champion bamboo orchid actually had a Dragon King before that."

He even shared some cold knowledge with Xiaozhi and the others.

"Dragon King?"

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes, this was the first time he had heard of it.

"It's just the king of heaven in other regions, not the Sinnoh Alliance, so even the locals don't know much about it."

Lei Si said with a smile, and then changed the topic to his younger brother Shinji.

"You guys just came back from the wetlands, right? Shinji recently caught a special-sized dragon king scorpion there. It seems to be called the insect king."

"So that bug king was caught by Shinji?!"

The three of Xiaozhi looked at each other, a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, the existence of hunter J and the king of insects, Aliu, who competed for existence, was cut off by Shinji in the end.

"It looks like Shinji was nearby at the time?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help whispering.

"Don't underestimate that kid. I've seen his team. It's basically formed, and they're all specially selected high-level individuals whose strength surpasses that of ordinary people of the same kind."

Lei Si said slowly, with a bit of pride in his voice.

Then cooperate with Shinji's sophistication and calm command and cooperation

According to this strength, if there are no outrageous opponents, if Shinji wins the championship this time, it should not be a big problem.

But it's hard to say, there are quite a few people frying fish in the Shen'ao Alliance.

For example, in the past few years, Daye won the Sinnoh Conference with overwhelming strength, and even defeated the previous king in one fell swoop, taking over as the fire attribute king.

The year before last, there was also a king of insect attributes, Aliu

However, this person is a bit too watery, so he can't be regarded as fried fish. He belongs to the extreme comeback, and he won the championship by luck.

Even the previous Heavenly King he took over is in a semi-retired state, which basically means that the position was given to Ah Liu for nothing.

"If Shinji wins this meeting, he will probably take Aliu as well, and he might win it directly~!"

Thinking of this, Lei Si's thoughts have fast forwarded to the emergence of a new alliance king in their family, and the expressions on his face are all beaming.

Although he is already a cultivator, if Shinji can become the king of the alliance, he will wake up with a smile in his dreams.

This made Xiaozhi and the others could only laugh dryly beside him.

What a brother who has great expectations for his younger brother!

"In other words, I have basically got all the badges now."

Although Xiaozhi didn't intend to participate in this alliance meeting, but unconsciously, he was collecting badges along the way.

It is completely possible to take advantage of the trend to participate in the alliance meeting.

I just don't know if there will be some incredible masters in this Sinnoh Alliance Conference.

"And I want to fight that Shinji?"

Xiaoguang thought about this scene for a while, and couldn't help shivering.

Shinji's iron-blooded fighting style is much more violent than Xiaowang's, which makes Xiaoguang a little bit scared.

She collected badges along the way, naturally intending to challenge the Sinnoh Alliance Conference this time.

Half of the badges are collected, there is no reason not to participate

Get a top 256, at least you also have a certificate of honor!

After bidding farewell to Leisi, several people continued to move towards Shenhe Town.

But before leaving, Lei Si seemed to think of something and reminded:

"I seem to have heard that there is a group of up-and-coming ducks blocking Route 210 recently. I don't know if it's true?"

Leisi is not sure either. According to the news, dozens of Kodak ducks were all crowded together, and the only road leading to Shenhe Town was stuck to death. This kind of news sounds somewhat absurd.

"Can you reach the duck?"

Hearing the name of Koda Duck, Xiaozhi couldn't help but look at Xiaogang, and a figure appeared in his mind unconsciously.

Didn't expect to see ducks from my hometown in the Sinnoh region?

The two were very excited, and immediately quickened their pace, intending to see a group of Kodak ducks huddling together.


Xiao Guang followed behind with a look of incomprehension.

Pokémon such as Podduck also inhabit the Sinnoh area, and it is not uncommon to see that she does not have the podduck feelings of Xiaozhi and the other two.

And when the three of Xiaozhi arrived at their destination, although they had been reminded a long time ago, they were still taken aback when they saw the specific scene.

This is a long and narrow forest passage, and there is only a road about three meters wide that can continue to the valley in the distance.

However, at this aisle bayonet, there are dozens of chubby ducks stuffed at the moment.

The yellow and squat bodies are crowded together, filling the aisle to the brim.

They all held their heads in their palms, showing uncomfortable expressions, as if their heads were in pain.




One after another, hoarse duck calls sounded one after another, making the surroundings of this aisle very noisy.

There were even a lot of people gathered around, blocked by the group of Kodak ducks blocking the way, unable to enter Shenhe Town smoothly.

Because of the recent gorgeous competition and the white jade orb exhibition, many foreign tourists plan to enter this small town for sightseeing.

As a result, they are all blocked outside now, unable to pass through.

Xiaozhi also noticed that there was a small wooden house next to the aisle, and the sign outside seemed to be a cafe in the mountains?

As the tourists who keep approaching are kept out, this coffee shop can be said to have a booming business recently.

When the three of Xiaozhi looked in from the door, the store was already full of people, and there was no room left.

Well, it's just like the roadblock duck outside.

"This group of Kodak ducks blocking the way has been around for about two days, right?"

A tourist brother next to him introduced to the three of Xiaozhi.

I don't know why, it's just blocking there.

As wild Pokémon, one or two can be directly driven away, but dozens of nearly a hundred Kodaks are crowded together, so they can only be driven away by violent means.

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