He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1767 The Weak Hualan Gym

"Kudduck is innocent, please put away your Pokémon and prohibit any violent expulsion!"

A Miss Jun Sha was grabbing the loudspeaker beside her and said loudly.

Many tourists who were disturbed by the calls of the ducks planned to send their Roentgen cats to fire a shot of 100,000 volts, or the sharp-toothed cages to shoot out the flying leaves and sharp knives to clean up these annoying ducks at once.

After all, in the eyes of most people, Kodak Duck is a bad street existence, not worth mentioning.

This kind of Pokémon cannot have any popularity or topicality in this life.

"We have already entrusted experts to investigate. Please be patient and wait for the tourists who urgently need to pass. I have a Muke Eagle here, which can be brought over by using the flying technique, but only one person can be taken at a time."

Beside Miss Junsha, there is also a Mukehawk with a handsome red hair on its head.


However, Mukeying looked very tired. Obviously, he had already carried a lot of people there and consumed a lot of stamina.

"Miss Junsha, please take a break~ You and Mu Keying are already very haggard~ Xiaosheng also feels very distressed~!"

Xiao Gang naturally ran to Miss Junsha's side immediately, comforting and distressed.

Now without the restraint of bad frogs, he no longer has to worry about being suddenly attacked in the backyard.

"Ah, I'm not used to it to some extent?"

And Xiaozhi walked slowly to the front of the duck pile.

Although Miss Junsha noticed an electric mouse with electric attributes on Xiaozhi's shoulder, it looked cute and had no fighting power, so she let Xiaozhi continue to move forward.


"Quacking Wu!"

When approaching, besides the hoarse duck squawking, Xiaozhi could also hear a whine.

Get close to the face of a wild Kodak duck, the latter has a dumbfounded expression, with his head in his hands, but his eyes are half-closed, which is obviously a very painful expression.

It's just that to ordinary people, the expression of Koda Duck is just very funny and contrasting.

But in the past, there was a Pokémon in the same team. Xiaozhi was quite familiar with the appearance of this kind of Pokémon, so he naturally saw that there was something wrong with these Pokémon.


After looking around, the body of the Koda duck in front of me has no injuries on the surface. It can't be that it stepped on the weeds. The weeds with restraint attributes are constantly sucking blood, right?

"What's wrong?"

Xiaoguang also came to the side and asked curiously.

It looked very painful, which made her worry.

"I don't know but I can ask an expert."

I don't know when the experts Miss Junsha mentioned came to Xiaozhi himself, who also knew the Duck experts.

So he took out the illustration book backhand, and prepared to send a video call to Xiaoxia in his hometown, asking the latter to identify the situation of this group of reachable ducks.

"By the way, what's Xiaoxia's phone number?"

After searching in the address book for a long time, Xiaozhi found the target and hurriedly called him.


After a while, the screen lit up, and a beautiful girl with short orange hair appeared on it, with her hair tied up in a tuft to one side.

"Xiaozhi? Why did you suddenly call me today?"

On the other end of the phone, Xiaoxia asked curiously, quite surprised.

"Oh Xiaoxia, long time no see. I have a group of Kodak ducks here and I need your help to identify them."

Xiaozhi didn't delay either, and got straight to the point.

There are more and more people here, maybe something will happen.

"Is this Senior Xiaoxia?"

Xiaoguang next to him also moved his head curiously, his small eyes sized up the woman on the screen.

She looks like a sporty girl, full of energy.

"Ho ho ho ho!!"

It's just that the voice at the end of the illustration book is a bit noisy, and even a violent roar can be faintly heard.

Listen, like a dragon roar?

Yu Xiaoxia didn't even look at the illustrated book, she sometimes lowered her head and quickly glanced at the illustrated book, and sometimes looked in front of her.

"Hey, Xiaoxia, what are you doing over there?"

Xiaozhi couldn't help being curious.

Before Xiaoxia could answer, Xiaoxia's commanding voice came from the other side.

"Now, Gyarados, let's mega evolve!!"

The next moment, the entire picture book screen was flooded with brilliant light, which blinded the eyes of Xiao Zhi and the others.

Although I don't know what happened, there should be a very cool mega Gyarados in front of Xiaoxia right now?

"Use Waterfall Climbing!!"

Xiaoxia seemed to be fighting someone, and continued to command the Gyarados to fight.

"Mega Gyarados, the last is the ultimate impact!!"

Boom boom boom! !

Although they couldn't see anything, Xiaozhi and the two could hear an unusually violent explosion sound, and the illustrated book was shaking violently, as if it was about to explode at any moment.

Then the battle seemed to subside, and Xiaoxia on the screen also shouted at her opponent with a stern expression:

"How dare you underestimate our Hualan gymnasium, go and practice again, your level is not enough to control our blue badge!"

Vaguely, Xiaozhi seems to have heard something crying?

After a while, Xiaoxia turned her gaze back to the illustrated book, and shook her hands in embarrassment.

"I'm sorry, someone just came to challenge the gym"

It seems to be a novice trainer. When he came up, he was very provocative and said that this is the weakest gym in Kanto, so that Xiaoxia will be beaten obediently.

This made Xiaoxia lose her temper all of a sudden. Facing the Frog Seed sent by the opponent who had just received it less than three days ago, she backhanded and released her Gyaradosaurus.

In order to teach this arrogant newcomer a lesson, Xiaoxia chooses to mega-evolve at the beginning, scaring the other party down to the ground.

"Hey, by the way, Xiaoxia, do you have a keystone?"

Xiaozhi asked curiously, this made Xiaoxia on the screen look like a treasure offering, with her head slightly lowered, proudly showing off her keystone headband.

"By the way, are you Xiaoguang? Hello, my name is Xiaoxia~!"

Noticing that there was another cute little girl on the screen, Xiaoxia greeted her carefreely.

"Hello! Senior Xiaoxia, I'm Xiaoguang. I've heard your story from Teacher Gang!"

Xiaoguang also hurriedly introduced himself cautiously.



It wasn't until the noisy duck calls around him interrupted the conversation of several people again that Xiaozhi reacted suddenly.

"By the way, Xiaoxia, the point now is that we have a group of Kodak ducks all huddled together, looking very painful. Look what's wrong!"

To make a long story short, Xiaozhi pointed the camera of the illustration book at the group of ducks.

Then I gave a close-up of the face of a close-up Kodak.

"What, I have a Kodak, but I don't know anything about Kodak."

Xiaoxia at the other end of the illustrated book frowned.

It was rare that she was reminded of asking about the Kodak duck on the side of the road, which made her complain.

But that's what I said, but after seeing the appearance of the Kodak duck on the other side of the illustration book, Xiaoxia blinked her eyes and made a judgment in an instant.

"Well, it seems to be an atypical headache of the Kodak."

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