Although she couldn't understand what Xiaoxia was talking about at all, it was the unintelligible terms that came out of her mouth that were more convincing.

"Atypical headaches? Are there typical headaches?"

Xiaoguang tried to break the sentence, and then asked in doubt.

As soon as this was mentioned, Xiaoxia in the video began to talk about every detail.

"Generally speaking, if the headache is caused by the duck's own internal reasons, the right paw will be slightly higher with the two paws holding the head."

"The melon seeds on the right?"

Xiaozhi was stunned when he heard it, but he still looked at the Koda duck in front of him.

Holding his head with both hands, he looks like he has a splitting headache, but the left paw is higher.

Not only that, Xiaozhi looked around and found that all the ducks crowded together in this circle had higher paws on the left, and the one on the right hugged the chin.

"That's right, this headache is obviously an atypical headache caused by external interference!"

Xiaoxia concluded in a deep voice.

Through the video, she is also looking at the surroundings of this group of ducks remotely.

"In other words, this group of Ducks didn't intend to block here. There must be something around that caused the headache!"

The swearing voice made both of them tremble when they heard it.

Clap clap!

Xiao Guang applauded even more, and stars appeared in his eyes.

"Senior Xiaoxia is worthy of being an expert on Kodak Duck! You can see the reason at a glance!"

After all, normal people, who would pay attention to the difference in the height of the duck's paws when it has a headache?

Is this already enough to write a reachable duck paper? !

Even if it continues to be extended, maybe this conclusion rule is also universal for other Pokémon?

However, Xiaoxia in the video is obviously dissatisfied with this title.

"What kind of Duck expert! I just happen to know a little bit, I'm not familiar with this kind of Pokémon at all!"

She quickly drew the line.

After getting the information from the experts, Xiaozhi looked again at the group of ducks in front of him.

These ducks have been piled up here for 2 days, which means that the cause of their headaches is probably still in effect.

The top was empty, and there was nothing wrong with looking from both sides, so Xiaozhi looked at the feet of Koda Ya.

"It's up to you, Yuanlu Shark!!"

After thinking for a while, Xiaozhi sent out his Yuan Lu Shark backhandedly.

Seeing Xiaozhi's energetic appearance, Miss Junsha next to him thought that Xiaozhi was going to violently attack these ducks, and made a gesture to stop him.

"Don't worry, Miss Junsha! My friend will not harm wild Pokémon!"

Xiaogang quickly assured her with a serious face, making Miss Junsha hesitate a little.

"Round land shark, use digging! Look what's in the ground!"

Hearing Xiaozhi's command, the round land shark jumped up and down, and its two little claws began to plan the hole quickly.


After a while, it completely submerged in the mud.

Then there was a silence, and no one knew what the land shark was doing underground.


Until 2 minutes later, the round land shark got its head out of the original hole again.

But this time, between the latter's open teeth, there was an extra gray-black round stone with bumps on the surface.

It was almost the same size as the round land shark, but it was caught by the latter's jaws.

"Is this a meteorite?"

Xiaozhi looked closer, and said in surprise.

This gray stone looks very similar to the meteorite they saw in the Meteorite Park in Curtain City.

Not only that, but the edge of this meteorite is surrounded by a circle of mechanical devices, with red lights flashing in operation.


Pikachu on the shoulder flicked his ears, and heard something strange from this meteorite

It seems to be the ultrasonic wave that only Pokémon can hear?

Click bang!

Before waiting for Xiaozhi's command, Yuanlu Shark's teeth forcefully bit the entire meteorite and cracked it, making a crisp and crisp sound.

It misses the delicious meteorites in Curtain City very much.

After that, he didn't care what happened, and swallowed all the meteorite fragments into his stomach.


Then he sneezed violently and spit out all the electronic residue.

"So this is the culprit?"

Xiaozhi poked the mechanical residue on the ground, not knowing what kind of black technology device it was.

But it happened to be buried under the body of Koda Duck, which obviously has something to do with it.

"So it's over now?"

Xiao Guang looked around curiously, looking expectant.

Now she is still immersed in Xiaoxia's ingenious theory of Koda Duck.

Even a erudite like Plantina shook her head in the soul world, who would know such cold knowledge!



More than ten minutes after the round land shark bit the meteorite, the cries of the group of ducks also became smaller.

It seems to have worked, and the painful expressions on their faces have also weakened a lot

It's just that it took a long time for the sluggish Kodak to react to the thing that tortured him, and now it has disappeared.

So Xiaozhi gently pulled the Koda duck in the front.


Although the latter was still holding his head, but this time he did not continue to squeeze towards the center, but let Xiaozhi pull it out.

"Successful! It really is the problem of the meteorite!"

Seeing this, Xiaozhi was overjoyed, and quickly pulled the Koda Duck out.

Miss Junsha next to her saw this scene, although she was inexplicable, she quickly came up to help and pulled all the ducks outside.

It's strange, she used a lot of strength before, and the group of ducks didn't move at all, as if they were stuck together

Why is it so easy to pull away now?

After a while, the bayonet path leading to Shenhe Town was completely vacated and unimpeded.



And this group of up-and-coming ducks blocking the way are like door gods, lined up on both sides, holding their heads, and staring at the tourists passing in the middle with dull eyes.

Although the scene does seem a bit weird.

When the matter came to an end, the tourists who were piled up here naturally flocked into Shenhe Town and passed smoothly.

After a while, there were not many people left near this aisle.

Miss Junsha is responsible for evacuating all the ducks to the nearby pond. The specific reason needs to be investigated later.

This event has come to a successful conclusion.

"Is it finally over?"

Even the owner of the nearby coffee shop came out, stretched himself, and breathed a sigh of relief.

But there was a bit of regret in his expression.

The tourists have been crowded here for the past two days, but he has made a lot of money.

But it wasn't a big problem. After two days in front of a group of dazed Kodaks, inspiration came to his mind.

Next, the owner of the coffee shop plans to find a factory to see if he can produce a batch of toys with the theme of the duck.

It seems to be a good idea to put a bgm together with the Koda duck who is shaking his head from side to side vaguely!

Thinking of this, he took out his phone with his backhand and contacted the factory in Curtain City next door.

After all, Curtain City is a city with the most meteorites and factories.

Even the Galactic team has set up a number of factories here to manufacture weird instruments

(An update today!)

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