It was getting late, Xiaozhi and the others also bid farewell to the group of ducks, and continued to walk in the direction of Shenhe Town.

"Strange, so who the hell put the meteorite here?"

Along the way, Xiaoguang couldn't help muttering.

"The meteorite that is the same as Veil City might be Team Galaxy?"

Xiao Gang inferred it as a matter of course.

After all, the Galaxy team stole a lot of meteorites in Veil City at that time, and they were also good at black technology.

I don't know what the purpose is. Now it seems that there may be some kind of energy on the meteorite, which can cause the headache of gathering ducks?

But why go after Kodak?

Is it purely experimenting with black technology, or is there another purpose?


Yuan Lu Shark was brought by Xiaozhi's side at the moment, looking at the surrounding scenery cunningly.

It is rare to eat a delicious meteorite, which makes the current round land shark very excited.

Especially the ancient aura wafting from the town in front made Yuanlu Shark feel comfortable. He simply opened his mouth wide and walked in the front as if leading the way.

"Oh, are you full of energy today?"

Xiaozhi rubbed the latter's head, and there was a matte and rough texture in his palm, which is the shark skin characteristic of the round land shark.

Thinking unsuccessfully, the three of them could only stop thinking about it and walk towards Shenhe Town.

But when the group officially entered the area of ​​Shenhe Town, it was already very late.

Because there is a long and narrow mountain road in the middle, and the dense fog in the air obscures the vision, making it difficult for people to move forward quickly.

Defog, a tool move, was first spread from the Shen'ao area, and its purpose was to dispel the dense fog near Shenhe Town.

Whoosh! !

At this time, a sharp sound suddenly came from the hazy mist.

You can even see a group of black shadows approaching rapidly in the air, with extremely high speed, making a piercing sound of piercing the air.


The next moment, this black shadow suddenly fell from the night sky, and let out a violent dragon roar!

Although the blurry fog couldn't see the whole picture, it was still possible to make out the outline of a biting land shark.

"What the hell, how can there be biting land sharks here? Isn't it only the Tianguan Mountain that lives?!"

Xiao Gang took a step back and couldn't help but blurted out in surprise.

But after thinking about it, Shenhe Zhenben is surrounded by Tianguan Mountain on one side, and the wild biting land sharks of Tianguan Mountain appear here, which seems to make sense?


Seeing that it was a senior of his own race, the Yuanlu Shark who was walking in the front naturally jumped up, and let out a low growl in protest without showing any weakness.

However, there is a big gap between the two body shapes and the outlines outlined in the mist.


Seeing that there were still people who dared to provoke him, this "wild" biting land shark let out a thunderous roar again, even with an extremely powerful deterrent aura in his voice, which made people feel trembling from the depths of their souls.

"So strong?!"

This made the three of Xiaozhi startled and frowning.

Such a terrifying roar even surpassed the Pokémon with intimidating characteristics. The level of this biting land shark is definitely not low!


The round land shark was startled, opened its mouth wide, and sat down on the spot, with a blank head.

Even such a roar formed a substantial wind pressure, blowing away the dense fog several meters around.

"Tsk, just the roar can have the effect of defogging. This level of biting land shark, even if the king of heaven comes, it is estimated that it will be difficult to defeat."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but commented.

Are the wild Pokémon near Soyishenhe Town already at this strength?!

However, the dense fog cleared away and the field of vision was restored. Xiaozhi noticed that there was an incomplete gap in the middle of the vertical fin on the back of this biting land shark.

This biting land shark seems to be a little impressed?


The fog cleared away, and this biting land shark could see clearly the appearance of the three of Xiaozhi, and seemed to recognize something, and put away its fighting spirit and sharp claws.

Then he waved his paw as a greeting.


Before everyone could say anything, there was another clear and melodious chirping sound in the air.

The three of Xiaozhi looked up, only to see a white, chubby bird-shaped Pokémon hovering in the air.

Unlike ordinary birds, this fat bird has smooth white fur on its body surface.

The extended wide triangular wings have a cute face and a fleshy body, and some red and blue triangular patterns cover the abdomen.

call out!

Like a small plane, it slowly fell from the sky, just behind the biting land shark.

When it was almost level with the ground, Xiaozhi noticed that there was a human on the back of this Pokémon.

Long golden hair, gorgeous black silk robe and trousers, cool and beautiful temperament

"Miss Zhulan! Xiaosheng and you have not met for 115 chapters!! I even miss you!!"

Xiao Gang was the first to recognize the latter, and immediately jumped up with love in his eyes, shouting quite frantically.

It was the alliance champion of the Sinnoh region - Bamboo Orchid.

"Hey, it's you all, long time no see~!"

Seeing a few people, Zhulan was also taken aback, then greeted them with a smile, and introduced her Pokémon by the way.

"By the way, you haven't seen it yet, this is my Pokkisi~!"


This big chubby white bird raised one wing and let out a cheerful cry.

"So this Pokémon is called Pokkiss?"

Xiaozhi blinked his eyes. No matter the name or appearance of this Pokémon, he felt very familiar with his ears, but he couldn't tell where he had seen it for a while.

"What a cute Pokémon! If you can use it to participate in the gorgeous contest, it must be perfect!"

Xiaoguang also showed envious eyes, and subconsciously took out the illustrated book, ready to find out.

"Hey. Pokkisi, a fairy with flying attributes, is the evolution of Pokkigu. It will visit a peaceful place without disputes and bring various blessings there, so it is often regarded as an auspicious thing."

According to the illustrated book, it sounds like a very festive and lucky Pokémon.

Hearing the reminder from the illustrated book, Xiaozhi suddenly came back to his senses.

That's right, this Pokkisi is very similar to Xiaoxia's Pokkigu!

Didn't expect Pokkigu to have a new evolution?

He remembered that Xiaoxia's Pokkigu had evolved through intimacy. After all, that Pokbie had always stayed by Xiaoxia's side and had never fought, but it evolved naturally in the end.

"As expected of the Sinnoh region, there are so many incredible new evolutions."

This made Xiaozhi couldn't help sighing that he had encountered many such new evolutionary types along the way.

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