He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1770: Duck Expert

"Pokkiss is the latest evolution method discovered in the Sinnoh area, and it uses a special stone called the Stone of Light to assist~!"

Zhulan's eyes seemed to see through Xiaozhi's thoughts, and she replied casually with a smile.

Her Pokkisi has only evolved in recent years.

Although Pokkigu was able to fight in the past, she was still a bit weaker, and she was at the end of her main team.

But now that the evolution has been completed and her ability has been greatly improved, Pokkisi is already the backbone of her main team.

Of course, biting the land shark is still an absolute trump card!

"Stone of Light?"

Xiaozhi secretly wrote down this information.

Later, you can tell Xiaoxia about it remotely, as a reward for helping them solve the Duck incident during the day.

"Speaking of Miss Zhulan, why are you here at night?"

After exchanging pleasantries, Xiaoguang couldn't help asking.

It can't be that he came to pick him up on purpose, right?

And just now, the ferocious momentum of biting the land shark is completely like attacking the enemy, right?

"Well, where do I start with this?"

This question caused Zhulanshen to put a palm on her chin, and became entangled in thought.

Then with a wave of his hand, he pointed the direction at Shenhezhen.

"In short, let's go to the town first, and I'll talk slowly along the way."

The next moment, Lie Bite Lu Shark and Pokkisi walked ahead to open the way.

A giant dragon and a goblin walking side by side are still very weird.

Along the way, Xiaozhi and the others also knew what happened in Shenhe Town recently.

"Well, the vajra orb that was transported from EMI was stolen again."

Walking in front, Zhulan spread her hands and said helplessly.

Although it was stolen the first time, and then the Rockets, who made the difference as a middleman, sent it back.

This time, the EMI Museum didn't dare to hold any more exhibitions. It directly increased the protection and sent it to the Shenhe Town History Research Institute. It was going to throw this hot potato out first.

Then the transport plane driven by the police was hijacked and taken away at high altitude.

"Is it Team Galaxy again?"

Xiaozhi frowned, and as soon as he mentioned airplanes, he remembered that the guys in the Galaxy team seemed to have several large airplanes.

"Well, Team Galaxy."

Zhulan nodded, her gaze gradually became serious.

Fortunately, Miss Junsha, who was escorted, and Junsha's little buddies were fine, but the diamond orb closely related to Diya Luka was forcibly taken away.

"Wait a minute, didn't I hear that Shenhe Town will hold a white jade orb soon?!"

Xiao Gang suddenly said.

The white jade orb is related to Palkia, the legendary god of space.

Although they don't know what the Galaxy team's purpose is, but since they dare to intercept the police directly and snatch the Vajra Orb, then this equivalent white jade orb is naturally in their pocket.

"Well it's a strategy."

Speaking of this, Zhulan frowned her pretty brows, with a slightly weird expression on her face.

This is actually the idea of ​​the curator of the Shenhe Town Historical Research Institute.

Since the Galaxy team wants the white jade orb, they should show it openly, and then take the opportunity to catch the Galaxy team when the other party shows their feet and is about to steal it.

He could even recover the stolen Diamond Orb!

"Ah, isn't this a little too bold?"

"It doesn't feel like a good idea."

But for this strategy, several people hold a pessimistic attitude, and even Xiao Zhi, who has always been very aggressive, feels a little unreliable.

It doesn't sound like you can get back the diamond orb, but it's more like you want to pack the white jade orb together and give it away!

He has also played against the Galaxy team several times. This organization completely ignores the changes in the surrounding situation and only focuses on the present.

On the other hand, Ms. Zhulan definitely needs to take into account the surrounding environment, so she can't make a move with all her strength.

Then you are completely passive!

"That's what I said too."

Zhulan shrugged and sighed helplessly.

However, the curator of the Institute of History is her grandmother, who has always been carefree and believes in her own strategic deployment.

Helpless, Zhulan had to take advantage of the few days before the exhibition to take Pokkisi and Biting Land Shark for a stroll outside the town to see if she could catch one or two senior cadres of the Galaxy team.

As for those low-level soldiers, Miss Junsha has a lot of them.

It's just that apart from some brainwashing words, there is no information value at all.

If fighting head-on, Zhulan is worthy of anyone.

But now the key is to fear that this group of Galaxy teams will play tricks, and it is hard to guard against them.

Even as the champion of the alliance, Zhulan cannot guarantee the safety of the entire Shenhe Town.

"By the way, the group of Kodak ducks blocking the way at the door?"

Xiaozhi suddenly remembered something and said.

"I know that Duck is probably also a strategy of the Galaxy team."

Zhulan said slowly, her eyes were deep.

This group of upducks had been blocked there two days ago, cutting off the connection between Shenhe Town and the outside world.

She even asked her friends outside to find a special secret medicine that can treat the headache of the duck.

But the secret medicine will be delivered tomorrow.

It's just that I didn't expect that today, other people would have solved the Duck incident in advance.

"Tomorrow is the day when the Shenhe Gorgeous Contest will be held. The Galaxy team wants to destroy the gorgeous contest as usual. Unexpectedly, Koda Duck was dispersed in advance."

At this time, Zhulan suddenly smiled at them and gave them a thumbs up.

"You three are the great heroes of Shenhe Town!"

During the day, people came into the town one after another. From them, Zhulan knew that it was a trainer with electric mice from other places who solved the Kodak duck incident.

This sign was too obvious, so he naturally guessed that it was Xiaozhi and his party.

This gorgeous competition is the first gorgeous competition in Shenhe Town, and it is also a big event for the town to actively communicate with the outside world, but it is of great significance.

If all the tourists and contestants were blocked by Koda Duck, the face of Shenhe Town would be greatly frustrated.

"Haha, actually I want to thank Xiaoxia for her help~!"

Xiaozhi rubbed his head, and gave half of the credit to Xiaoxia who was far away in the Kanto region.


Seeing Zhulan's ignorant expression, Xiaoguang hastily added beside him:

"Senior Xiaoxia is an expert who specializes in Koda ducks! She saw the problem at a glance!"

Obviously, the current Xiaoguang highly respects Xiaoxia.

"Oh, I didn't expect that there are still people who specialize in the study of Koda ducks. They are incredible experts."

Zhulan nodded, with a bit of surprise in her expression.

I even imagined a girl in my mind, surrounded by a group of stupid ducks, the daily task is to observe their scenes with a magnifying glass

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