He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1772 God and Conference

Relying on Yueyuexiong's unique ability, Mingyao now has an entire room full of clothes in the warehouse he rents.

If you don't wear it, you have to buy it and store it first. This is also a good habit he developed in Xicui area.


"Strange Ancients"

The three of Xiaozhi just responded with a dry smile, unable to understand the latter's brain circuit.

But looking at the latter's ruddy face, it even became a lot rounder, obviously adapting to this new world very well.

"By the way, were you training wave punch just now? This is not an easy move in the Xicui area."

Mingyao suddenly looked at the Swimming Ring Itachi and Prince Bo, these two Pokémon are also Pokémon that inhabit the Xicui area.

“But a bit out of shape”

Mingyao shook his head. After conquering the Xicui area, his goals were all on the special individual called the leader.

The Boss Pokémon has a bigger body and can even use rare moves

But it's strange to say that he didn't see a boss Pokémon along the way.

Hearing this, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Guang looked at each other, and their eyes lit up.

Mr. Mikri said that Wave Rush is a move that only ancient Pokémon like the ancient coelacanth can perform.

But obviously the Mingyao in front of him is a complete ancient living fossil!

Absolutely the perfect teacher!

As soon as he mentioned his thoughts, Mingyao quickly agreed cheerfully, he is a brother who understands the moves of waves.

Or in other words, he has mastered all the ancient moves perfectly.

Mingyao didn't know anyone else in this Sinnoh area, which made him have a good impression of Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang in front of him.

In particular, Xiaoguang also looks similar to his friend Xiaozhao. It seems that no matter which time and space they are in, they are destined to be friends.

But the time for the gorgeous contest is about to start, and now there is no time to continue teaching ancient moves.

"Let's go Mingyao, Xiaoguang's gorgeous contest is about to start, let's go cheer together~!"

"Glamourous Contest?"

Mingyao blinked, this was the first time he heard this statement.

It seemed to be something unique to this world, Mingyao also became interested, and simply followed a few people to the venue of the gorgeous competition.

Since it is the first gorgeous competition in Shenhe Town, the venue has just been built.

Whether it is the scale of the building or the exquisite decoration, it is inferior to other gorgeous competition venues.

"Gorgeous competition is a form of competition in which the trainers are coordinated to command Pokémon on the stage and perform gorgeous displays and battles"

Along the way, Xiaogang introduced the gorgeous competition to Mingyao.

The latter listened in a daze, feeling a little imaginative.

After all, in the Xicui area, everyone is working hard to survive, and such competitions that have nothing to do with production and construction are rarely held.

"But why this town?"

However, along the way, Mingyao's eyes always fell on the surrounding buildings in Shenhe Town.

This is an ancient town that inherits the history of the past and can be said to preserve the oldest way of life in ancient Shenao.

There are not even any modern high-rise buildings in Shenhe Town, and even the houses are basically wooden buildings, as if they have come to an ancient village.

“It’s so similar, it’s exactly the same as Zhuqing Village”

Along the way, Mingyao was still muttering.

However, the pedestrians passing by are all wearing modern clothes, and the scattered ancient buildings have a rather absurd visual impact.

"Xicui area, isn't this place really ancient?"

This made Mingyao couldn't help becoming suspicious.

At first he thought that the Xicui area was an ancient Shennah from another time and space

However, what I have seen and heard along the way seems to confirm that this is the future of the Xicui area.

He might really be an ancient man from this time and space.

"Then where did I travel to the Xicui area before?"

Mingyao shook his head. After all, he traveled for the second time. The first time he traveled to the Xicui area, he even lost his memory.

Without thinking too much, Mingyao followed the crowd into the gorgeous competition venue.

Although it was a bit monotonous, compared with the surrounding towns, the entire venue of the Gorgeous Contest could already be called gaudy.

Next, Xiaozhi, Mingyao, and Xiaogang sat under the stage, and Xiaoguang went to the backstage of the stage to change clothes and prepare to perform on stage.


As the stage lights turned on, it was still the familiar host Vivienne.

Then there was the classic duo of gorgeous contest judges, plus the local Miss Joy sat next to them as a judge.

"Dream Monster, use the power of awakening!!"

Soon, the first person on stage was a girl with pink hair, directing a dream monster to start the first round of review performances.


Countless white light energies were reflected around the neck, shooting all around.

"Then it's mind power!"

Afterwards, the dream monster's eyes glowed with blue light, and the thought power it exerted froze all the light balls of awakening power in mid-air.

"Meng Yao, the last is the ghost fire~!!"

As the dream demon flew again, the wisps of ghost fires collided with the light ball of thought power, bursting and forming countless light powders that fell, completing the performance.

Off the stage, Xiao Zhi and Xiao Gang were no strangers to it.

They have watched too many gorgeous contests, and even Xiaogang's realm has long since ceased to appreciate performances, but to look at the essence.



However, Mingyao, who was sitting next to him, exclaimed one after another, his face blushed with excitement from the gaudy performance of the gorgeous contest.

Obviously, such a fancy performance was too much for Mingyao, an "old-fashioned" ancient man!

"Where did the bumpkin come from?"

"This is the first time you've watched the Gorgeous Contest, isn't it?"

Even seeing Mingyao standing up and shouting, many audiences around him complained.

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang quickly pulled him to sit down and quietly enjoyed the performance.

After all, the level of coordination trainers on stage is really mediocre

Looking at it roughly, the first round of review did not see any masters.

After all, the Shenhe Gorgeous Competition is just a very remote venue, and there are not many powerful coordination trainers gathered.

Xiaoguang also gave a wonderful performance of Blue Lightning with Patch Liz, and the cheers were much warmer than others

Obviously, the current Xiaoguang has made his mark in the gorgeous competition, surpassing ordinary coordination trainers.

But to be strong, they found one.

It's just that this coordinator is much older, and he is completely a player of Xiaoguang's mother Caizi's generation.

Wearing a mature purple dress, with lavender long hair coiled up, she looks like a very elegant and intellectual lady.

And her Pokémon is a Pokémon Sakura that looks like a cherry blossom!

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