He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1773 Teacher Dagang

Backstage in the lounge, Xiaoguang was also enjoying the performance on the stage through the screen.

As Xiaozhi said, there is no strong opponent in this Shenhe conference. The only thing she needs to pay attention to is the purple-haired woman who is performing on the stage at the moment.

"Ah, should I call you Auntie?"

Xiaoguang couldn't help muttering.

Although this coordinator named Lily is well maintained, in his thirties, he looks only in his mid-twenties.

"Mr. Gang must be crazy now."

Xiaoguang secretly thought, Xiaogang is the least resistant to this kind of temperamental beauty big sister.

And Lily on the stage also directed her cherry blossoms, giving a gorgeous performance.

"Use Sunny Day~!"

The hot and violent sunlight hit the venue, and this closed cherry blossom felt the sunlight, triggering the "gift of flowers" feature, and blooming into a truly delicate and beautiful cherry blossom.

"And then the magic leaf~!"

"Sun beam!!"

Although this cherry blossom is small in size and cute in appearance, but its moves are very vigorous and powerful, and the stage it finally shows is also very outstanding.

This made Xiao Guang, who was across the screen, couldn't help but blink in amazement.

Is a master too!

What makes Xiaoguang strange is that this lady Lily seemed to be watching herself all the time when they were in the lounge together?

But it was the first time she had met this man.

"Maybe it's an illusion"

Xiaoguang shook his head and stopped thinking about it.

Since there is such a good opponent, she must go all out in the next one!

On the stage, the performances ended one after another, and soon the first round of review came to an end.

Not surprisingly, both Xiaoguang and the woman named Lily entered the second round with ease.

"So this is the Gorgeous Contest! It's just incredible!!"

Mingyao let out exaggerated surprises again and again, completely admiring the wonderful and gorgeous performances one after another.

This is something that has never happened to them in ancient time and space!

"That's right! Mingyao, do you also understand the essence of the Gorgeous Contest?!"

Xiao Gang next to him narrowed his eyes slightly, and patted Mingyao's shoulder, as if he just happened to be a confidant.


Xiaozhi just watched silently from the side.

He was not very interested in the first round of the gorgeous contest, and the second round was more interesting.

The woman named Lily is not weak, and there is a high probability that she and Xiaoguang will reach the final in this Shenhe conference, and it is estimated that there will be a good battle!

But facing Xiaogang's pat on the shoulder, Mingyao also gave a solemn nod, as if meeting a confidant in another world.

"Yes, Mr. Dagang, I have completely fallen in love with the Gorgeous Contest!"

"Teacher Dagang?"

This sudden address made Xiao Gang frowned, and why did it sound like he was scolding someone?

"Hey, can't I call you Teacher Dagang?"

Seeing the latter's expression was different, Mingyao asked in doubt.

The title of "big" generation, in their ancient Xicui area, is a title that is only given to people who respect them.

For example, the King Kong team and the Pearl team on his side use the "Sinnoh Great Lord" to honor the Palkia and Dialga they believe in.

I asked Palkia to farm and water the fields, but Zhu Bei, the leader of the Pearl Team, came to complain many times.

Along the way, Mingyao heard Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang call Xiaogang, so he subconsciously added a prefix of "big".

Teacher Dagang!

"Actually, it's pretty good."

It's not good to disturb Mingyao's interest, Xiaogang finally accepted this title, it's not a big problem.

On the stage, God and the General Assembly quickly entered the second round of review.

This time, it turned into a gorgeous display involving the battle between coordinators, which made Ming Yao, who had already greatly admired the gorgeous competition, see his blood again.

"It's just that the combat level is a little weaker"

Mingyao still complained in a low voice.

However, Xiaoguang and Miss Lily's fighting skills were good, which opened Mingyao's eyes and made him enjoy it.

And this conference came to the final without any surprise.

The difference in strength is too great, whether it is Xiaoguang or Lily, they basically pushed all the way, and each stood on the stage of the final.

"Then, in the final of the Shenhe Conference, the Lily contestant from Shenhe Town will face the Xiaoguang contestant from Futaba Town!"

As the host's voice fell, Xiaoguang was a little surprised.

Unexpectedly, the other party's hometown is exactly this ancient and remote village.

However, Lily's attire is quite fashionable and elegant, which is a bit contrary to Shenhezhen.

"Come on, Miss Lily~~!!"

Even in the audience, many people were cheering for Lily, it seemed that he was a very popular person.

Of course, Xiao Gang was the one who yelled the loudest.

Friendship or something can be temporarily placed below.

"Xiaoguang, I can finally fight with you~!"

Standing opposite, Lily with her long purple hair curled up showed an elegant smile, and said loudly to Xiaoguang.

"Miss Lily, do you know me?"

This made Xiaoguang finally have the time to ask.

As a finalist, there is naturally enough time to talk about the opening dialogue before the game.

But this question made Lily nod her head, and even said it again.

"Well, I know your mother."

Xiaoguang: "?"

Listening to the inexplicable answer, it even seemed to be curse words, but if she heard the words correctly just now

"You mean you know my mother?!"

Xiaoguang said in surprise, using a more formal term this time.

"Well, in the past, your mother Ayako and I were rivals competing for the top coordinator~!"

Lily said slowly, her eyes flickering, as if recalling the past.

The gorgeous competition has been held in the Sinnoh area for some years, and it has been launched one after another even 20 years ago.

And Ayako, who was still a girl at that time, met Lily, who was also a girl, and even had several contests on the official stage of the gorgeous conference.

But there was still no final winner.

It was only later that Lily chose a more desirable career as a fashion designer, and has become a well-known master designer in the Sinnoh region in the past twenty years.

And Xiaoguang's mother, Ayako, also retired with honor after successfully winning the trophy of the top coordination trainer.

Now that the gorgeous competition mechanism has been reformed, Lily, who is already in her thirties, has rekindled her fighting spirit as a girl.

Seeing that it is rare to hold a conference in my hometown, I became a coordinator again and stood on the stage.

And there was no victory or defeat with Ayako

Let's let Hikaru, Ayako's daughter, be your opponent today!

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