He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1777 Wave rush, success!

The second day after the gorgeous contest ended.

Elf Center, the backyard of the training ground.

"Using Wave Punch, you have to explode all your power at once, but if you do this, you will also be affected by the counter-injury effect of the move."

Mingyao was standing in front, teaching Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang the technical essentials about Wave Chong.

Then he suddenly raised his palm and shouted in a low voice:

"Show them the dark tailed fish, use wave rush!!"

Next to Mingyao was a big bluish-red fish floating like a piranha, its dark green body covered with red lines.

Especially the lower body is completely covered by red clouds

Or there is no entity at all, just a cloud of red mist.

"Hey. There is no information about this Pokémon."

Xiaoguang's illustration book can't even detect this black tail fish.

It is said that in the Hezhong area, an evolutionary ancient species called the savage perch exists similar to the moon bear, and it is also a very rare and special evolutionary method.


Following Mingyao's command, this giant piranha was wrapped in the mighty water flow, constantly spinning around.

In the end, the whole body was launched suddenly, not fast, but with a strong spirit.

Boom boom boom! !

The undulating impact finally hit a boulder, crushing the boulder completely with overwhelming force, and even the ground behind rushed out a long gap track.



This made the onlookers Swimming Ring Itachi and Prince Bo a little dumbfounded, the power was terrifying.

"Master Mikri's ancient coelacanth probably doesn't have this power either."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but whispered secretly.

This guy Mingyao, the Pokémon he is carrying is really super powerful!

"Hehe, the power of the dark tail fish cannot be counted because its characteristic is sacrifice, and the power of this anti-injury move will also increase a lot."

Mingyao explained with a smile, touching the black tailed fish that was slowly swimming back in the air.

The very rare combination of water + ghost attributes, and even the legendary ghost tail black fish, is a Pokémon that has evolved by relying on the souls of countless dead of the same kind

But in terms of character, he is very docile, wandering around Mingyao slowly.

Xiaozhi and the two naturally remembered the previous scene completely in their minds, and turned their heads and began to train their respective Prince Bo or Swimming Ring Itachi with all their strength.

"Come out, Moon Moon Bear!"

Mingyao released his Moon Moon Bear again, and then skillfully rolled over on the big bear's back, continuing to search for treasures around.

The huge brown bear that has never been seen before, and it is still crawling on all fours, has attracted the attention of many people along the way.

When the time came to noon, Mingyao rode Yueyue Xiong back to the backyard of the elf center again.

He has already detected the area with a radius of more than 100 meters, not to mention, he has found a lot of good things.

Since there are treasure hunters and treasure hunters in this world, as long as the hidden items found by the trainer are legal, they belong to themselves and do not need to be confiscated.

Of course, if it is a cultural relic, it needs to be handed in for registration.

On the other side, Xiaozhi and Xiaoguang were already standing there side by side, waiting for Mingyao to come back.

Their faces are full of confidence, and it is obvious that they have successfully mastered this move after receiving guidance.

This made Mingyao hug his shoulders curiously, wanting to see the result.

After all, there are racial limitations in Pokémon, just like Prince Bo's difficulty in mastering Iron Head's move, Wave Rush is also the exclusive move of the Youweixuanyu family.

"No, my boss, Emperor Nabo, can also use Wave Punch."

Mingyao secretly said in his heart, but other water-type Pokémon can't practice this move, even the boss can't do it.

He wants to see how the two Pokémon in front of him will use this move.

"Then show him Prince Bo, and use Wave Punch on that stone!!"

Under Xiaozhi's gesture, Xiaoguang took a step forward and pointed to the hard boulder next to him.

Such a target cannot be smashed by ordinary water jets.


Prince Bo raised his head proudly, the surface of his body lingered in the water, and then turned into a water arrow and rushed out.

It's all about water jetting.


It's just that during this process, the top of Prince Bo's head in the water suddenly shone with metallic silver light.

This made the speed of spraying the color of the water drop a lot, but this metal and steel strength merged into the water flow, but instantly made the whole water flow extremely destructive!

Boom boom boom! !

Impacting on that boulder, the indomitable momentum completely crushed it and split it apart in an instant!

Wave rush! !

"So it's a good idea to use the iron head move to assist."

Mingyao looked at it and nodded again and again, this is indeed a qualified wave rush.

Although it looks like the stitching of two moves, in the Pokémon world, the combination of two moves may have given birth to a new move


Even Prince Bo, who landed on the ground, had anti-injury electric currents in his body, even the aftereffects of Bo Chong.

It's just that there is still water scattered around the body, and Prince Bo's movements are not stiff because of the back injury, but become more flexible.

"Oh, this is actually one of the benefits of Wave Rush. Once you play it, you can also let yourself take the first step in the next round."

Mingyao then explained with a smile that he is very proficient in everything about this move.

Seeing this, Xiao Guang and Prince Bo naturally hugged each other cheerfully.


Prince Bo let out a high-pitched cry and straightened his chin.

Now it, whether it is the iron head or the wave rush, has been completely mastered!

"Then now, it's our turn!"

Under the gaze of many pairs of eyes, Xiaozhi and Itachi exchanged a glance, and this time they met another boulder next to them.

"Swimming ring Itachi, use the water jet!!"

The process at the beginning was similar to that of Prince Bo, the swimming ring Itachi still started with a jet of water, turning into a sharp water arrow and shooting out.

At this time, Xiaozhi suddenly commanded:

"It's now, spin the tail to accelerate!!"

In the current, the swimming ferret maintained its impact trajectory, and the forked tail behind it also started to rotate at high speed like a propeller.

Whoosh! !

With the continuous stirring of the water flow, even the water flow outside began to rotate.

The speed has weakened a lot, but the impact and destructive power has increased several times in an instant.

Boom boom boom! !

The last move completely bombarded and landed on the boulder, with astonishing destructive power, it actually cracked the stone completely apart again.

Even after landing, the swirling water hit a puddle on the ground, which is quite powerful!

"Success, wave rush!!"

Xiaozhi immediately said loudly, this is a perfect undulating charge!

I want Pokémon to break through the limitations of race and forcefully learn a move that is difficult to master

Then borrowing your own organs, or the assistance of other moves, is the most convenient and effective tactic!

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