He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1778 There is no computer in Xicui area

However, before a few people could say anything, not only did the swimming ring Itachi have an extra wave of anti-injury arcs on his body after landing.

It was even covered with a layer of dazzling white light!

"This is evolution?!"

Xiaoguang opened her mouth and murmured that such a light, she just saw it on her long-eared rabbit yesterday.

"Has it finally evolved?"

Xiaozhi was also staring blankly at his swimming ring Itachi, whose figure began to swell and change in the white light


However, Mingyao had a puzzled expression on his face.

Isn't evolution controlled by the trainer? Why does Xiaozhi look surprised?

Is it possible that the evolution of Pokémon in this world can not be controlled by itself?

In their Xicui area, the evolution of Pokémon, or even the mastery of new skills, the Pokémon tamed by humans cannot be actively controlled.

Instead, it is like a water storage tank, evolution, and new skills are temporarily stored in it.

Only when the trainer takes it out of the pool can the Pokémon master new moves or evolve.


As the white light dissipated, the swimming ring ferret showed a new attitude.

The body shape has become taller and stronger, and the slender floating bladder and thicker and longer tail allow the ferret to perform more powerful movements in the water.

In terms of temperament, he has also changed from the energetic and passionate boy before to a bit arrogant, like the king of the waters.

"Snorkeling Itachi!"

Xiaozhi read out the latter's new name. He had seen this kind of Pokémon displayed by Mr. Jixian in the Nohara Gym before.

The evolution of Pokémon is sometimes accompanied by changes in personality.

If it was placed before, the swimming ring ferret might jump up excitedly.

However, after completing the evolution, the snorkeling Itachi walked back with heavy steps and raised his head towards Xiaozhi.

The expression of re-advising has become a lot calmer.

Unexpectedly, there is another surprise. It seems that he has learned a new move and gained enough experience points for the snorkeling Itachi.

"The next thing is Yuanlu Shark and Scorpio. These two guys have to step up their training."

Xiao Zhi thought to himself, let his new team in the Shen'ao area take shape as soon as possible!

In the afternoon, Xiaozhi and his party did not stay in the elf center any longer.

Tomorrow is the day of the White Jade Orb Exhibition, and they are going to visit the Shenhe Town History Research Institute to see if there is anyone who can help.

"White jade orb, isn't that a prop from Palkia? Is there one in this world too?"

Mingyao, who originally planned to ride Yueyue Xiong and continue his treasure hunt all the way north, became interested after hearing the news and temporarily joined Xiaozhi's team.

He now has as many as six badges on his body, and he will soon reach the qualification threshold for participating in the Sinnoh Conference.

After all, Mingyao was alone, and he was riding a Pokémon all the way, so his speed was much faster than the others.

"If it was Mingyao, I would also like to participate."

Xiaozhi couldn't help but speak.

He didn't intend to participate in this Sinnoh Alliance Conference before, but it looks like Shinji has assembled a perfect lineup, and the alliance king will win directly.

And this Mingyao, the ancient Pokémon on his body are all riding mounts, but in terms of momentum and strength, they all have good strength, definitely not a weak trainer.

This time, there might be other big masters in the Sinnoh Conference. It is estimated that it will be a very exciting feast!


This made the expression of Xiaoguang next to him a little jaded.

She just wants to happily participate in an alliance meeting, and she doesn't want to be a fish that gets blown up in a fish pond!

Now it's fine that there are a bunch of seniors in the gorgeous competition, but a group of inexplicable people will also appear in the Bie Shenao conference!

Shenhe Town is not such a wide town, but the inside of the town is well-organized, and the buildings are quite neatly built.

Most of the wooden houses are similar, and they are built on both sides of the road in an orderly manner, with only the difference on the outside house number.

The architectural style of the wooden house is also quite retro, and they are all standard rooms with one bedroom and one living room.

"It's really similar to Qingqing Village."

Along the way, Mingyao was also looking at the buildings on both sides, and kept muttering to himself.

Even through the occasionally opened door, one can see that there is a higher threshold in the house first, with various sundries piled up on both sides.

Then the tatami floor covers the whole house, and the center of the living room is the fire and the hanging cauldron. "This is exactly the same as my previous home!"

Mingyao couldn't help but speak.

His home in the Xicui area is of this type.

But that house was filled with all kinds of clothes and props by him, it was full.

"Unfortunately, there are only six riding Pokémon left with me now."

Mingyao said regretfully.

If all those props were sent over together, he wouldn't need to use Yue Yuexiong to dig treasure bit by bit.

After all, there is no computer storage in the Xicui area, so he couldn't bring 24 boxes of Pokémon directly like China did.

Seeing this, the three of Xiaozhi didn't say much. It was just that ancient people saw ancient buildings and started to miss home, right?

After a while, several people came to the northern edge of the town.

However, there is actually a tall museum building built here, which looks quite foreign and modern, and it seems a bit out of place with the surrounding Shenhe Town.

The doorplate reads "Institute of God and History" in large characters.

But at the moment outside the research institute building, there are several Junsha brothers patrolling back and forth in a hurry, looking around vigilantly.

Seeing Xiaozhi and his party approaching, a guard quickly stepped up.

"The research institute will exhibit tomorrow and is temporarily closed to the public today!"

Now they are going to do the final review to prevent the precious white jade orbs from being taken away by criminals during the exhibition tomorrow.

But now there is an alliance champion and the most powerful trainer in the Sinnoh region—Miss Zhulan is sitting in the research institute, which makes this group of Junsha brothers and ladies still very confident.

"Hey, Xiaozhi, you guys are finally here!"

Before Xiaozhi and the others explained anything, there was a burst of surprise from the direction of the gate of the research institute.

But seeing Zhulan walking out slowly in a familiar black robe, she explained to the guard next to her:

"These are all my friends, and they are completely trustworthy people."

Hearing this, this little brother Junsha didn't continue to stop him, but walked to the side with a blushing face.

Obviously, Bamboo Orchid is not only the object of worship of all trainers, its outstanding appearance is also regarded by many people as the lover of dreams.

"Several, please, I will take you to meet my grandma."

Zhulan smiled slightly and invited them.

Next, she may have to face a huge Galaxy team attack, and she is somewhat overwhelmed by herself

With the help of Xiaozhi and the others, she would have more energy to spare.

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