He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1779 Turning to Bamboo Orchid?

Entering the Institute of History, there are normal indoor museum furnishings inside, with a spacious aisle and some very old and strange decorations on both sides.

The layout of this foreign-style mansion-like research institute is very simple, and the center of the entrance is the exhibition hall.

Then there are two buildings on the left and one on the right. On one side is the library that stores the precious ancient books of Shenhe Town, and on the other side is the research institute house similar to the EMI Museum.

"By the way, is this one your new friend?"

After everyone entered it, Zhulan's gaze passed over Xiaozhi and the others, and landed on Mingyao behind.

"His name is Mingyao, he is a powerful trainer from a mysterious area, and he is someone you can trust!"

Xiaozhi helped Mingyao introduce, but did not directly inform Zhulan about the ancient Xicui area.

After all, this is Mingyao's own private matter, so let the latter speak for himself.

"This one is the alliance champion of the Sinnoh area, the most powerful trainer in the area! Ms. Zhulan~!"

Xiaoguang introduced Zhulan to Mingyao.

"Hehe, it's not even the strongest. There may be some powerful trainers who haven't come out yet."

Zhulan just shook her head, quite modestly.

She can only be regarded as the strongest on the bright side, who knows what monsters are hiding on this continent.

And at most, it is only the strongest in one region, and none of the league champions in other regions is weak.

"I'll take you to meet my grandma first."

Immediately, Zhulan led several people towards the depths of the research institute.

And Mingyao walked at the back, looking at the tall blond woman in front with an indescribably weird expression.

In the end, he still couldn't help tugging on Xiao Gang's sleeve, and asked in a low voice:

"Teacher Dagang, is Miss Zhulan really a woman?"


Xiao Gang returned him with a bewildered expression.

Are you ancient people unable to tell the difference between men and women now?

It's not insulting for a beautiful woman like Zhulan to ask such a question, but it seems that you are very clumsy and ridiculous.


After understanding Xiaogang's expression, Mingyao's serious expression still did not completely let go, and he kept staring at the back of Zhulan's head who was walking ahead.

But now Mingyao won't show his shock directly.

After coming to this world for so long, he has also seen Dr. Yamanashi who is very similar to Magamu's boss, and Xiaoguang who is similar to Xiaozhao.

In the Xicui area, the person who is very similar to Miss Zhulan is a man!

"Didn't you expect there to be a sex-changing element?"

Mingyao muttered secretly.

This is a word that he accidentally heard from others on the street, which seems to be a new modern way of playing.

With long golden hair, no matter who you meet, you always have a friendly and gentle expression

In his time, the man who resembled Zhulan was named Wangluo, and his appearance and temperament were very similar to the former.

But the most important thing is that Mr. Wang Luo is not a kind person. He has been hiding his true face. In fact, he is a fanatical careerist who wants to subvert and change the world.

Although the plan was defeated by myself in the end

But then it was Wang Luo who asked him out alone, and then Ming Yao was inexplicably teleported to the future.

"Teacher Dagang, this Miss Zhulan may also be hiding some secrets, maybe she is also an ambitious person who wants to subvert the world!"

After thinking about it, Mingyao reminded Xiaogang in a low voice.

But these words made Xiaogang look serious.

You can say that Xiao Gang is an ambitious man.

But if you say that Miss Zhulan is ambitious, she will turn against Mingyao!

"Miss Zhulan is a careerist? What do you mean?"

And walking in the front, Xiaozhi's ears were sharp, and he heard the whispers behind him, and said in his heart inexplicably.

"A careerist?"

Zhulan heard Xiaozhi's voice, and her face with a chuckle showed a rare look of longing and firmness.

"I do have the ambition to solve all the mysteries in this world!"

If you say that, you should be considered a careerist, right?

By the way, why did the boy who met for the first time keep staring at him?

Although Xiaogang is also staring at it all the time

Passing through the research institute, everyone came outside the house again.

Unexpectedly, the Institute of History is located in a very special place. From the front, it looks like an ordinary museum library.

But after passing through the building, there is an actual historical relic address behind it, and the stone pillars with broken walls and ruins stand squarely on all sides, surrounding the entire relic.

In the middle is a wide square surrounded by some ancient stone tower buildings.

But basically they are all seriously damaged, basically every stone is broken and dilapidated, quite desolate and desolate.

"This is the god and the ruins~!"

At the entrance, Zhulan smiled and introduced to several people.

The gods and relics are like the backyard of a history museum, which is also convenient for them to protect and research.

At the moment, in front of the steps of the largest stone house, there is an old woman, not tall, wearing a white researcher's coat.

He has short brown-white hair and looks quite capable.


At this moment, he was holding a magnifying glass in his hand, carefully observing a stone tablet in front of the central stone house.

There is a bell-shaped Pokémon at the feet. The golden bell body directly becomes the head and body, and extremely short limbs can be vaguely seen on both sides.

The red and white long ropes hanging from the top are like two ears.

"This Pokémon is"

Xiaoguang couldn't help but took out the illustration book.

"Tick. The bell rings, superpower attribute, the juvenile form of the wind chime, through the brisk bounce, vibrating the round beads in the throat to make a cry, the high-frequency bell sound can sometimes even deafen the opponent."

The illustration book introduced.

Unlike the slew of new evolutionary forms previously discovered, the Ringing Bell is a juvenile form found in the Sinnoh region.

Some trainers in the Sinnoh area discovered that if Pokémon were hatched with various incense, a new baby form might be born.

Just like in the Kanto area, the Snorkelmon lays eggs, and what is hatched is just a giant Snorkelmon. ???

But if you carry a special prop called "satisfaction incense", then the baby form of Kirbymon - Gambimon will appear.

"Clang clang~!!"

Sensing that it was approaching, the bell rang and jumped up slightly, followed by a melodious and soft bell sound.

Since he saw his own bamboo orchid, the bell rang naturally without making any harsh warning noise.

The short-haired doctor also came back to his senses, and turned to look at a few people.

"Oh, Zhulan, these are the promising young trainers you mentioned before~!"

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