He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1780 Doubles, vs Zhulan! (superior)

"Hello boys and girls, I am the curator of this historical research institute, Dr. Mustard Lan~!"

Although Dr. Zilan is Zhulan's grandmother, she has an unusually outgoing and straightforward personality.

While introducing, he took the initiative to walk to the side of several people, could not help but try to pinch the arm muscles of several people.

"Oh...are they all very healthy boys~!"

"Hello, Dr. Mustard!"

Xiaozhi and the others naturally nodded their heads in haste to say hello, the calm and peaceful character of this grandma and granddaughter are a bit different.

"Haha, you are all trainers right... My granddaughter Zhulan is the most powerful champion of the alliance, do you want to fight her?"

Not only that, but Dr. Zilan seems to admire her granddaughter very much, and she opened her mouth to fight.

"Grandma... now is not the time to fight!"

Zhulan said with a bit of helplessness.

Their grandparents and grandchildren have a good relationship, and Zhulan was basically brought up by Dr. Jiezilan when she was a child... That's why, and from the latter, she inherited a strong interest in ancient theology.

"What's the matter... let's just stop there, Miss Zhulan!"

But when he heard about the battle, Xiaozhi immediately became excited.

The last time Shinji fought Zhulan with all his strength, although it was a one-sided crushing situation, but he has not fought Zhulan once so far.

The strength of this alliance champion is bound to be stronger than Master Mikri.

I can't even say that Master Mikri is a sure winner... Such an opponent makes Xiao Zhi's blood flutter just thinking about it.

"Miss Zhulan... I also want to fight with you!"

But at this time, Ming Yao, who had been silent behind him, couldn't help but interject.

Through the battle, let's see what connection this woman has with Mr. Wang Luo...

Well, in fact, he also wanted to try the fighting power of the strongest trainer in the Sinnoh region.

After all, in the Xicui area, Mingyao was the strongest who conquered and defeated everyone. In the end, he even won the approval of the creation god Arceus and subdued a clone of the latter.


Mingyao sighed, his strongest Pokémon were left in the Xicui area, and now there are only five riding Pokémon left to fight.


Hearing that both of them had issued invitations to fight, Zhulan immediately began to hesitate.

"It's okay, Zhulan! Let the two of them go together, let everyone see how powerful the league champion is~!"

Seeing this, Dr. Jie Zilan urged her even more, with a fiery expression, obviously impatient to see her granddaughter killing all directions.

She only has two hobbies on weekdays. One is to study and protect the gods and relics in the backyard.

The second is to watch the scene of my granddaughter beheading the arrogant alliance king through TV!

"In that case,

Then let's fight..."

Unable to shirk, Zhulan could only smile helplessly and agree.

Then the eyes that fell on the two of them changed instantly, as sharp as a sharp arrow, which made people dare not be careless.

"So what about the battle rules, are you two going to fight together...?"

It can only be said that he is worthy of being the champion of the league. Just casual words, they have a kind of intimidating aura, as if even the air has become slowly flowing.

"Miss Zhulan...so powerful!"

Xiaozhi's eyes were fixed, and his expression became completely serious.

This kind of momentum was also the same when he saw the Kanto champion crossing last time.

"This woman... really has two faces."

Mingyao also didn't dare to be careless, thinking to himself.

Before, she was a kind and gentle big sister, but when she said she was going to fight, her aura instantly gave people a feeling of oppressive scalp numbness.

That's okay, let's take a look at this era now, how the powerhouses at the pinnacle compare with their Xicui region.

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi and Mingyao looked at each other, and decided to temporarily stop the internal fighting and try to see how tough the opponent is.


Soon, everyone came to a space outside the god and the ruins.

If fighting in the ruins...

Then tomorrow it may not be a relic, but a pattern on the suicide note.

"Then the rule of the game is that the league champion Zhulan plays one against two, and all three of them should release a Pokémon~!"

Dr. Mustard Lan acted as the referee and said loudly.

In the middle, I didn't forget to remind myself of the identity of my granddaughter repeatedly.


The bell beside him leaped high and made a sound like a gong, signaling the start of the game.

"Then I'm counting on you!"

Without any hesitation, Zhulan raised her hand and threw a poke ball.

When choosing other things, Zhulan may hesitate for a long time, even choosing the flavor of ice cream has to torture the boss for a long time.

But in battle, Zhulan would not hesitate at all, and her sharp eyes became extremely determined.


A red light flashed, turning into a huge dragon-shaped figure.

"Bite hard!!!"

A huge dragon's roar exploded, and Zhulan's ace biting land shark appeared on the stage, and the sound from her mouth turned into real wind pressure blowing around.

"Is it really biting the land shark?"

Xiaozhi didn't dare to be careless, let alone a 1v1 against such an opponent, even if he teamed up with Mingyao in a 2v1, he would not be sure of winning.

"Then it's a fool's errand.

Thinking of this, Xiaozhi suddenly threw a poke ball, and didn't intend to send Pikachu.


Pikachu sat not far away, in the state of watching a show.

Don't worry, its current state has not fully recovered... This big shark is not suitable for it to fight now.


When the red light fell, a huge dinosaur also appeared in front of Xiaozhi. uuReading Book www.uukanshu.com It has a thick body and an extremely hard swollen head and hard shell on its head... Zhanmailong! !


Also watching the battle was Xiaoguang's Prince Bo. When he saw Master Hammer coming on stage, he immediately shouted from the side, cheering for the Hammer Dragon.

"Bite the land shark? It really is this Pokémon..."

Mingyao frowned, Zhulan's trump card, like Mr. Wangluo's, was a biting land shark.

"In that case, I'm counting on you!!"

Thinking of this, Mingyao directly threw a poke ball.


However, the wooden elf ball and the clumsy opening method made Dr. Mustard Lan and Zhulan's pupils shrink.

This boy doesn't seem like a normal trainer...?


And with the opening of the wooden elf ball, it was the ghost piranha that Xiaozhi and the others had just seen in the morning - the ghost tail black fish!

The dark green body, plus the cloud-like red phantom, the extremely strange shape surprised Zhu Lan and Mustard Lan again.

but unexpectedly but unexpectedly but unexpectedly

"Is this Pokémon... a black tail fish?"

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