He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1781 Doubles, vs Zhulan! (middle)

Hearing Zhulan directly pronounced the name of Youwei Xuanyu, it was Mingyao's turn to be dumbfounded this time.

"Have you ever seen a black tail fish...?"

Existences such as Youwei Xuanyu and Yueyue Bear are all individuals that have never appeared in this era, right?

"Well, I haven't seen it."

Zhulan shook her head, it was just an ancient record she had seen in murals in ancient books.

If we say that Dawu's interest is to dig all kinds of strange stones.

Then Zhulan's interest is to go to ancient ruins in various places, investigate and study the historical records of the past, and discover the truth of this world.

She once saw a Pokemon in the shape of a piranha on a mural, with the lower body surrounded by clouds and mist. It is a special ghost fish called the ghost fish by the ancients.

Judging by Mingyao's reaction, he guessed it right.

"Ghost-tailed black fish, plus a weird wooden elf ball..."

Zhulan blinked her eyes, thinking deeply.

She also seemed to have seen the record of this weird wood-shaped elf ball in the mural remains.

Maybe later, I need to have a good communication with this weird boy.

But now...

Zhulan's eyes were fixed, and she looked at the two men in front of her who were staring at each other covetously.

Whether it's the War Hammer Dragon or the Pleiades Mysterious Fish, the level doesn't seem to be low... But it seems that they can't reach the level of biting land sharks for the time being.

Zhulan's expression was still confident and calm.


At this time, a poke ball on Xiaozhi's waist suddenly bounced off by itself.

Sensing the fierce momentum of biting the land shark outside, Xiaozhi's Yuan Lu Shark jumped out and prepared to watch the battle with wide eyes.

The battle begins!

"War Hammer Dragon, use Freezing Light!!"

At the beginning, Xiaozhi launched an attack directly, even raising his hand was four times restraint to bite the land shark's moves.

Zizi...! !

The ice-blue electric snake sprang out, and the natural first reaction of biting the land shark was to jump up and dodge.

"Don't try to dodge, Youweixuanyu, use mental force!!"

But now it's a two-on-one battle, Mingyao suddenly said.

The eyes of Youwei Xuanyu in front of him glowed with blue light, which turned into a powerful and strong mental power, and fell on Lie Bite Lu Shark.


The latter groaned for a while, and the posture that was intended to jump up was also imprisoned in place.

Sizzling! !

The next moment, the frozen light bombarded the biting land shark's chest head-on, and the ice fog burst open, causing a quadruple effect!

"Bite and roar!!"

But as the ice fog dissipated, Bite Lu Shark's body shook violently, and with a high-pitched roar, the shackles of thought power were broken free, and the ice chips on his chest also shattered and fell.

From the looks of it, there's nothing serious about it.

"Is it really a little bit of a stretch to play one against two...In that case, bite the land shark and use the sandstorm!"

Having said that, Zhulan's expression did not change, and she immediately launched her tactics.

Fortunately, this Warhammer Dragon belongs to a serious Pokémon, and the damage from this freezing ray is acceptable.

Sasha! !

As the biting land shark swung its hook claws and inverted fin arms, a burst of dim yellow dust spread out instantly, completely covering the entire surrounding area in the blink of an eye.

But the figure of the biting land shark is completely hidden in it, and it is difficult to judge the specific position.

"It's useless, use the water tail!"

However, Mingyao's command level is not weak, and he has a countermeasure in an instant.

I saw this black-tailed black fish wandering up. After spinning its body in the air and punching it, the red mist-like tail was surrounded by a strong vortex of water, and then fell down heavily.

Hush! !

The powerful water flow tailed down, and the strong water flow impacted and burst Kalai, and also cut the turbid yellow sandstorm in two from the middle, and the vision became clear again.

It was actually a stream of water, which easily broke the weather effect of the sandstorm.


It's just that after the move fell, the Youwei Xuanyu looked surprised.

However, the ground in front of Zhulan was empty, and the biting land shark had completely disappeared.

"Underground, be careful, Warmaul..."

As soon as Xiaozhi opened his mouth to remind, the ground under Zhanmailong suddenly began to tremble.

Puff! !

The next moment, a huge dragon shark suddenly broke through the ground, and its huge figure came to the front of Zhanmailong in an instant.

boom! !

It was followed by an uppercut, and the hard and sharp claws hit the chin of the Hammer Dragon, lifting the latter's blunt body and flying back.

Digging moves, the effect is outstanding! !

Before Mingyao next to him could speak, Zhulan's calm commanding voice sounded again.

"Bite the land shark, and then use the dragon claw move!"


After hitting a hole-digging? uppercut, the shark bit the land fiercely and stomped on the ground. It turned around and rushed in the direction of Youweixuanyu.

The body and wings are close together, like a small plane, which minimizes air friction resistance.

Whoosh whoosh! !

When biting the land shark gliding and charging, it even made an extremely sharp sound of piercing through the air.

And the two hooked claws in front of him were already covered with a mighty cyan dragon claw phantom, pointing directly at the Youweixuanyu who hadn't fully reacted on the other side.

Whoosh! !

The dragon claws severely tore the side of the Youwei Xuanyu, and the huge force knocked the latter's body sideways.

"It's not over yet, just use Frozen Fang!!"

However, Ming Yao's eyes were fixed, and he commanded suddenly.

Although this woman gave him a great sense of oppression... But when he was attacked, it was also the perfect time to attack!

Completely zero-distance, the black-tailed black fish opened its man-eating mouth full of sharp teeth, covered with an extremely cold breath, and was about to bite the arm of the land shark in front of it. uuReading www.uukanshu.com

"Bite the land shark fiercely, use the double chop!!"

Seeing that she could fight back like this, Zhulan couldn't help but hastened her tone a bit.

Biting the land shark to understand, the color of the cyan dragon claws on both arms turned into a penetrating dark blue in an instant.

The power of the dragon claw dropped a lot, but it appeared to be more fierce, and the speed of movement also increased a lot in an instant.

After all, the Dragon Claw is just a full blow move.

But the double chop can hit two "Little Dragon Claws" in one round.

But for Zhulan's fierce biting land shark, it is completely possible to hit a full-strength dragon claw first, and then change the move instantly, switching to the second dragon claw of the double chop.

Hush! !

The second combo strike took another step ahead, hitting Youwei Xuanyu hard. !

The frozen teeth of the quick bite could barely hover on the skin surface of Lie Bite Lu Shark, but the main body was sent flying out by Lie Bite Lu Shark, unable to bite the target!

The collision only happened in a very short period of time, but the Warhammer Dragon and the Black Tail Fish flew upside down together.


Even the small round land shark that was watching opened its mouth wide and stared dumbfounded.

When can I hang myself like this? !

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