He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1782 doubles become singles

"Hiss, so strong..."

Xiao Guang, who was watching the battle, really took a deep breath this time, his scalp tingling.

It was obviously two powerful Pokémon fighting two against one, but they were crushed and beaten by a biting land shark...

Is this the league champion? It's too strong!

It's not at the same level as ordinary trainers!

"Well, it's really strong..."

Even Platina, who was watching the battle simultaneously in the soul world, blurted out words of admiration.

Ms. Zhulan hasn't fully exerted her full strength yet...Even if she fights against her at her best, she might not be able to secure victory.

But in the battlefield, Xiao Zhi, who was at a disadvantage, became even more excited.

"Sure enough...Mingyao, Miss Zhulan is really amazing!?"

"Teacher Dazhi, I know."

Mingyao's expression was more cautious.

He doesn't have the strongest combat power on his body, and now he only has five riding Pokémon, which are not fighting-oriented Pokémon.

I didn't find any rare and rare Pokémon along the way.

The main reason is that he was in the Xicui area, and in the end he only captured the special boss Pokémon... His gaze was raised a lot, and it was difficult for Mingyao to see the ordinary Pokémon.

One on one is not an opponent.

But now it's two against one, he doesn't intend to lose to Zhulan.

On the other hand, Xiaozhi was more direct.

"Battle Dragon, use the double-edged head mallet!!"

The Hammer Dragon stomped on the ground again and again, and its body charged out!

Boom boom boom!

Starting from the swollen head, the energy of the gray-white rock soared, turning into a mighty energy coat covering the whole body, and even a pair of sharp rock horns extended from the top, rushing towards the target.

Rock attribute big trick... double-edged head hammer! !

This dangerous blow, but Zhulan's eyes did not forget to glance to the side, and said in a low voice:

"Bite the land shark fiercely and block it with the dragon claws!!"

Although such a move, it is safer to use Dragon Charge...

But after all, there is a dark-tailed black fish watching covetously beside her, so she has to save her strength to defend against the other side.


Bite the land shark fiercely and shook his arms, and the cyan dragon claw appeared again.

Facing the terrifying double-edged head hammer that struck, the Dragon Claw Cross brazenly slashed at the target!

Clang boom boom...! !

The collision of the moves caused a violent explosion.

The ground beneath Lie Bite Lu Shark's feet crumbled and collapsed, and his figure retreated again and again under the attack of the opponent's double-edged head hammer.

"It's now, Youweixuanyu, use wave rush!!"

However, Mingyao seized the opportunity to attack and suddenly launched a fierce attack.

Boom! !

The next moment, the whole body of the black fish with a tail tail was surrounded by thick water, constantly spinning on the surface of the body, with an extremely strong impact force!

This kind of offensive made Zhulan a little astonished.

What kind of move is this?

But now there is no time to be surprised, the double-bladed head hammer of the frontal hammer dragon is unstoppable, and the terrifying undulating charge next to it is also approaching quickly...

Zhulan stared, and suddenly pointed her finger at the sky:

"Shake off the double-edged head hammer in front, and then use Dragon's Dive!!"

This biting land shark has obviously fought countless times, and its control of body movements has reached the extreme.


The dragon claw that was resisting suddenly pressed down a little bit, leading the power of the double-edged hammer in front of it to a lower place.

Taking advantage of the opponent's strength to move downwards, Lie Bite Land Shark jumped up vertically, and his body rushed into the sky like a missile, completely staggering the double-edged head hammer.

Boom boom boom...! !

Losing the goal of the counterweight, the double-edged head hammer rushed out, cracking countless gravels on the ground along the way, dragging out a wide and long gully track.

"Bite and roar!!"

When it came to the sky, it bit the land shark with a roar, and the surface of its body was instantly covered with a deep blue light.

Immediately, the whole body turned into a huge blue dragon, and it swooped obliquely towards the Youwei Xuanyu! !

"What kind of action is this?!"

Not only Mingyao, but everyone was stunned.

Is this what the goal has always been...

But to complete this outrageous action, it is impossible for a few Pokémon to do it, right? !

But right now there is no way out, Youweixuanyu can only release the most powerful wave charge, rushing towards the target!

Even with the addition of the Sacrifice characteristic, the momentum of this wave of water flow has skyrocketed again.

And when the dragon swooped in front of him, it turned into a huge dragon with its bloody mouth wide open, and completely swallowed the wave rush into its mouth.

Boom boom boom! !

There was another violent explosion, and a huge explosion of smoke and dust erupted at the collision.

call out!

call out!

In the smoke, the two figures retreated at the same time, falling in front of their respective trainers.

"Ghost-tailed mysterious fish!"

Mingyao exclaimed, the retreating Youwei Xuanyu was covered with scars all over his body, he could no longer maintain the posture of floating in mid-air, so he fell to the ground weakly, and left the battlefield first.

Forcibly eating the opponent's dragon charge, plus the counter-injury damage of the wave charge... directly makes the black tail fish unable to fight.


On the other side, the biting land shark that flew upside down did not fall down.

However, the powerful impact of the undulating impact also made his whole body tremble, his bones ached, and he suffered a lot of injuries.


It was even a little difficult to support, biting Lu Shark half-kneeling on the ground with one foot.

"Is this the strongest trainer in this world...It really is very powerful."

Seeing this, Mingyao could only give a wry smile, and retracted the Youwei Xuanyu.

If you don't rely on those legendary Pokémon, even if you pull all his main forces, you can't say that you can win it safely...

Thinking of this, Mingyao could only take a few steps back, leaving the battlefield to Xiaozhi and Zhulan.

Fighting has changed from doubles to singles.


The double-edged hammer hit the ground, and the war hammer dragon stood up in disgrace.

It didn't hit the target, so it didn't cause any counter-injury damage...but hitting the ground so hard made its brain dizzy.

"Am I the only one left..."

Xiaozhi stared closely at the biting land shark in front of him. Although the black tail fish dealt good damage, it was not fatal enough for this biting land shark.


But after getting rid of one person first, Zhulan's expression became much more relaxed.

This War Hammer Dragon should not be Xiaozhi's main force, at least in terms of difficulty and danger, it is not as dangerous as Youwei Xuanyu.

Noticing the change in Zhulan's expression, Xiaozhi suddenly pressed his hat and said with a smile:

"Warhammer Dragon, we seem to be underestimated!"


Hearing this, the Hammer Dragon suddenly stomped on the ground again and again, splashing countless dust, and let out a high-pitched roar, which seemed to become more violent.

But under the surprised gazes of the surrounding people, the eyes of Zhanmailong suddenly turned into a deep red like blood!

Even the surface of the body burst into a violent red light!

In an instant, a wild and brutal atmosphere that seemed to come from ancient times covered this area, making everyone's heart tense.


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