He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1783 Alternative Mega Evolution

The sudden change of the War Hammer Dragon finally changed Zhulan's expression.

This is not a move, more like the innate racial ability of Fossil Pokémon.

"Your Pokémon is..."

Zhulan whispered, as an avid researcher of ruins, she also has a lot of research on fossil Pokémon.

The fossil Pokémon used by trainers are basically obtained by resurrecting fossils with technological devices.

For example, the Hammer Dragon in the Black Gold Gym, or the Moat Dragon in the Water Vein Gym.

In this regard, the fossil resurrection technology in the Sinnoh region has surpassed other regions, and they have even come to the wild nature.

These resurrected fossil Pokémon seem to have become a member of the natural ecology.

That's why hunters illegally poached shield armored dragons.

But such fossil Pokémon are actually no different from modern Pokémon, at best they are rare.

Only the fossil Pokémon that have truly survived from ancient times can draw out the rich ancient blood in the body and inspire a brutal side!


In front of him, this war hammer dragon was bathed in red light, its eyes were blood red, and the roar of thunder from its mouth continued to explode, and its momentum was not inferior to its own biting land shark.

"Now is the time to really decide the outcome!"

Xiaozhi's gaze was as high as that of a hammer dragon, and he raised his hand to launch a new round of attack!

"Use Primal Power!!"

The Hammer Dragon, which had entered a berserk state, let out a low growl, and countless huge rocks condensed around its body, flying towards the target one after another!

"Bite the land shark fiercely, use sharp stones to attack!!"

Zhulan also calmed down in a very short time, and returned to the state of orderly command before.

I saw biting Lu Shark's fist and smashing it to the ground.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Sharp stone pillars protruded from the ground, stretching all the way to the direction of the hammer dragon.

Boom! !

Then came a series of explosions, the rocks and sharp stones collided fiercely, bursting into countless dust debris and falling down.

"Use the strongest double-edged head mallet!!"

Xiaozhi's eyes did not change, and he launched the strongest attack again.

During the running process, the war hammer dragon jumped up suddenly, and its swollen head was aimed at the target!

The whole body is covered with off-white rock luster, and two sharp rock horns protrude from the front end, with an unstoppable momentum!

The current double-edged hammer is even more powerful than before.

But this time, without the interference from the black-tailed black fish, Zhulan simply attacked directly:

"Bite the land shark, use the dragon's charge!!"


With an exhilarating roar, the biting land shark suddenly jumped into the air, and then turned into a huge blue dragon, swooping down from the air!

Both are powerful moves, without any hindrance, they collided in the air!

Boom boom boom! !

The confrontation between the dragon's charge and the double-edged head hammer aroused a violent airflow and strong wind, and even the vibration spread to the ground under his feet, drifting all the way in the direction of the god and the ruins not far away.


This made Dr. Mustard's eyes widen and he choked for breath.

Zhulan originally just told her that she was an outstanding young trainer, but usually this is just polite words!

In a real fight, it should be that Zhulan's Lie Bite Lu Shark hits the opponent casually, and then Lie Bite Lu Shark hits the opponent directly in seconds...

Today's style of painting seems a bit wrong? !

Not only that Mingyao, but also this boy named Xiaozhi...so young, with such terrifying fighting power?

This made Dr. Mustard's breathing tense, and she couldn't see her granddaughter being defeated.


Boom boom boom...!

On the field, the energy of the two big moves gradually disappeared, and the two Pokémon were also bounced back by the impact.

However, the biting land shark only took three or four steps back, spread its wings, and stopped the backward trend.


As for the Hammer Dragon, it retreated several meters in a row, and even the anti-injury arc of the double-edged head hammer was glowing on its body, and the red light of the ancient blood buff on its body surface also fluttered.

"Isn't it possible to overwhelm the other party like this...?"

Xiaozhi frowned and wiped the sweat from his forehead.

This innate ability of the Warhammer Dragon was also learned and mastered by the latter in the backyard of Dr. Damu with the half-mega state fossil pterosaur.

Entering this state, it can almost be said that Warhammer Dragon has also opened an alternative mega evolutionary form, and its quality can be greatly improved in all aspects.

But even so, is it still unable to fight against the opponent?

But compared to Xiaozhi, Zhulan's expression was more shocking.

As far as she knows, Xiaozhi's trump card is not the Hammer Dragon, right?

Even so, he was still able to complete a 46-open situation with his ace biting the land shark...

If Zhulan wanted to raise her palm, she had to use the mega-evolved power of biting the land shark to take her ability to a higher level...

But halfway through the lift, the palm was put down again.

If this is the case, it is not enough to make yourself use your full strength.

"Then try this trick... Bite the land shark and use the land of hot sand!!"

This time it was Zhulan's turn to take the initiative to attack, and even performed a rather rare move.


Bite Lusha shook his arms on the spot, but saw a large amount of sand rolling up on the ground under his feet. Like a surfing vortex, a wave of sand more than two meters high was set off, covering it in the direction of the hammer dragon!

The scorching hot sand, even white smoke rising from the surface, obviously the temperature of these sand waves is extremely astonishing!

However, seeing the hot and dangerous hot sand surfing, Xiaozhi's eyes lit up, and he suddenly said:

"Great opportunity, Warhammer Dragon, use Freezing Light!!"

This command made everyone around look a little puzzled.

Facing such a turbulent land of hot sand, Zhanmailong's serious special attack ability, not to mention the freezing light, even the blizzard is meaningless, right?

However, the Warhammer Dragon didn't have the slightest doubt, and opened its mouth and shot out an ice blue electric snake.

Facing the scalding sand, the icy rays of the Warhammer Dragon couldn't even freeze half of it.

Zi...! !

However, when the extremely cold pulse of ice light touched the scorching hot sand, it made a sharp and rapid sound, as if hot water was boiling and breaking through the kettle.

The next moment, thick water mist rose from the place where the frozen light hit, covering the entire arena in the blink of an eye.

"So that's it, you plan to use the blind spot to attack!"

Xiao Guang clapped his hands and understood.

Her Prince Bo also often uses white mist moves to gain opportunities to attack.

Seeing the white mist rising, Xiao Zhi also punched out suddenly, and said:

"Now, use Frozen Tooth!!"

With the current physical strength of Lie Bite Land Shark, coupled with the extreme attack ability of Warhammer Dragon...

One shot of frozen teeth is enough to directly defeat this biting land shark!


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