He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1784 Meteor Swarm and Iron Head!

(Missed the wrong chapter again...)

However, the Warhammer Dragon jumped up again, and its body turned into a flying cannonball, pointing directly at the direction of the biting land shark.

The mouth of the front teeth was opened to the maximum, covered with an astonishing chill, and turned into two sharp ice and snow teeth!

War Hammer Dragon is a master of head hammers, and even added the effect of head hammer impact to its own frozen teeth, achieving a short volley rush.

The scalding hot sand below brushed against the belly of the Warhammer Dragon.

This kind of sand can't be stepped on. The Hot Sand Land is not only an extremely effective ground-type move, but even if you step on it, you may fall into a burn state.

Facing the chilling Bingya's bite, Zhulan's expression also became tense in an instant.

He stared at the fog in front of him, but fortunately it was a freezing light, not a water attribute move, and the fog was not thick.

It wasn't until she saw a huge ice tooth approaching her that Zhulan took a breath and said suddenly:

"Now, grab it!!"

Bite Lu Shark's mind is also highly focused, which greatly improves its five senses and movement flexibility.

Facing the whole body of the Warhammer Dragon, plus the deadly Ice Fang at the front...


Lie Bite Lu Sha suddenly stretched out the arms of the hook claws, and firmly grasped the neck of the War Hammer Dragon.

The power exploded, and with a push, it even blocked the Warhammer Dragon in front of him.

Indeed, as Xiaozhi said, it is really possible to decide the winner at once with the four-fold restraint of the frozen teeth.


However, at this moment, this frozen tooth was barely blocked in front of the face by the fierce biting land shark, and it just bit into the void air, making a cold and piercing sound of teeth clenching.

Biting the land shark could even feel the air shards made by the frozen teeth, splashing down in front of his eyes.

But at this time, Zhulan's fighting spirit was completely suppressed, and she returned to the calmness at the beginning, she just said slowly:

"It's over, use the meteor group."

The next moment, Lie Bite Lu Shark opened its mouth wide open, and a dark purple energy bomb instantly condensed and formed around the mouth.

Next, the biting land shark didn't even shoot it vertically into the air, and then exploded, causing AOE damage...

Bite Land Shark is also a partial Pokémon like Warhammer Dragon, with excellent physical attack and average special attack.

But not as extreme as Warmaulosaurus.

Since the power of the regular meteor swarm is average, Zhulan simply sticks to his face, blasting the meteor swarm energy shells out from zero distance!

The double claws clamped the war hammer dragon tightly, bit the head of the shark fiercely, and threw the meteor cluster directly.

Boom! !

With a completely zero-distance move, the meteor shells directly covered the face and burst on the head of the war hammer.

The powerful impact, like destroying the dead, sent the Warhammer Dragon flying back.

Boom boom boom! !

Even after this meteor swarm shell hit Warhammer Dragon,

It exploded a second time, turning into countless meteors and meteorites, raging crazily on Zhanmailong's body, exploding again and again!

"Warhammer Dragon!!"

Xiaozhi's expression tightened and he exclaimed.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's movements were so outrageous that he could directly catch the Zhanmailong, and his backhand was covered in meteors.

The successive explosions caused a violent explosion of energy in the air.

And the figure of the Warhammer Dragon also crashed down from the sky, smashing a huge pit of ruins on the ground.


When everyone approached, Zhanmailong had already collapsed in the center of the pit, his whole body was scorched black, his eyes were circled and he fell there, unable to fight.

Clang~! !

At this time, the bell jumped up again, making a crisp gong sound, announcing the end of the game.

"Huh... the result of this competition is that my granddaughter Zhulan won!"

This scene also made Dr. Zilan breathe a sigh of relief.

She really thought that Zhulan would lose before...Are young people nowadays so scary?

In two more years, how will my granddaughter stop it...

Dr. Mustard Lan shook his head, showing a helpless and distressed expression.

She is a Ph.D. in pure arts, and she doesn't understand combat at all, and she can't intervene in the field of trainers.


"Thank you for your hard work, biting the land shark."

After the battle, Zhulan slowly walked to the side of Lie Bite Lu Sha and rubbed the latter's head.

The slightly rough shark skin became much more supple when facing Zhulan's palm.


Biting the land shark also let out an excited roar, indicating that such a victory is not a matter of course?

"Well, not necessarily next time."

Zhulan just shook her head, and backed away from biting Lu Shark fiercely.

Although he didn't use the power of mega evolution, Xiaozhi also didn't use his full strength.

This trainer who defeated Master Mikri is really as terrifying as the rumors say.

The next time there is a serious fight, the outcome is still a matter of two.

But the current outcome is real, Zhulan defeated Mingyao and Xiaozhi at the same time with one against two!

"As expected of Miss Zhulan!! It's amazing!!"

This made Xiaoguang even more admire this celebrity whom he often sees on TV.

"Miss Zhulan...No, Goddess...Xiaosheng even thinks that looking directly at you is a kind of blasphemy."

Xiao Gang even became nervous, not daring to look directly at Zhulan.

"Thank you, Warhammer Dragon..."

Xiaozhi took back the defeated Hammer Dragon. If he didn't use his full strength, he couldn't force Miss Zhulan's full strength.

Mingyao next to him also patted Xiaozhi on the shoulder in a consoling manner, feeling somewhat like a brother in distress.

But this is already the best that Mingyao can do at the moment.

The five riding Pokémon each have their own strengths, and their strength is between equals...about the level of combat power of the five Alliance King Pokémon.

"Teacher Dazhi, let's work hard together next time."

He also thought that the Hammer Dragon was Xiaozhi's full strength, and comforted him softly.

Xiaozhi shrugged his shoulders, but still looked at Zhulan with burning eyes.

Next time, we must do our best to defeat this terrifying woman! !


The battle has come to an end, but the most exciting thing is Xiaozhi's round land shark.


After watching his senior's battle in its entirety, Yuanlusha roared excitedly on the spot.

Even the meteor swarm at the end shocked the heavens...!


Thinking of this, Yuan Lusha's eyes froze, and he suddenly opened his mouth to the maximum, aiming at the air.

Trying to synchronize the breath of the other party, Yuan Lusha only felt a burst of heat in his throat, and the next moment, a deep purple energy bomb of dragon energy really condensed around his mouth.

"Oh, are you studying meteor clusters?"

Seeing this scene, Xiaozhi moved over in surprise.

"Can you master the Meteor Swarm moves at such a young age... Your aptitude is pretty good."

Zhulan gave a good evaluation as the brother who bites Lu Sha and understands.


And the round land shark seemed to be holding back to the limit, like coughing up phlegm, and finally launched the meteor cluster near its mouth into the midair.

It's just that the direction of this meteor cluster is somewhat weird, and it rose to the highest point without bursting.

Instead, it began to fall crookedly...


This made Prince Bo, who was watching the play on the sidelines, suddenly tighten his pupils, recalling the fear he had had.

Judging by this trajectory, it is estimated that it is coming towards you again, right? !


No, now that I have been tempered, I am no longer a clown!

Thinking of this, Prince Bo took a deep breath on the spot, didn't dodge any more, and showed his haughty attitude to everyone!


The next moment, with a flash of metallic luster, Prince Bo's head instantly transformed into a steel head!

iron head!

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