He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1785 White Jade Orb

call out...!

In the air, a swarm of meteors stumbling from side to side fell down, and finally landed on the top of Prince Bo's head impartially.


This made Zhulan and those who didn't know what was going on were a little puzzled. Why did the moves seem to be locked, and they could hit Prince Bo?

And the strangest thing is, why does this Prince Bo seem to be ready for a long time?

Standing straight, the skull on top of Prince Bo's head has turned into steel!

Boom! !

The next moment, the meteor cluster hit the top of Prince Bo's head. Facing the steel head, the dragon energy bomb exploded violently, with impressive momentum.

As the smoke dissipated, Prince Bo still stood where he was, without shaking a bit.

Although his face was disfigured by the aftermath of the energy blast, the part on the top of the Tianling Cap was still very smooth and unscathed!


This also made Prince Bo scream proudly, with his wings on his hips, showing an arrogance like an emperor!

After practicing for so long, this is the day I have been waiting for!

It has been looking forward to this meteor swarm for an unknown number of days!


The few onlookers were once again inexplicable.

Ordinary people feel unlucky if they are hit by mistake...

Why is this penguin so proud?

"Um, Prince Bo...!"

Xiaoguang also ran up quickly, and wiped Prince Bo's face blackened by the shells with a cloth, with an embarrassed expression.

The words of the black penguin emperor are somewhat unattractive.

After this period of time, she has also confirmed some of the attributes of her prince Bo.

It's not the Scorpio, the round land shark is maliciously attacking Prince Bo, but the latter seems to have the ability to be targeted and guided?

The next time you watch strangers fight, put Prince Bo next to you. If you get hit by mistake, you can confirm this conclusion.


On the other side, the round land shark that shot out a meteor swarm still opened its mouth wide.

It seemed a little discouraged, and he didn't display the meteor swarm perfectly.

"It's okay, Yuanlu Shark, you have already mastered the wave of the dragon, and soon the meteor group will be able to master it perfectly!"

Xiaozhi touched the latter's shark-skin head and comforted him.

Mastered all the big moves in the first stage, and if it evolves into biting land sharks in the future, it will definitely be extremely powerful!

"The meteor swarm is a good move for biting the land shark."

At this time, Zhulan also slowly walked over.

Looking at this round land shark that has already grown some deciduous teeth, she seems to recall the scene when she bit the land shark as a baby.

After a pause, she looked at Xiaozhi,

Continue to say slowly and methodically:

"Although the biting land shark is not as extreme as the hammer dragon, the special attack moves are also not what they are good at... But if it is a meteor swarm, at least two perfect meteor swarms can be shot in one battle."

Saying that, Zhulan raised two fingers.

The advice from the league champion, the few people naturally listened with pricked ears.

"The first meteor swarm can be released as usual. After all, it is a high-power move. Even if the ability is weak, it can still deal good damage."

Not only that, Meteor Swarm is also a move that will greatly weaken its special attack after it is used.

For other Pokémon, choosing the timing to cast Meteor Swarm is very important... If it doesn't work, it's tantamount to cutting yourself a big knife.

But for the biting land shark that wins by physical attack, it doesn't matter even if the special attack is weakened.

Instead, Meteor Swarm can be regarded as an auxiliary move, which can be released at will.

"As for the second meteor swarm with weakened power, the best way is to shorten the distance, and hit the target directly in melee combat, and the damage is still considerable!"

"As for the third shot...the power is too low, so it doesn't make much sense."

Hearing this, Xiaozhi couldn't help recalling that the opponent's biting land shark was not released to the sky, but directly aimed at the hammer dragon... That power is extremely terrifying!

But to complete such an action, it must take a long time of exercise.


However, after hearing Zhulan's explanation, Yuan Lusha was full of fighting spirit and waved his small fists on the spot.

The commentary professor at the league championship level, just moving his mouth, still gave Yuan Lusha a lot of experience points.

"Then the battle will come to an end~ I'll show you around our gods and ruins~!"

Dr. Mustard Lan also changed the subject with a happy expression, and led everyone to the God and the ruins in the backyard.

Huh, it seems that we should not be so direct in the future.

If she meets a trainer who really k.o. Zhulan, she won't be able to accept it!



After the battle was over, several people followed Zhulan's ancestors and grandchildren into the Shenhe ruins.

There are dilapidated and dilapidated stone buildings everywhere, and you must be careful when walking on the road, for fear that your feet will collapse.

Looking around, it seems that there used to be a palace?


Following behind, Mingyao once again showed a puzzled look.

Here, it seems that it has been here once?

It was a small town called Shenhe, even in the Xicui area, it was still a dilapidated relic left by the predecessors.

Recalling the map comparison, it seems that this location almost corresponds to it?

This made Mingyao interested, and looked around curiously.

He remembered that there should be wild xanadus around here...?

But after watching it for a long time, Mingyao turned his head back in disappointment.

Facing the powerful league champion, and Xiao Zhi who is not inferior to him, the five riding Pokémon on his body are still a bit stretched.


At the same time, Zhulan, who was walking in the front, was also quietly observing Mingyao's expression.

Seeing the ruins, they showed completely different expressions from Xiaozhi and the others. uu Reading www.uukanshu.com

Not surprise, but doubt...like revisiting old places?

"This boy..."

Zhulan's expression sank a little, combined with the ancient elf ball and the mysterious fish with the tail before her, she already had an answer in her heart.

As for the records in the gods and ruins, it is information about the gods in the lake.

"Expand your knowledge to enrich your horizons..."

"Only when you develop feelings do you know joy, anger, sorrow, and joy..."

"If you make up your mind, you can put it into action..."

The information, like a symmetrical poem, corresponds to the three spirits represented by the gods in the three lakes—knowledge, emotion, and will.

Xiaozhi and the others were amazed, and then followed Dr. Jie Zilan back to the research institute, and saw the powder blue, smooth and bright pearl like a pearl.

White jade orb!

Legend has it that it is a mysterious prop that is closely related to Palkia, the god of space.

On the surface of the coconut-sized orb, there is even a layer of strange light faintly lingering, it is by no means a rotten glass bead.

"Is it just such a small particle...?"

Mingyao was a little confused about this, the white jade orb in his impression was at least the size of a basketball, right?

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