He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1786 Scorpio's three flying tricks!

Borrowing the power of the great white jade orb, it can even change Palkia's appearance and enter the original form!

"Uh, but it's not very useful."

Mingyao not only recalled his Palkia who was still watering the field.

If you bring the big white jade orb and enter the original form, you can spray Palkia, which can only spray 32 grids at the beginning, and fill the field with 64 grids at one time.

As dusk approached, Mingyao submitted his resignation to everyone.

Compared with the enthusiasm of the few people for ancient historical myths, he was a bit dull, and did not choose to stay in Shenhe Town.

"Xiaozhi, let's see you at the Sinnoh Alliance Conference~!"

After waving his hand, Mingyao released his deer with horns and rode away.

But the gray-white body of the Strangehorn Deer, covered with a thick mane like snowflakes, is similar to the Scary Horn Deer but has a different appearance...

"Is it a trick-horned deer this time?"

Zhulan blinked and recognized this ancient Pokémon again.

This move surprised the three of Xiaozhi.

It seems that even if Ms. Zhulan loses the league championship, she is still an incredible archaeologist. These are just special existences that appear on ancient murals, and they can blurt out at will.

"The exhibition of the white jade orb will be held tomorrow, and Ms. Junsha and the others will increase their vigilance, and I will stay in the research institute."

Back to the topic, Zhulan said seriously.

The gorgeous contest has just ended, and there are still a large number of tourists stranded in Shenhe Town, preparing to see the white jade orb tomorrow.

"Well, if the gangsters of the Galaxy team dare to snatch the White Jade Orb again... then it's a good time for us to take back the Diamond Orb!"

Dr. Mustard Lan also said seriously beside him.

Although I don't know what the Galaxy team wants to do with these two orbs, it is definitely possible to endanger the entire Shen'ao region, and even the world's major events!

The Galactic team has always said that they want to change the world... Take the orb, it is absolutely impossible to just take it for fun.

"Miss Zhulan! Xiaosheng will be guarding here with the bad frog tomorrow!"

Xiaogang was the first to solemnly express that the bad frog at his feet also bulged out poison sacs, and he followed suit.

Xiao Zhi and Xiao Guang looked at each other, then nodded at the same time and said:

"We will stay and help together!"

Both of them are righteous people, not to mention Xiaoguang's hometown is here, and the Galaxy team will never be allowed to destroy the entire Sinnoh area.

"If there are a few of you who can help, I would be very grateful."

Hearing that Zhulan half-closed her eyes, she smiled.

Originally, the time was urgent, and she had to contact the secret medicine to treat the duck that blocked the way. Zhulan didn't even have time to contact a few colleagues from the Alliance King to help out.

But with the help of Xiaozhi, Xiaogang and Xiaoguang also have good fighting power...

Coupled with her, the number one trainer of Sinnoh on the bright side.

"Hmph, Team Galaxy... I want to see how you guys will act!"

Zhulan's eyes were cold, and there was a bit of sullenness that was rarely seen at ordinary times.

She hadn't faced off against Team Galaxy, but she had heard a lot about Team Galaxy along the way.

Especially the last time, hearing from her colleague, the superpower king Gosong, that the Galaxy team destroyed the ancient random ruins, Zhulan was very angry.

As an avid fan of archaeological relics, Zhulan will never forgive any behavior that destroys the relics!




After finishing the half-day trip, Xiaozhi and the others returned to the elf center.

After having dinner, Xiaozhi came to the backyard of the elf center.


In the past few days, the number of tourists in Shenhe Town has increased significantly. At night, there are still a lot of people in the backyard practice field.

However, people like Xiaozhi who are still training Pokémon at night are rare.

"Come out, Scorpio!!"

I saw Xiaozhi toss his palm and release the Scorpio.

"Scorpio, as we agreed before, as long as you master three flying-attribute moves, this tooth will be completely given to you."

Xiaozhi took out the sharp teeth he got from Lei Si and waved it in front of Scorpio.


This prop seems to be inherently attractive, making Scorpio subconsciously pounce and hold Sharp Fang in his arms.

But Xiaozhi quickly withdrew his palm and easily blocked the Scorpio.

Then he looked up at the night sky.

Before, he could specifically ask about the specific evolution conditions of Reiss and Scorpio.

One is sharp teeth, and the other needs to be at night time.

Immediately, his eyes fell on the Scorpio in front of him... It seems that the opportunity for evolution has come!


Scorpio stuck out his tongue, knowing that it was time for him to behave, so he nodded hard.

Then he stomped on the ground, jumped into the air, propped up his gliding wings, and floated up.

In order to let Scorpio get rid of the influence of environmental airflow, and at the same time better adapt to air combat, Xiao Zhi asked the latter to master at least three flying attribute moves.

There seemed to be something interesting, and many tourists gathered around the venue, looking at it curiously.

The scorpion in the sky immediately tightened its face. Recently, it has been working hard to practice flying.


Following its low snort, the gliding wings of the scorpion were suddenly covered with white light, and then swooped down suddenly, making a penetrating sound of piercing airflow.

Wings attack! !

In normal times, the Scorpio would have crashed directly after diving down.

call out...!

But this time, Scorpio propped up its wings slightly, turned its trajectory, and took off again when it was about to land.

The extremely elegant and extreme movements caused many people around to slap their hands.

"The wing attack is good..."

Xiao Gang, who was also onlookers, nodded. Recently, he saw Scorpio and Xiao Zhi's Muke getting closer... It seems that this sharp tooth is very attractive.


And once again came to the high altitude, uuReading Book www.uukanshu.com Scorpio let out a low cry again, and swooped down!

call out! call out! call out!

But this time, when diving, Scorpio's body was swaying flexibly from side to side, as if there were several changing phantoms.

Abnormally flexible and elegant movements, at the same time with a good impact...


This move is also called Fancy Flying. Its power is not high, but it has extremely strong maneuverability. It can attack while dodging the move.

"It's the second one!"

Xiaoguang slapped him fearfully, looking forward to Scorpio's next move.

As for the swooping scorpion, this time it didn't take off again, but just hit the ground with its head, kicking up a lot of dust.


Xiao Guang looked shocked, and blurted out.

However, as the smoke and dust fell, the scorpion just fell completely on the ground, with its wings folded together.

Vaguely, it seems that you can still see the characteristics of the feathers floating out of the scorpion.


And a healing green light also appeared on Scorpio.

It's not landing, but the third flying attribute move - Yuqi!

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