He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1787 Evolution, Scorpio King!

"So it's Hazuki's unique move...?"

Seeing Scorpio half lying on the ground like a hen hatching an egg, Xiao Zhi was also stunned for a while.

These days Scorpio is training by himself, even he doesn't know which three moves Scorpio has mastered.

It's strange to say that the scorpion doesn't have any feathers on its body, but the phantom of white feathers can be seen in front of its eyes?

"You've worked hard, Scorpio!"

After watching it completely, Xiaozhi also showed a gratified smile, stepped forward, and rubbed Scorpio's head.

Although the purpose is to improve Scorpio's air combat capability, the move of Yuqi seems to have no great meaning...

It's not a big problem, the wing attack makes Scorpio's flight more powerful, and the acrobatic moves allow Scorpio to fly flexibly and freely in the sky, which is completely enough.

"Next, we can train for air combat...!"

Xiaozhi thought to himself, airflow is not just a disadvantage, if it can be used well, it can also be a big killer for Scorpio.

But now...

"This is what I promised you!"

Xiaozhi raised his hand and handed the sharp tooth in front of Scorpio, his eyes were eager and expectant.

It's time to evolve!


Scorpio sticks out its tongue, and when it sees the sharp teeth, its eyes burst into flames. The small pliers quickly clamped it in, playing with it fondly.

The next moment, Scorpio's expression froze suddenly, his eyes widened and he stayed where he was.


Immediately afterwards, a strange white light covered the surface of Scorpio's body, especially dazzling in the dark.

The shape of the Scorpio was also rapidly expanding and deforming in the white light.


This made the troublemakers around scream in surprise, evolution is not so common.


And as the white light falls, Scorpio makes a powerful high-pitched cry, showing a brand new attitude!

The body has become as tall as a man, and the whole body is gray-purple. On the bat's head are pointed ears and a pair of golden eyes.

The two small pincers have become particularly huge now. The gliding wings that originally appeared only on the arms and flanks are now connected into one piece, covering the whole body, and they must be able to perform more fierce flying movements.

The segmented scorpion tail at the end is so slender that it can even land on the ground, supporting the entire body in the air.

"Is it the Scorpio King now?!"

Xiaozhi looked at this scene quite excitedly, his originally small body was now bigger than his whole body.

Generally speaking, the evolution of Pokémon will also be accompanied by changes in personality.

Just like the snorkeling ferret before, it has become much calmer after evolution, and it is no longer like the swimming ferret of the hot-blooded boy before.

However, although the shape of the Scorpio King has changed,

But he still sticks out his tongue habitually, and his rather fierce face has a childlike mischievous expression.


Even after a low cry of excitement, Xiaozhi was thrown down entirely.

Obviously, after the evolution of the Scorpio King, his personality has not changed in any way, and he is still the reckless little Scorpio.

Clap clap!

I didn't expect to see a wonderful evolution phenomenon at night, which made many people around applaud.


Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the Scorpio King flew into the air again excitedly, performing various swift and swift flying movements, responding to the applause of the surrounding audience.

"Give Yuan Lusha a shock when he sees his brother suddenly change?"

Looking at the Scorpio King in the air, Xiaozhi couldn't help but think with a smile.

However, in the state of the round land shark, it is estimated that the evolution will be completed soon...



The next day, today is the day of the public exhibition of the Institute of God and History.

Early in the morning, Xiaozhi and his party came to the entrance of the research institute, and they could vaguely see some Miss Junsha scattered around.


In the distance, a chubby white angel bird can be seen hovering on the roof of the building, and then landed on a high place, scanning everything below with its small black eyes.

"It's Miss Zhulan's Pokkisi, has it started patrolling?"

Xiaozhi had a thought, and was about to take out his Muke bird, and was about to release it to patrol with Pokkisi.


However, it seemed that he was aware of the scene outside. The Scorpio King, who had just completed his evolution last night, took the initiative to run out of the poke ball.


With a low growl, the Scorpion King immediately flew towards Pokkisi, intending to take over the responsibility of air patrol.

call out...!

With a shake of the wide bat wings, the air flow was blown up!

The next moment, on the roof of the building, there was a lovely white angel bird on one side, and a vicious gray-purple scorpion on the other...

These two Pokémon with diametrically opposite styles stand side by side on it, and the scene is still very curious.

"Scorpio King, I'm counting on you!"

So Xiaozhi shouted from a distance, and the Scorpio King in mid-air waved his pincers from a high place to signal, and then everyone walked into the research institute.

"Exactly, Muke Bird has other tasks today."

Thinking of something, Xiaozhi finally released the Muke bird.

"Muk Bird, you will always be by my side today!"


After not appearing for a long time, Muke bird flapped its wings to show that it was on him, but there was still a bit of dissatisfaction in his expression.

Recently, it has no role at all, it seems to be a transparent bird!


Pikachu changed to a cat climbing frame, and Xiaozhi's shoulder fell to the back of Mookbird, patting the latter for comfort.

If Meow Meow is here, it can translate Pikachu's comforting words.

"Pickup~! (There's nothing to be sad about, uureading www.uukanshu.com It's not like you haven't had a role recently, you haven't had a role from the beginning to the end~!)"


Mukebird's expression was startled, as if... there was really no way to refute it.

Thinking about it carefully, even subduing him into the team was just a word away.

A few humans naturally didn't know what the pair of birds were talking about, and formally walked into the building.


In the research institute, there is still half an hour before the opening time.

However, Dr. Mustard Lane and Zhulan had been guarding the hall early.

Seeing a few people coming, he greeted them with a smile.

In the empty museum hall, there are already several tourists around various exhibits...

But these are all Miss Junsha, brother Junsha dressed in plain clothes in advance, ready to be scattered among the tourists next time.


Even in the center of the hall, Zhulan's domineering land shark was still standing!

It stands there like a 1:1 scale figure.

Zhulan released it one step ahead of time, and used it as a town house. If anything happened, Lu Shark would be able to attack immediately.

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