He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1789 Team Galaxy's Offensive

When Dr. Mustard Lan rang the bell and hurried to the backyard of the institute.


The stone pillars around the edge of the Shenhe ruins are still showing bursts of explosions and flames, and the ground is also shaking again and again.

You can also see the soldiers of the Galaxy team scattered around, all in silver-white tights, with blue-blue pot heads, and their expressions are as cold as ice.

"These guys!!"

Dr. Mustard Lan was instantly enraged, and the Galaxy team actually directly bombed the precious ancient ruins!

But fortunately, the stone room in the center of the god and the ruins was not affected by the explosion.

There are even a few Galactic team soldiers guarding the door.

Dr. Jie Zilan ran up immediately, and the bell next to her was bouncing and bouncing, as if it was about to make a huge noise impact at any moment.

"Be careful!"

Xiaoguang and Xiaogang behind him naturally hurriedly followed.

Sensing someone approaching outside, at this time two figures slowly walked out of the stone room.

A man with short blue hair, in his early twenties, was holding a tablet computer in his hand, as if he had just finished recording some information.

Ji's arrogant face is exactly that of the Galaxy team cadre whom he has seen a few times before - Zhen Xing!

Putting away the tablet, Zhen Xing looked at the three people who ran in and frowned.

"Tsk, it's just an old woman and two little ghosts here..."

But soon he frowned again, this time the plan was formulated by the leader Chi Ri.

Even if the league champion is in charge, today's white jade orb belongs to their Galaxy team!

"Hmph... are you provoking our Galaxy team for even daring to make a public exhibition?"

Zhen Xing was full of disdain.

The young woman next to him has short red hair, a beautiful face, and a tight skirt that outlines her figure very seductively.


Compared with the serious-looking Zhen Xing, she followed beside her with a lazy expression, spitting bubble gum in her mouth boredly, looking quite easy-going and sweet.

This is another senior cadre of the Galaxy team - the star.

Among the group, only Xiao Zhi and Huan Xing met once in the power plant, and the others didn't know each other.

"What a beautiful big sister!!"

The lazy and friendly temperament of the partner made Xiao Gang's eyes suddenly red, and he was about to run up to show his love.

"Poison Skull...!"

Until a large dark blue poisonous frog suddenly flew from the stone chamber and landed in front of him.

Raising the palm, there was a sharp spike dripping with venom on the back of the hand, which made Xiaoguang feel a chill down his spine, and finally came back to his senses.

Follow the Galaxy team, still wearing the Galaxy team uniform... This cute red-haired woman is from the Galaxy team! ?


And seeing the appearance of the poisonous skeleton frog,

Xiaogang's bad frog immediately jumped up, also raised his splitting arm, and went up to meet him without showing any weakness.

There are two poisonous frogs, one big and one small, with huge differences in size, but they do not give in to each other in terms of momentum.

"Is it this troublesome bad frog again?"

Seeing this, Zhen Xing frowned. Last time, this bad frog forcibly blocked his trump card poisonous skeleton frog.

Although it was finally defeated by the poisonous skeleton frog, it still took a long time...

"Bad frog, do you want revenge...!"

Xiaogang squinted his eyes and stood behind the bad frog.

He exists like a formidable enemy, and usually does not compete with the world, and at most pokes bad frogs in his backyard. Only when he meets this guy in front of him will he show such a dangerous expression.

On the other side, Huo Xing also walked up slowly, his eyes flickering, and fell on Xiaoguang.

"Cute little sister, don't meddle in your own business~!"

Huo Xing held the back of his head, still spitting out bubbles slowly.

"Meow Li...!"

Immediately afterwards there was a sharp meowing sound, but a huge figure suddenly landed in front of Huo Xing, raising a lot of dust.

"Is it Dongshi cat... Ye Yibu, don't be careless!" Xiaoguang took a deep breath, but did not retreat, but also went up to meet it.

Dongshi cat is an evolutionary type of capuchin cat. Although the speed has been reduced a lot after evolution, it has lost the flexibility of capuchin cat period...

But whether it is strength or fleshiness, they have obtained an astonishing improvement!


Ye Yibo took graceful steps, his tail flicked slightly, and his amber eyes stared straight at the fat Yibo in front of him.

As well as the backyard, the two cadres were on target, which made Dr. Mustard Lan stand there somewhat redundant.

"Damn it, let's kill those blasters, the bell is ringing!!"

In the end, Dr. Mustard Lan could only hand over the battlefield completely to Xiaogang and Xiaoguang, and took the bells to clean up the soldiers of the Galaxy team on the edge.

She's not good at fighting, but with a few minions, her bell can do it.



On the other side, in the hall of the institute.

"Everyone, there may be danger here today, please leave here immediately!"

Having confirmed that this is the Galaxy team's action, Ms. Junsha shouted quickly and directed the tourists in the museum to leave.

Zhulan also narrowed her pupils slightly, guessing that the previous explosion in the backyard was just to divert the tiger away from the mountain.

So she stood beside Lie Bite Lu Shark, quietly waiting for Team Galaxy's offensive.

Bang! ! Bang! ! Bang! !

However, just as many tourists walked to the exit, they saw a rush of chaotic wings beating outside.

The next moment, dozens of big-mouthed bats flew in.

These big-mouthed bats all opened their mouths wide and flapped their wide wings, making chaotic noises.

"Where did the bat come from!"

"Don't bite me...!!"

Cooperating with the frightened tourists, uu reading www.uukanshu.com made the whole indoor research institute panic and noisy in an instant.

Even before Zhulan made a move, this group of big-mouthed bats seemed to be controlled by someone, and the first thing they did when they came in was to use the same move.

Whoosh! ! Whoosh! ! Whoosh! !

There were bursts of volleying sounds, but the figures of these big-mouthed bats flickered, and countless figures were separated.

Shadow clone!

And a series of dozens of big-mouthed bats used the shadow clone move at the same time, which also made the blue-black infiltrating bat figure of the big-mouthed bat completely fill the sky above the building room, covering the sky and covering the ground.

"Jie Jie~!!" "Jie Jie~!!"

There are wings beating everywhere, and the strange calls of the big-mouthed bats one after another, giving people a feeling of scalp numbness.


And Pikachu stood on the spot, tensed his back, and seeing that the tourists had basically ran out of the gate, he made a gesture and prepared to use a thunderous trick to kill all the big-mouthed bats at once!

Regardless of the large number, it is difficult to distinguish the real body of the big-mouthed bat.

But for Pikachu, it is completely possible to catch them all in one go, and they will all be paralyzed and fall down!

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