He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1790 Gravity, quicksand hell!

"Don't use electric shock!"

But Xiaozhi quickly interrupted Pikachu's move release.

This hall is filled with regular cultural relics. Although AOE's thunder move can defeat these big-mouthed bats at once, it will also destroy the treasures here.

Don't blow up the white jade orb by yourself before others take it away.

Well, but if it is a prop from the legendary Pokémon, it shouldn't be so fragile.

"Don't discharge, Roentgen cat...!"

Seeing this, several Miss Junsha around also hurriedly directed their partner Electric Dog not to use moves.

But Zhulan stood there, staring straight ahead with sharp eyes, as if she had a strong aura, and no big-mouthed bat dared to approach it within a radius of two meters.

Of course, it may also be due to the threat of biting land sharks nearby.

"Want to use this strategy..."

Looking at the densely packed big-mouthed bats, Zhulan suddenly threw a poke ball.


A red light flashed, but a familiar keystone fell to the ground, making a heavy sound.

"this is...?"

Seeing something familiar, Xiaozhi blinked his eyes.

The next moment, a cloud of purple mist slowly drifted out from the gap between the keystones, and it continued to rotate like a fan, forming a purple-black ghostly vortex.

Even on the ghost plane, there are clusters of green light spots representing souls, gradually outlining an exaggerated grimacing phantom.

Flower Rock Monster!

"Miss Zhulan also has flower rock monsters?!"

Xiaozhi was startled, and immediately widened his eyes, wondering how Zhulan would use the Huayan monster.

And Zhulan said in a low voice, unhurriedly:

"Flower rock monster, use gravity!!"

The Huayan monster rotated at a faster speed, and an invisible aura instantly spread to the entire hall of the research institute.


thump...! !

In an instant, these large-mouthed bats who cast shadow clones and flew chaotically seemed to have been hit hard, and their figures trembled in the air.

The shadow clone moves disappeared, and the overwhelming bat shadows disappeared instantly.


And as the Huayan Monster exerted its strength again, these dozens of big-mouthed bats seemed to be locked by something, and they fell from the sky in a disorderly manner.

The next scene surprised both Xiaozhi and Miss Junsha.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

But he saw that dozens of big-mouthed bats were completely lying on the ground at this moment, flapping their wings indiscriminately, struggling to take off again.

However, at this moment, the group of big-mouthed bats seemed to have been deprived of the ability to fly. They could only flap their wings on the ground like a rooster, but they couldn't get off the ground at all.

One trick of gravity directly solved the immediate predicament!

"Handsome Gravity!"

This made Xiaozhi couldn't help blurting out, this is simply the perfect coping strategy!

If it was put in the gorgeous contest, just this one hit, the blood bar of the Galaxy team would be lost, right?

"By the way, Huayan Monster knows the trick of gravity...?"

But Xiaozhi was a little confused, his Huayan monster didn't know how to do this.

And he has also seen the gravity move, which seems to be somewhat different from Miss Zhulan's display...?

"Well, this is my own gravity move."

Zhulan seemed to have eyes on the back of her head, noticed the doubt on Xiaozhi's face, and replied calmly.

Just as it was difficult for Prince Bo to master the iron head, Huayan Monster itself is also difficult to master the gravity move.

But Zhulan is constantly training her Huayan monster's oppressive characteristic, so that this characteristic can't help but demand a lot of opponent's physical strength in battle... and even transform it into a "gravity" move.

As long as the opponent's level is lower than his own, then the strong sense of oppression can make him lose the ability to fly in a short time and fall to the ground.

"Is there another way...?"

Xiaozhi took a deep breath, didn't expect that the characteristics could be transformed into skills?

This opened his eyes, and several thoughts popped up in his mind.

It's just that there is no time for him to experiment right now, and Zhulan quickly added a move.

"Bite the land shark, and the quicksand hell will follow!"

A biting land shark nodded in front of the door god, and its inverted fins and arms fell to the ground.


In the next moment, the ground of the entire hall of the institute was transformed into continuously rotating quicksand, tightly entangled all the flightless giant-mouthed bats.

Like a pair of quicksand arms, dragging the bodies of these big-mouthed bats, sinking continuously...

"What a handsome quicksand hell!"

Xiaozhi slapped again.

The quicksand hell that bit the land shark fiercely covered a much larger area than he had seen before!

Worthy of being the champion of the league, any move is amazing!

"From this point of view, Mr. Rice is much worse than Ms. Zhulan..."

This made Xiaozhi couldn't help sighing.

It's all because of the catchphrase that Mingyao kept chanting in his ear all day long, but now Xiaozhi thinks of Master Mi Keli, and blurts out that he has become Teacher Rice.


Just when everyone thought that this group of big-mouthed bats had been completely eliminated, Zhulan's expression changed slightly.


Pikachu shook his ears and seemed to hear a strange sound.

However, this group of big-mouthed bats who were trapped by quicksand and unable to fly, actually moved in unison after hearing this ultrasonic wave.

Suddenly bent one wing and stretched it into his mouth.

The open bloody mouth is like a storage bag, the place where the big-mouthed bat carries props.

But the next moment, I saw these dozens of big-mouthed bats all taking out their carrying items from their big mouths.

It was a powder-blue round bead, about the size of a coconut, translucent and smooth...

"This is?!"

Xiaozhi's eyes widened, and he turned his head to look at the white jade orb on the display stand.

These groups of big-mouthed bats were carrying exactly the same props!

Fake? White jade orb!


With the rise of the next burst of mysterious ultrasonic waves, uuReading Book www.uukanshu.com, this group of big-mouthed bats turned their wings into arms in the sand, and threw their fake white jade orbs violently. go out.

Throw tricks!

call out! ! call out! ! call out! !

The next moment, dozens of pink-blue fake? White jade orbs were thrown to the same position at the same time.

The target was aimed at the most central white jade orb!

"Is this the attention...? Bite the shark and block it!"

Zhulan hurriedly said, her tone quickened a lot.

These orbs are lifeless,

The target was aimed at the most central white jade orb!

"Is this the attention...? Bite the shark and block it!"

Zhulan hurriedly said, her tone quickened a lot.

These orbs are lifeless,

The target was aimed at the most central white jade orb!

"Is this the attention...? Bite the shark and block it!"

Zhulan hurriedly said, her tone quickened a lot.

These orbs are lifeless,

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