He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1794 Another stink bomb!

However, before Xiaoguang could be happy for a long time, he saw a huge figure suddenly covering and falling from the sky, about to completely crush Ye Yibu.

It's Dongshi Mao's Taishan pressure move!

"Get out of the way, Yeeb!"

Xiaoguang's expression changed, and he shouted hastily.

Ye Yibu also didn't dare to be careless, and used all his strength to dodge quickly.

Dong Shi Mao was still a step slower, and his body fell heavily on the empty ground.

Boom! !

However, with the high weight, Mount Tai still made a huge movement when it fell on the ground, and the ground was cracked, making violent vibrations.

If this is crushed under the body, it is estimated that the bones will be crushed!


Ye Yibu blinked his big amber eyes, and panted with lingering fear.

"Yeb, do it again, use Leaf Blade Slash!!"

And Xiaoguang launched an attack again, Ye Yibo quickly regained his composure, leaped up and spun in the air, condensed the Leaf Blade Slash and slashed down again with the heavy axe!

The buddy also put away the gadgets completely, and said with the same serious expression:

"Dongshi cat, use the ultimate shock!!"

After the words fell, the Dongshi cat started to run. The speed was not fast, but it could make the ground follow and stop again and again.

During the process, the whole body was gradually covered with a purple-yellow energy coat.


The energy rotates continuously, turning into a bunch of wide and long spiral shock waves, making Dongshi cat's power reach its peak!

Ultimate Shock! !

Without hindrance, Ye Renzhang slashed heavily from the air in front of the ultimate impact!

Both of these two forces should not be underestimated. The leaf blade slash added by the sword dance broke through the vortex coat with a sharp knife light, and slashed Dong Shimao's face with a heavy blow!

But the energy explosion of the ultimate impact, the astonishing impact force, also completely fell on Ye Yibu's fragile and slender body.

Boom! !

The next moment, the two Ibrahimovic flew out heavily, and were hit hard!

This terrible movement even alarmed Xiao Gang and Zhen Xing who were still fighting fiercely next door, and both of them looked over.

"Hmph, it really is a woman."

"Is the battle so violent...?"

After the words fell, the two people who were already facing each other put their focus completely in front of their eyes again, and the bad frog and the poisonous skeleton frog also condensed their poisonous sting arms one after another, and slammed at each other mercilessly!



Inside the Institute of History.

"Thank you for your hard work, Pokkisi, let's have a good rest..."

After successfully completing the emergency treatment, Zhulan rubbed Pokkisi's head and temporarily put it in the elf ball.

It seems that she underestimated the Galaxy team. No matter what means, she was able to beat her Pokkiss into such a tragic appearance... Zhulan has already put the Galaxy team on the same level as her opponent.

"Red Sun..."

Zhulan stood up and said a name.

Chiri is a philanthropic businessman in the Sinnoh area, somewhat similar to her, especially interested in ancient ruins, myths and legends.

Originally, Zhulan just thought that the other party was a simple businessman, and would not be associated with the dangerous Galaxy team...

Who is the leader of the Galaxy team has always been a mystery.

But according to her recent investigation, the position of the leader is very likely to be this guy who looks like a fanatic relic fan.


Zhulan looked at the sky, it seemed that the attack from the air was temporarily stopped, and then she looked at the boy next to her suspiciously.

The latter raised his head, but closed his eyes and looked at the ceiling, looking very strange.

"Nice job, Scorpio King!"

However, his expression was very excited, and he even slapped him on the spot for no reason, and exclaimed in surprise.

It seemed that the Scorpion King was right in front of him, and Xiao Zhi was directing the battle, and had gained an advantage.

"Is this... telepathic communication?"

The well-informed Zhulan quickly came to the conclusion that Xiaozhi seems to be remotely controlling the Scorpio King to fight?

I didn't expect there to be such a rare and incredible superpower...


However, when everyone's center of gravity was on the sky, they wanted to see what was happening above through the hole in the ceiling.

Da da da! !

At this time, the sound of animals running suddenly came from the position of the gate.

When I took a closer look, I saw a tall and fat tank skunk running in suddenly.


Before everyone could do anything, the purple weasel pouted its butt.

Phew...! !

Without the slightest buffer, a huge stinky fart was released. The yellow-green fuzzy gas spread at an extremely fast speed, and it was about to completely cover the air of the entire indoor building in the blink of an eye!

This is of course the cadre of the Galaxy team - the signature Pokémon of Sui Xing, who is good at smelly smoke when it comes up.

When he ran in just now, the tank skunk was already full of anger.

"Woo Hoo~!"

Unleashing it all at once at the moment made the tank skunk let out a pleasant sound.

"Bite the land shark fiercely, use the dragon claws to break through the smoke! Huayan monster, use the strange wind to blow away!"

Although Bamboo Orchid acted quickly and launched a countermeasure almost immediately, the turbid yellow stench still quickly enveloped the entire museum hall.

A foul smell suddenly hit the nostrils, making Zhulan's complexion turn green, and she pinched her nose.

"Fuck, it's this again?!"

And Xiao Zhi, who was still directing the battle in the remote waveguide, also unconsciously smelled this familiar stench in his nose at this time, and couldn't help but cursed in a low voice.

But almost instantly, Xiaozhi suddenly said:

"It's not so simple this time... Muke Bird, uuread www.uukanshu.com use the defogging move!!"

Being disgusted by this tank skunk time and time again, Xiao Zhi deliberately made sufficient preparations this time.


And the Muke bird who had been staying by the side, seeing that he finally had a chance to make a move, also uttered a high-pitched chirp.

Immediately, the tips of the wings were covered with a layer of faint blue light, and they picked the air in front of them.

call out...!

In an instant, a stream of fresh air dispelled all the foul-smelling smoke in an instant.

In just a few blinks of an eye, the entire museum interior became refreshed and clean again.

"Hmph, do you still want to work this time?!"

Xiaozhi also temporarily put away the waveguide remote command, crossed his hips, and looked at the tank skunk triumphantly.

Whether it is the wind pressure formed by biting the land shark move, or any strange wind, it can't dispel this stench and poisonous gas very well.

But the move of Defog has a natural restraint effect, which can dispel it completely in an instant!

Thinking that this time he was going against the Galaxy team, Xiaozhi deliberately found out the video of himself using defogging in the past, so that Muke Bird could learn from it.

The move of defogging originally originated from the Sinnoh area.

As a Sinnoh family bird whose roots are in full bloom, Muke Bird has mastered this move very quickly!

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