He knows Pokémon better than me

Chapter 1795 Shadow Sneak Attack, Night Demon!


Seeing the turbid yellow poisonous gas around it disappear in an instant, and he was forced to show his complete posture, the tank skunk suddenly panicked.

This is not according to the script!

Any opponent in the past would be thrown into chaos by this move of his, and the stench and mist would gradually dissipate after a long period of torture.

This time, it didn't even stabilize for 10 seconds, and just disappeared? !

"Hmph, you don't want to run away this time... Muke Bird, use Brave Bird to attack!!"

Xiaozhi even pointed his finger at the target and shouted loudly.


The Muke bird fluttered its wings, and its whole body was instantly covered with a fiery red energy coat, as if it was on fire, and then swooped down to the target!

During the rapid flight, the color of the flame turned into dark blue, which made the Muke's aura surge again!

This was the fierce attack of the brave bird taught by Shinji's brother, Leisi, in Veil City at that time.

However, the blue energy coat on the edge of Muke's body was faintly flickering, and it hadn't fully stabilized. It was obvious that he hadn't fully mastered this move.

"Wood drink!!"

However, the tank skunk quickly stabilized, took a step forward, and ran in the same direction as the Muke.

Based on the special energy contained in the Veil City meteorite, Team Galactic developed a supersonic wave that can remotely affect Pokémon.

Using this technology, Sui Xing can even reproduce the effect of the power of the waveguide, and issue commands to the tank skunk remotely.


The next moment, the whole body of the tank skunk was covered with a yellow-purple spiral halo, which turned into a huge energy shock wave...

Ultimate Shock! !

Boom! !

The ultimate impact collided head-on with the brave bird's onslaught, and the strong force collided, causing the ground to vibrate again and again.

call out...!

Soon, the Muke bird dissipated the blue light, and his figure retreated in the air, and an anti-injury arc appeared on the surface.

The tank skunk stood in place, only taking a few steps back.

Obviously, in this confrontation, Muke Bird suffered a disadvantage.

Sui Xing's tank skunk is not low in level, and the Muke bird has not fully mastered the brave bird's fierce attack move, so it is at a disadvantage in terms of strength.

"Bite the land shark fiercely, use tile splitting!!"

However, Zhulan spoke softly.

Bite the land shark fiercely kick the ground and charge away!

call out...!

With extremely crisp and neat movements, the body shape is even closer to the ground, and it performs a low-altitude rapid glide, and the body shape turns into a black and blue afterimage.

Before the tank skunk could react, Bite Lusha stretched out his arm, and the spikes at the front were even more dazzling white.

Hush! !

Chopping tiles and stabbing, right in the face of the tank skunk!

Even though the latter had an extremely thick weight, he still flew out backwards under the blow of biting Lu Shark fiercely.


Even Biting Land Shark deliberately chose a direction without cultural relics, so that the tank skunk hit the wall hard, penetrated the wall, and fell down.


Among the countless gravel and dust, the tank skunk let out a wailing sound very simply,

I couldn't afford to fall to the ground on the spot, and I couldn't fight.

Split tiles, kill in one hit!

Even Xiaozhi was secretly startled when he saw it. This biting land shark is by no means an existence that can compete with the group of Pokémon he newly cultivated in the Sinnoh area in a short period of time...

"If I want to defeat Miss Zhulan, I must send some reinforcements."

Xiaozhi thought in his heart that he had to go all out in the face of this biting land shark, otherwise he would be the only one who lost.


The tank skunk was easily dealt with, and the situation seemed to be quiet again.

"Not to attack?"

Although commanding the Mukebird to fight from below, Xiaozhi also focused his attention on the battlefield above with the power of waveguide.


The Scorpion King in the sky fully spread its gliding wings at this moment. Although it was at a high altitude where the air flow was strong, it was not affected in any way, and it was still suspended steadily.

On the opposite side, the big nose facing north, the big red nose magnet on the face at this moment, has also been re-aligned and can be suspended stably.

Without Xiaozhi's long-distance command, the Scorpio King was a little wary and didn't dare to rush up and launch an attack.


As for Chiri on the plane, he had already sat back in his seat at this moment, and was still tinkering with an ultrasonic device in his hand.

"Let's do it, Night Demon."

After a while, Chi Ri spoke slowly.

Far below, inside the research institute.

Everyone was still wondering what to do next, and Pikachu also held the white jade orb and stood in the last position of the crowd to watch the show.

He didn't even realize that the shadow behind him was getting thicker and bigger...


Huayan Monster was the first to react. It is also a ghost-type Pokémon, and it is the most sensitive to the perception of this kind of different space fluctuations.

Zhulan turned her head subconsciously, looking in the direction indicated by the Huayan monster.

But seeing Pikachu's small body, the shadow behind him has swelled into a giant figure!

It even stood up completely, gradually changing from a two-dimensional plane on the ground to a three-dimensional space.


Noticing Zhulan's expression, holding the bead bigger than its head, Pikachu turned his head in a daze.

In the eyes, there is a shadow like a hill, covering him with almost zero distance.

This is a Cyclops, a huge black and gray body covered with golden patterns, with two thick arms, it looks full of momentum. uu Reading www.uukanshu.com

The lower body is completely in the form of a ghost, floating in the air.

There are horizontal bars that turn outwards on the neck, and the face has no facial features, only a single red eye floating in the dark shadow...

Night Demon!

Before Pikachu could react, the Night Demon stretched out his huge palm and punched Pikachu head-on.

Whoosh! !

The perfect timing of the action made it impossible for Pikachu to dodge for a while, and there was a burning pain on his face.

Following the force, the Night Demon's other big hand snatched the white jade orb from Pikachu's arms, and took it into his arms.

This is the night demon's thief move, forcibly taking away Pikachu's props!

"Who is this Pokémon?!"

The Pokémon that suddenly jumped out of the shadow, even Xiaozhi's waveguide perception didn't have insight, looked at the one-eyed giant in surprise.

"Didi. The night demon, ghost attribute, the evolution of the wandering night spirit. The night demon travels between this world and the afterlife. It will use the antenna on its head to receive radio waves from the spirit world. Legend has it that it will even send souls with nowhere to go. Inhaled into the body, forcibly taken to another world. Loto~!"

The illustrated book automatically suggested that the introduction was somewhat creepy.

"So this time is the new evolution of the wandering night spirit?"

But Xiaozhi's focus is on this, which seems to be another new evolutionary method in the Sinnoh region.

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